Showing posts with label Access all areas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Access all areas. Show all posts

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Doors (4)

A Double Take - In Every Sense

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

I couldn't resist posting this rare shot in my Thursday series on doors from around the world.

I owe this shot to Grant, whose surname I won’t mention for obvious reasons. He’s a great bloke, with a wonderful eye for anything that is out of the ordinary. And yes, he is related to me.

We flew to Western Australia recently and while we were at a wedding reception at the Moores Building Contemporary Art Gallery in Fremantle, I was in the minority as I sipped iced water while Grant was, er, in the majority, sipping drinks that were a bit more potent.

Halfway through the reception, he insisted that I grab my camera and follow him to shoot this sign on a door beside the men’s and ladies’ toilets. So I took Mrs Authorblog's leave and followed Grant. He showed me this sign with a theatrical flourish that a ringmaster would have been proud of.

But neither he (on his way along the path to merry inebriation and some great dance moves) nor I (stone cold sober) could figure out exactly what it means.

Let’s not go there. Literally and metaphorically.

For earlier posts in this series, see The Doors Archive.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Access All Areas

Cool Sight On A Hot Summer Evening

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

This shot was taken in Fremantle, the beautiful port city in Western Australia, last week. It was a scorching hot summer evening with the sun still high in the sky and at least another four hours until dusk.

We had just parked the car in Henry Street and were about to walk across the park to slake our thirst when I spotted this doorway. There as no sign to hint at what it was, but I was just captivated by the weather-beaten effect and the pastel shades, as well as the balls that were clearly visible through the right-hand window.

I was also attracted to the sight because the concrete facade had a vertical crack and one of the exterior lights was skew-whiff. It was an architectural reminder of our very own human frailties.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Access All Areas

In India, All Kinds Of Doors Open For You

Central Calcutta, October 2006.
Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON