Debby M, Holly and Nancy have tagged me. I'm supposed to tell you 7 random facts about me, and then turn around and tag some other girlfriends.
I should be packing, but I am the QUEEN PROCRASTINATOR so I sit here and am thinking about making a card for tomorrow's Belli Challenge but not feeling very inspired.
So while I procrastinate..... here's what I can think of at the moment:
1. I LOVE to read! I am currently reading 4 books and doing 3 Bible Studies. The books I am reading are:
a. Eat, Pray and Love by Elizabeth Gilbert - not really a book I would normally read but a girlfriend asked me to read it with her and I wanted to see what it was about.
b. Heaven, by Randy Alcorn
c. The Shack, by William P. Young
d. Don't Sing Songs to a Heavy Heart, by Kenneth C Haugk, Ph. D.
Bible Studies I am doing:
a. Daniel, By Beth Moore - this is an online study with a video series I am doing this with my 16 yo dd- EXCELLENT!
b. Created to be His Helpmeet By Debbie Pearl - I am doing this with some close friends
c. Luke by Kay Arthur - my dh and I are doing this one with our small group
2. I am a hair dresser/ cosmetologist by trade. I worked various office jobs and decided to stay home with my children to Homeschool them 11 years ago.
3. I played the saxophone for many years and love to sing. But do not do that well!
4. When I was a kid, I always used to say 3 NEVERS... I would NEVER marry a red head (I did.), I would NEVER have any children (I have 4 beautiful children), and I would NEVER drive a station wagon or a mini van (I do not drive a station wagon but I do drive a mini van.) I would tell my sister when I was in my early 20's that she looked like a camp director with all the kids in her mini van and she should have a whistle around her neck.
5. I LOVE to laugh and the weirdest things ALWAYS happen to me. I am so looking forward to going on this scrapbooking retreat! My mom, my friend Shelly and several other good friends get together and go and we laugh SO hard our faces hurt. I need Sunday to come, so my cheeks and my face can stop hurting from laughing so much.
6. I LOVE to draw and doodle. I think that is where my love of stamping comes in. In my mind, on my layer is never enough. ***giggle*** More is always BETTER.
7. I have a golden retreiver dog, Rusty, 2 cats, Sheba and Bouncer, 3 frogs (not mine, my children's but I end up feeding them), we had 2 snails until the frogs ate them a few weeks ago and one fish because all of our other fish died during the great fish tank fiasco.....another story for another day! :)
Now for the rules and who I am tagging.
The rules: Link to your tagger and post these 3 rules on your blog. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. Well, I'm just going to tag 3 gals, so I am tagging:
Laurie SerinoDanitaShelly K