Showing posts with label Zines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zines. Show all posts

Monday, December 21, 2020

More actual play of the Kobolds' Art Exhibition

There is a new actual play of my zine The Kobolds' Art Exhibition on Seed of Worlds.

This time the group ventured in the paintings! I am so glad they did, I was hoping to see how people would handle that part of the zine. Making the paint dry and using it as a timer is clever, I like it. It is so nice to see people play with my zines. 


I wish my zines were still availlable in print but honestly I don't know how to handle them since LuLu updated. I feel like I should do a re-edition but it would take a lot of work and I prefer to spend the few creative energy I have these days to work on my current projects. I guess that I could work with a editor but I don't know how I feel about that since all my zines include contributions from other people. 

(photo from Seed of Worlds)

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Presentation of my Doodles City zine

I crafted a experimental zine, each copy of the zine represent a city block. Each layer have different descriptors that you can select to make each block unique. You can open the zine on the side to gain access to random encounters.

1) Download the files.
2) Print in letter format with no margins (full page).
3) Print the second page on the verso.
4) Fold in 8
5) Cut the inside slit
6) Fold and assemble the zine.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Hammer Goat 8 pages mini zine

I published a 8 pages mini zine on itchio but I disabled my projects because I lost too much revenues selling stuff on 
If you are supporting me on Patreon I posted a free version there (I will also put the files in my PDF zines folder linked on my blog sidebar)  
I hope to do more of these as I can craft them in one day. 

The zine is a Black Hack update of my old blog post about hammers wielding goats. 

Monday, May 27, 2019

Keyed version of the map from Lacustres.

I was thinking of doing a more gameable version of Lacustres but I never finished it. I am sharing you what I wrote, in case that you would like to use it with the zine. (there is also a free PDF version in my side links)

The Lake
  1. Abandoned Hunting Lodge, cursed trophies, one random recipe.
  2. Quiet River, encounters are more peacefuls, strong current. 
  3. Birds Island, lair of small birds and the elder bird (+2HD).
  4. Shallow Beach, a bit more chances of making random encounters.
  5. Dark Forest, nearly no sunlight, encounter are more creepy.
  6. Gentle Whirlpool, lost rowboat with a bird nest in it, baby bird can be kept as pet.
  7. Algae Forest, lots of tiny fishes hiding among the algaes, good for aquatic ambushes.
  8. Dead Forest, giant insects (+1HD).
  9. Old Daddy or Mommy, roll a d12 on the random encounter table, this monster is unique, old and very wise (+2HD).
  10. Tombstone Island, lonely 2HD undeads and a forgotten treasure.
  11. Algae Island, sentient algae colony, guard a shipwreck for sentimental reasons.
  12. Cattail Beach, tasty cattail, heal 1d4 HP when used to prepare food.
  13. Hag Cave, recipes book contain 4 recipes, d6 cursed talking skulls.
  14. River Dam, made by a random monster (roll d12 on encounter table).
  15. Islands Delta, long poles with trinkets, some are protection charms.
  16. Fisherwomen Family, all women, husband was transformed by the Hag into a monster.
  17. Forbidden River, haunted (charms from #15 protects against ghosts)
  18. Bushes, eerie wind chimes, tiny people and a cursed giant badger.
  19. South River, giant storks (+1HD)
  20. Swamp Tree, strange fruits that give visions and may have other side effects.
  21. Haunted Mountain, old ogre hermit who make ghost sounds to scare people away.
  22. Grass Beach, good hiding place, old crab who weave baskets and put shells in them.
  23. Beached monster, larger specimen (+1HD) roll a d12 on the random encounter table.
  24. Good Fishing Spot, gain advantage when fishing here, fisherwomen from area 16 sometimes fish here.
  25. Moles Hills, crafty giant moles hunt nasty but tasty evil worms.
  26. Lake Weather, roll a random weather that affect the whole lake for d6 days.
  27. Lost Dog, a big friendly dog (3HD) guard the remains of his old master.
  28. Buried Treasure, multiple exploratory holes awakened something that burrow.
  29. Poachers Trail, bandits who hunt lake monsters to sell their body parts.
  30. Burrows Hills, complex network of abandoned burrows big enough to crawl through them while walking on all fours.
Aquatic or shore encounters (d20) 
1 to 12. Lake monsters (in page order)
13. Fishes and mollusks
14. Amphibians and crustaceans
15. Birds
16. Mammals
17. Insects
18. Special algae
19. Wreckage or carcass
20. Lonely fisherman (or ghost)

Land Encounters (d10)
1. Mollusks or snails
2. Amphibians and crustaceans
3. Birds
4. Mammals
5. Insects
6. Special flora
7. Abandoned camp or trash
8. Group of bandits (d6)
9. Hunter or woman gathering herbs
10. Lonely traveler (or ghost)

Lake weather (d10) last d6 days.
  1. Soft rain and distant thunder
  2. Heavy rain and close thunder
  3. Hail (last d6 hours only)
  4. Fireflies or whispering will-o-the-wisps (last d6 hours only)
  5. Small lightning balls slowly drifting over the water (last d6 hours only)
  6. Muddy or troubled water, some dead fishes and debris, things are too quiet...
  7. Faery fires and wind chimes or tiny bells (last d6 hours only)
  8. Light breeze and soft waves (lots of birds)
  9. Windy with big waves
  10. Sunny and calm, clear water (but lots of bugs)

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

PDF versions of my zines

I have put all of my "old" zines in a sharable folder, this include some extra stuff like the doodles map.
(The link is also listed on my blog's navigation bar on the right)

The only thing missing are my zines printed in colors that I may still sale in PDF forms: Paper Biome, Doodles Temple and The Doodles Factory in the Skies.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Cosmic Crawl Zine

This is a other G+ community project, I drew a cosmic crawl map and people on G+ wrote descriptions for it different locations. I compiled everything and wrote random tables for each entries.

Also since my Patreon reached one if it objective I was able to put more time into the zine and draw additional illustrations! :)

When we filled the map I was really unsure if it would end up giving something gameable or not.
I am looking forward reading your feedbacks about the whole thing as I am very curious of what people will think of it.

Free PDF version:

Print version on LULU (better wait for the free shipping coupon to be active):

(I also uploaded a printable version of the Doodle Maps on Lulu)

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Slime Pit, work in progress

I am working on a small zine build with illustrations I did when I was sick earlier in August.

Monday, June 18, 2018

I made a new zine: The Kobolds' Exhibition!

Bookship18 is still active until midnight and I finished my kobolds zine:

You can get the PDF on LULU or on Gumroad:
(If you contributed to the zine, check out first on G+)

I want to try to make a "print at home" PDF to put on Gumroad, but I will try to do it a few days (I need a break from this project). :)

The 32 pages zine present a tribe of kobolds who move from dungeon to dungeon in search of artworks to collect.

>The art collector, the exhibition,
>the kobolds (their roles and how they collect artworks),
>a d100 artworks random table,
>art forgeries,
>artworks enchantments,
>how to dungeon delve into artwork,
>tables to generate a artwork point-crawl,
>a list of 30 kobolds troubles to solve.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Spinetooth Oasis actual play

First session of running the Spinetooth Oasis with the Black Hack.

We used the Fabulous Tiny Guild mini-zines to create the characters, this worked very well as the tiny illustration inspire the players but at the same time they are simple enough that you can interpret them in different ways. They kind of work like canvas.

The group:

The setup was that the player characters were the henchmen of the Wizard and now that he is dead they have to work for themselves and become full fledged adventurers. But after a while I realized that since the Black Hack award levels for completing quests or something that I had to give them goals. So we modified the setup a bit. The players are now in charge executing the will of the Wizard and to bestow the items from it inheritance. So instead of delving to find loot, they delve to deliver loot!

The first item to bestow was a frog bottle of transmutation to the Cactus Mother.

  • They met some owl faced cultists and learned about their vendetta against the city state of Zar Naf.
  • They walked through the purple grass and avoided a group of lost soldiers from Zar Naf. 
  • They picked up some narcotic cactus flowers. 
  • They encountered the succulent owl bear and pointed him toward the soldiers.
  • A halfling kid shoot someone in the head with a sling shot and vanished in the cactus bushes. 
  • They encountered a group of sisters of filth who stole cactus flower from the Reboo's gang. 

Session 02

There was no fights, but there was a lot of fun interactions.
  • The group evaded goons from the Reebo's while hiding in the cactus grooves. 
  • They met with the Cactus Mother who revealed that the old Wizard was once her apprentice. 
  • They gave her share of the wizard's inheritance: a bottle of transmutation liquor. 
  • She made one of the PC her champion and transformed him into a giant jade spider. She gave them the quest of awakening the statue of the Succulent Goddess.
  • The group ventured in the caves and traded with the succulent guardian. 
  • Someone tasted the nutritive poop and said it tasted like caramel pudding. :P 
  • The group was ambushed by succulent spiders but the jade spider PC was able to recruit them. 
  • They awakened the Succulent Goddess and convinced the owl cultist that her people must help the goddess to protect the oasis instead of desiring vengeance over the city people. 
  • The goddess transmuted back the PC. 
  • Everyone leveled up to level 2. 

The next item on the list is a set of garden gnomes that must be delivered to Reebo Carubo!

I think that the cactus caves could have used a few more rooms to explore, but it would have been probably a bit different if the succulent creatures were not friendly to them.

I like the Black Hack but I think that I don't like awarding levels for quests because it short-circuit the exploration as the group only focus on accomplishing their goal. I prefer exploration oriented award but I am also curious about the option of awarding a level each session presented in the Black Hack book. I want to see what happen when the players don't have to worry about doing specific things to level up.

Since we rarely have the occasion to play, I think that I will use this option and award a level every session. This way if we play up to level 09, this will give us a 9 sessions campaign. Considering that we play maybe once a month, this give us reasonable campaign length and pacing.

To avoid the feeling that the whole campaign is a accelerated 9 days leveling up, I will run it as a episodic campaign, a month passing by between each session. This will also let me re-setup the seting a bit to underline the consequence of the player character's actions.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Decks of many things!

I have now two decks of cards available on DriveThruCards

The Fabulous Tiny Guild: 

A deck made with 130 characters I drew for my mini-zines.

If you want to print some tiny character sheets to go with the cards, you can find the PDF file there.

The Wizard's Inheritance:

A deck of 101 whimsical magical items made with the illustrations from the Wizard's Inheritance zine.

Friday, March 30, 2018

The Fabulous Pocket Guild mini zine is availlable!

I used my tiny adventurers drawings to create a mini zine as a reward for my patrons on Patreon.
I want to eventually compile all the characters together into a pocket book on LULU.

I drew a collection of 120 tiny adventurers, each zine include a random selection of 15 tiny adventurers with 15 tiny character sheets. The way I imagined them to be used is that each zine is a guild or a stable of 15 characters. The players use their zine to create their character and they can switch between characters between session or in town. The zines are 34 pages long (including cover & back cover)

Monday, March 12, 2018

Paper Biome is Available!

Paper Biome is on LULU!

I made several versions because Print on Demand let us easily do that:
  • Paper Biome Full version (print, include everything, 161 color pages) 50$
  • Miniatures Only (print, only the miniatures, no tiles, no generator) 35$
  • Generator Only (generator & sheets only, no miniatures or tiles) 25$
  • PDF Paper Biome (full version) 12$ 

(This is in Canadian dollars)

I designed the generator to work with the paper miniatures but I guess you can still use it without the miniatures, except that you will only have the miniatures portraits to represent the creatures. This is really a kit to cut up and glue.

You better wait the next free shipping coupon to order.

Friday, January 5, 2018


I will craft some mini zines for my patrons on Patreon.

I have no tiers for my Patreon so everyone who support me can get one.

Note that this is not a automatic reward: I post the zines only to those who manifest in the comments or by personal message when I notify my patrons that I have some zines to post.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Beware of the Void Beaver!

I did a series of illustrations for Jennifer E. who is working on a PDF compiling a one page dungeon collectively created on G+

Monday, October 16, 2017

Chromatic Soup 02

Chromatic Soup 02 edited & assembled by Brian Richmond:

I have a minor role in this one because at the time I was too busy with a big commission so Brian took the helm and piloted this issue. He made a very good soup and I contributed a dozen illustration to the potage.

"A second helping of Chromatic Soup, this time with an Applachian Autumnal Americana vibe. Designed for use with OSR rulings, specifically Labyrinth Lord, but easily converted to any system of note you might be using. Within: The Hobo, a character class of wandering wastrels. An alternative Halfling culture built around rousing the hue-and-cry. Tragic cicada-men who will succumb to bestial instincts in time. Crystalline serpents, a town of wandering miscreants, and devils who fell their way to earth and are looking to make a deal. Additionally; a gaggle of random generator charts for food, soups (pocket and otherwise), mementos of a previous life lived, strange deals, and a good many random encounters fleshed out to give a sense of place while wandering this western autumnal wilderlands."

You can also check out the free pdf version: - Chromatic Soup 02 PDF - With Cover.pdf

Many thanks to everybody who contributed, especially Brian who saved this issue. :)

I will be back at the helm for issue 03 but I dont know yet when I will re-open the kitchen.

Brian made some links between issue 02 and the first one, so maybe we will assume this and continue to explore the setting that is emerging to flesh out the lands of the north in Soup 03.

Oh and also Soup 02 is a super good setting to run the Spinetooth Oasis.

EDIT: also check this out if you play with hobos:

Sunday, September 17, 2017

RND Zine

I donated some artwork for Chris Stieha's RND zine. Some of them will probably make it into the next issue. You can check out the past issues over there: 
The zine is mostly about randomizing things to feed adventures. 
Here is some samples:

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Un Fruit Bizarre

I uploaded on Lulu a 64 pages art compilation book featuring some of my work from 2006-2008. This includes around 40 pages of sequential art (wordless comics so everyone can read them ;). The illustrations are mostly about my personal feelings at the time (some transgender stuff, but also beautiful strange illustrations that I like).

Monday, July 17, 2017

Spinetooth Oasis

I have assembled a Oasis dungeon that we did collectively on Google+

The Spinetooth Oasis

Thanks to everyone who have participated! 

I have uploaded the print version on LULU:

Also the link to the free PDF version:

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Moon Jungle Map

For the next issue of the Dungeon Lord zine: