Chromatic Soup 02 edited & assembled by Brian Richmond:
I have a minor role in this one because at the time I was too busy with a big commission so Brian took the helm and piloted this issue. He made a very good soup and I contributed a dozen illustration to the potage.
"A second helping of Chromatic Soup, this time with an Applachian Autumnal Americana vibe. Designed for use with OSR rulings, specifically Labyrinth Lord, but easily converted to any system of note you might be using. Within: The Hobo, a character class of wandering wastrels. An alternative Halfling culture built around rousing the hue-and-cry. Tragic cicada-men who will succumb to bestial instincts in time. Crystalline serpents, a town of wandering miscreants, and devils who fell their way to earth and are looking to make a deal. Additionally; a gaggle of random generator charts for food, soups (pocket and otherwise), mementos of a previous life lived, strange deals, and a good many random encounters fleshed out to give a sense of place while wandering this western autumnal wilderlands."
You can also check out the free pdf version: - Chromatic Soup 02 PDF - With Cover.pdf
Many thanks to everybody who contributed, especially Brian who saved this issue. :)
I will be back at the helm for issue 03 but I dont know yet when I will re-open the kitchen.
Brian made some links between issue 02 and the first one, so maybe we will assume this and continue to explore the setting that is emerging to flesh out the lands of the north in Soup 03.
Oh and also Soup 02 is a super good setting to run the Spinetooth Oasis.
EDIT: also check this out if you play with hobos:
Fantastic. I want a giant book of this stuff to start a campaign with.
Lulu conveniently has a free shipping deal right now, so ordered. I love the picture of the cicada-man politely doffing its hat, as well as the goat rider.
In regards to hobos, I can't tell if this is connected or just a coincidence:
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