HD: d6
To hit: as fighter
Saves: as fighter
XP: as fighter
Weapons: beak helmets and talons attachments.
Armor: any except shields
Growing larger
As the hen level up and gain more HD she grow larger.
LV 1: beak and talons damage do 1 dmg (chicken size)
LV 3: beak and talons damage step to 1d4 (large dog size)
LV 5: beak and talons damage step to 1d6 (ostrich size)
LV 7: beak and talons damage step to 1d8 (chocobo size)
LV 9: beak and talons damage step to 1d10 (terror bird size)
Beak helmet or talons attachments step up the damage die by one size.
Limited flight
Limited flight
The hen can use her limited flight and talons to easily climb on nearly anything by making a DEX test at +2.
While wearing non metal armor the hen can float on water like a duck.
Lay magical eggs
Once per session the hen can lay a egg that have the effect of a random magical potion. To lay the egg the hen must rest while her hp are full. The magical properties of the egg only work if the hen gift the egg to someone.
Once per session the hen can lay a egg that have the effect of a random magical potion. To lay the egg the hen must rest while her hp are full. The magical properties of the egg only work if the hen gift the egg to someone.