Thursday, September 7, 2017

New Blog and a coming out.

So some days ago I made my coming out as a trans women on G+ but I just realized that some readers of my blog dont follow me on G+, so I decided to post a quick update here. :3

This is not a new thing for me,  I was presenting myself as a woman back in 2006-2008 when I was blogging illustrations and comic strips. But I had a big break down and I went back in the closet for a long time, now I have decided to stop hiding and to reclaim my past. Now I go by the name of Evlyn.

(me in 2008)

Anyway, if you want to read about it and to follow me as my true self on G+ follow this link:


Also! I have started a new collective blog about making paper miniatures biomes!
You can check this out there:

I am not abandonning the Chromatic Cauldron but I want to focus back on drawing comic books and I am working on two print on demand compilations of the work I did in 2006-2008.

After that I want to try to submit a comic book project to a local editor.

I feel so much better since my coming out and I am drawing non-stop, so other projects are also on the go.

Oh yes I forgot! Following my friends advices I relaunched a Patreon page. This is simply a tip jar linked to no project, but I often post random drawings over there. You can support me if you feel like. Anyway, this is just a thing that exist:


Logan said...

Concrats to the comming out, Evlyn!
And please, do not abandonning The Chromatic Cauldron! It's still one of my most favorite blog.

Some weeks ago I met some world building friends and I showed them The Chromatic Cauldron and the response was amazing! And we did a little game inspiried by your art.

I hope I will have the chance to scan my results...

Fungi Fetishist said...

Congrats! Hope that you continue to feel much better! And though I understand if this blog falls on the wayside I definitely hope it is not abandoned because your drawings are definitely some of my all time favorites. (Maybe that just means I have to find your comic books!)

Evlyn said...

Thanks for the comments! I will add more stuff into the cauldron. :)

Logan said...

YAY! :D <3