and we escaped the ice, just getting pretty steady rain all day yesterday. This morning it is foggy with 48 degrees. Tomorrow is to be mid 60s with thunderstorms and then another cold front comes through.
I am so glad the days are inching closer to spring. Friday will be the 1st day of February. I have always thought that January was the hardest winter month to get through. Actually pretty depressing.
I am still looking at old photos. This is a photo of my mom’s family. That is my grandfather and grandmother in the front row. My mother is standing on the far right. My mother had 7 siblings. One of them is missing from this picture. If my cousin Audrey in Michigan is reading this will you please let me know who is missing from the picture.
I need to get off here and get busy, also go check my car out. It made some funny noise when I started it yesterday. I am tired of putting money in my car but I only have 85,000 miles on it and I have to leave my car sit outside in the elements. For that reason I hate to buy a new car.
Have a good week all of you! Stay safe and be happy!!