to my sis in WV. The schools are closed there this morning as so many of the kids live in the hills that it is impossible for the buses to run. There is also a lot of snow in the mountains. Charleston WV is without power and my nephew who is an attorney at the capitol building is home today. Thankfully there is no snow here but the winds are to to be sustained at 30 –35 MPH this afternoon. My thoughts and prayers are with all of those on the east coast affected by the hurricane.
Associated Press Photo (sea wall near Scituate Massachusetts)
I am getting ready today to clean out my CD collection and take them to Goodwill. I have hundreds of CDs. I will keep George Jones and Willie Nelson and a choice few. The rest will go. Perhaps I will have a giveaway here from my blog. Just become a follower and comment stating that you would like to be entered in the CD giveaway package of 6 CDS. I love all kinds of music so I have some of everything. Just let me know if you are interested and I will make it happen. If no interest then Goodwill will be the recipient.
I hope you all have a great day. Stay safe and be happy!