despite the unrelenting heat. At this very moment after having checked with my weather scanner, it is 97 degrees and the heat index is 116. The air conditioner keeps running non stop.
I have been busy sorting through old pictures, desperately searching for one particular photo. I have sorted through hundreds of photos, putting lots in the computer, via my new scanner. I have sorted in piles, one for my daughter, one for my niece, one for throwaway and an enormous pile for final sorting. I have to check with my son and see if he wants any of these. Why oh why, did I think I needed 2 copies of every photo I ever took? Still no luck with finding the one pic I have been searching for. I did find this pic of me taken when I was 5 years old.
You may click to enlarge if you would like to print this off to use for target practice.
Otherwise I haven’t done tiddley poop today. The furniture is unwaxed, the sweeper not run, the dishes not done. Told you all, I have been knee deep in old photos. Besides taking time out to fix me a hamburger for lunch (which was very unsatisfactory by the way, having been eaten on stale bread). Plus you all know my motto, who’s gonna care 100 years from now.
Staying put, waiting impatiently for it to cool down.