The Pet Scan went well. What should have been a two hour event turned into a 4 hour event because of an emergency.
I finally was taken into a room where the technician took my blood sugar. It was 87. You can’t have the test unless your blood sugar reading is between 60 and 250. Next came a shot of radioactive sugar through an IV. Then I was told to rest flat on my back in a recliner for 1 hour. I was nervous before I went in the room but as I lay there thinking of my family and my friends and the prayers I suddenly became calm. I could feel the presence of God on my right side and Jim on my left side. Whatever the results are of the test I know that I will be strong enough to handle it. Thank you all so much for the prayers and kind thoughts. They are such a comfort to me.
I am doing laundry this morning. It is cloudy at 59 degrees and there is rain all around us in the western part of the state. We have a 40% chance. After I finish the laundry I need to make a store run. I am out of bananas and a few other things.
I hope you all have a blessed day. Stay safe and be happy!