Cerca de 21 anos depois do desastre do Exxon Valdez, o balanço feito (obrigado José M. Sousa pelo link, que é um dos que eu tinha indicado como úteis para a discussão dos efeitos dos derrames de petróleo) é o seguinte:
Recovering: Recovering resources are demonstrating substantive progress toward recovery objectives, but are still adversely affected by residual impacts of the spill or are currently being exposed to lingering oil. The amount of progress and time needed to attain full recovery varies depending on the species.
Barrow's Goldeneyes
Black Oystercatchers
Designated Wilderness Areas
Harlequin Ducks
Intertidal Communities
Killer Whales
Sea Otters
Not Recovering: Resources that are Not Recovering continue to show little or no clear improvement from injuries stemming from the oil spill. Recovery objectives have not been met.
Pacific Herring
Pigeon Guillemots
Human Services: Human services that rely on natural resources were also injured by the oil spill and can thus be placed in one of the above categories. Because the recovery status of injured services is inextricably linked to the state of the resource on which it depends, full recovery of the spill area cannot occur until both resources and services are restored.
Commercial Fishing
Passive Use
Recreation and Tourism
Very Likely Recovered: While there has been limited scientific research on the recovery status of these resources in recent years, prior studies suggest that there had been substantial progress toward recovery in the decade following the spill. In addition so much time has passed since any indications of some spill injury, including exposure to oil, it is unlikely that there are any residual effects of the spill.
Cutthroat Trout
Subtidal Communities
Recovered: Recovery objectives have been met, and the current condition of the resource is not related to residual effects of the oil spill.
Archaeological Resources
Bald Eagles
Common Loons
Common Murres
Dolly Varden
Harbor Seals
Pink Salmon
River Otters
Sockeye Salmon
Recovery Unknown: For resources in the unknown category, data on life history or the extent of injury from the spill is limited. Moreover, given the length of time since the spill, it is unclear if new or further research will provide information that will help in comprehensively assessing the original injury or determining the residual effects of the spill such that a better evaluation of recovery can occur.
Kittlitz's Murrelets
Marbled Murrelets
Barrow's Goldeneyes
Black Oystercatchers
Designated Wilderness Areas
Harlequin Ducks
Intertidal Communities
Killer Whales
Sea Otters
Not Recovering: Resources that are Not Recovering continue to show little or no clear improvement from injuries stemming from the oil spill. Recovery objectives have not been met.
Pacific Herring
Pigeon Guillemots
Human Services: Human services that rely on natural resources were also injured by the oil spill and can thus be placed in one of the above categories. Because the recovery status of injured services is inextricably linked to the state of the resource on which it depends, full recovery of the spill area cannot occur until both resources and services are restored.
Commercial Fishing
Passive Use
Recreation and Tourism
Very Likely Recovered: While there has been limited scientific research on the recovery status of these resources in recent years, prior studies suggest that there had been substantial progress toward recovery in the decade following the spill. In addition so much time has passed since any indications of some spill injury, including exposure to oil, it is unlikely that there are any residual effects of the spill.
Cutthroat Trout
Subtidal Communities
Recovered: Recovery objectives have been met, and the current condition of the resource is not related to residual effects of the oil spill.
Archaeological Resources
Bald Eagles
Common Loons
Common Murres
Dolly Varden
Harbor Seals
Pink Salmon
River Otters
Sockeye Salmon
Recovery Unknown: For resources in the unknown category, data on life history or the extent of injury from the spill is limited. Moreover, given the length of time since the spill, it is unclear if new or further research will provide information that will help in comprehensively assessing the original injury or determining the residual effects of the spill such that a better evaluation of recovery can occur.
Kittlitz's Murrelets
Marbled Murrelets
Discutir com este tipo de informação é muito diferente de discutir como se um derrame de petróleo fosse o fim do mundo.
É um desastre, em grande parte recuperável.
Comparar os efeitos de um derrame de larga escala ao fim de vinte anos com outras ameaças ambientais (por exemplo, os efeitos do desastre de Chernobyll) é um exercício muito útil.
Adoptar o princípio do poluidor pagador também é um princípio muito saudável.
Avaliar o que resulta da assumpção de riscos razoáveis ou o que resulta de negligência é muito conveniente.
Confundir as actividades legais de empresas que produzem serviços e bens que o mercado pede com actividades ilegítimas, imorais, criminosas e etc., é simplesmente confundir a nuvem com Juno.
henrique pereira dos santos