Life in the Slow Lane: Storytelling Sunday
Showing posts with label Storytelling Sunday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Storytelling Sunday. Show all posts

Sunday, 3 February 2013


On the first Sunday of every month, Sian, over at FROM HIGH IN THE SKY, hosts an international gathering of storytellers for an event  called "Storytelling Sunday." For 2013, she has suggested that we pick something precious to us and share its story.

This month I have chosen to tell you about my 'box of memories' The box itself has changed over the started out as this black box.....

......which is now home to Stuart's Dedication (Christening) outfit, and the cake topper from Kirsty's cake .....

It  now lives in the current box.....

The box has taken many forms through the years, changing in size as I have gathered cards, letters,holiday mementos, wedding and christening favours and things made at school.  Rainbows name some of the things in there. 

 It has been living on top of my wardrobe, and I usually just get the little stepladder  and slip  things into it without bringing it down. Thanks to Sian's idea, I actually got my box down and went through it....and there are SO many precious memories in there! I have had lots of smiles and tears going through it..

As you can see, there's not much chance of me grabbing it in the event of a fire but it is very precious to me just the same!

To read about the things that are precious to some other folks, why not pop over HERE.....and if you feel like it, why not join in...everyone is made very welcome!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx

Sunday, 2 December 2012


 Yes, it's the last STORYTELLING SUNDAY of the year!  On the first Sunday of every month, a bunch of bloggers from various parts of the blogosphere get together and share stories- happy stories, funny stories, sad stories, long stories, short stories, stories with or without pictures- anything goes- even pictures with very few words, and EVERYONE is made very welcome by the lovely SIAN over at FROM HIGH IN THE SKY

This afternoon was to be the second of the monthly 'Afternoon Teas' that I help organise for the DROP IN CENTRE in our village.The afternoon is aimed at people who find themselves alone on a Sunday, which tends to be a very family-orientated day and therefore can be very long and boring for those on their own. 

I spent the morning putting up the Christmas tree and by this afternoon,with my merry band of helpers, had the place looking like a 'proper' tearoom as people started arriving. The urn wasn't far off boiling point, the tree lights were twinkling and people were just settling down for a chat ...when POW!- the electricity went off with a BANG! At first we thought it was an actual powercut but on checking, discovered that it was the fuse box...bearing in mind that the Centre is in one of the original village houses with very old wiring, we had basically overloaded it!

Whilst waiting for someone to come and look at it, more people kept arriving and we had to keep apologising for the lack of light, heat and tea. When it became apparent that it was a bigger job than the local handyman could cope with, panic was starting to set in...until I remembered the Cava (sparking wine) and fruit juice left over from the Christmas Bazaar and the tealights which had ,up until now, been for purely ornamental purposes. The outcome was a very pleasant afternoon, which everyone seemed to enjoy.

To read more seasonal  stories why not pop over to SIAN'S BLOG. On a personal note I would just like to thank Sian for another year of being encouraged to record my own stories, and to everyone else for sharing their stories too.

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx

Sunday, 2 September 2012


It's the first Sunday in September, and as on the first Sunday of every month  Bloggers from all points of the globe get together and tell stories, encouraged by the lovely SIAN over at FROM HIGH IN THE SKY ...happy stories, funny stories, sad stories, long stories, short stories, stories with or without pictures- anything goes, and EVERYONE is made very welcome..

'Too Cool for School' is the theme Sian suggested for this month....and I suppose that in a convoluted sort of way (what's new?!) this story might fit.

When I WAS  a schoolgirl, my favourite Rock Group was 'YES' .....I know,now I'm really showing my age! I bought all their albums... on vinyl!.....and generally drove mum and dad mad playing them as loudly as I could get away with. 

Needless to say, my taste in music changed over the years and 'YES'  got left behind somewhere along the way. The funny thing was that Craig started listening to them MUCH later (he was a 'JETHRO TULL' fan as a teenager) and there they were, being played -on CD by now- around the house.

In 2001 Craig had to go to visit Phoenix AZ  on a business trip, and we decided that I would go with him...that in itself was something to be excited about, but as is his wont when travelling, Craig checked what Bands were playing anywhere within travelling distance of Phoenix. We discovered that 'YES' were going to be playing at The Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles....not quite what I was thinking of as 'within travelling distance'! Craig insisted though that it was too good an opportunity to miss, especially as a concert at the HOLLYWOOD BOWL was on my 'bucket list'.. I had done some research on the venue while at College, and had been fascinated by it since....... the man is a gem, I tell you! He suggested we add an extra week to the trip, and  drive to LA: I couldn't believe it...we were going to  see my 'first love' in music AND at a place to which I had never really thought I'd  go!

After a long drive from Phoenix to LA (on the actual day of the concert), and not having taken into account the traffic congestion in and around LA, we barely had time to put our cases in the hotel room and get changed before heading off to find the venue. On arriving, the first thing that hit me was that we had fab seats...

...they were in little boxed off areas, each with its own little table and canvas chairs! Each box sat 4 people,but I can't remember if anyone else sat in the one were in. What  really AMAZED me though, was that people were bringing picnics and bottles of wine, champagne etc! just seemed so sophisticated to us!! We really wished we had known about that beforehand..especially as we hadn't eaten a proper meal since breakfast!! 

The concert itself was memorable..not only were YES performing, but they were doing so with the LA Symphony Orchestra..I was in my element! As darkness fell, it was just magical..the whole atmosphere, the music..I loved everything about it! Craig DID go and get me a glass of wine, but it came in a plastic cup...I remember being very jealous of all of these people with real glasses.

Unfortunately, I wasn't a scrapbooker then so only have a few photographs ..these are the pages I made for my album

So many lovely memories have come back to me, as a result of telling this story..which is part of the reason so many of us love STORYTELLING SUNDAY.....I think I may be 'updating' this album to a scrapbook, getting some of these memories  down, before they fade into the mists of time!

If you have a story to share, or if you just want to enjoy reading some to while away a few minutes then pop over HERE and see what a variety you will find.

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx

P.S...if you missed it, I have a book ready to be passed on, as part of MELISSA'S PASS THE BOOK:YEAR'll find the details in THIS post..just leave a comment  at the end of that post saying you would like to be included by midnight (GMT) tonight and it might just be on its way to you next. 

Friday, 31 August 2012


...with a layout, based on this month's sketch from ANOTHER FREAKING SCRAPPY CHALLENGE

I had a few random shots I'd taken of mum and dad while they were here, and thought they might just work with this design.

I'm also linking up with THE SCRAPBOOKING SOIREE over at JENNIFER'S JUMBLES.

As this Sunday is the first one in September (I know, I can't believe it either!) SIAN will be hosting STORYTELLING SUNDAY over at FROM HIGH IN THE SKY....I'm still deciding on my story, but I'll be there....hope you will too!

Have a lovely weekend

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx

Saturday, 11 August 2012


....and I mean 'a bit'! After sharing THIS STORY as part of STORYTELLING SUNDAY, I was inspired to get a layout done.

 My scrapping mojo has definately gone AWOL in the heat, but I had seen a sketch  over at PAGE DRAFTS.....

...that I liked, and which linked to the Sketch Challenge over at GRANDDIVA'S CREATIVE CORNER

Here's a close-up of the layered embellishment I made, which allows me to enter the LO in the August Challenge at ROCHELLE SPEARS BLOGSPOT

I used chipboard, twine and a button

The journalling is hidden behind the photograph, and is copied from the Storytelling Sunday can be seen by pulling the date tab.

I just have to mention that this beautiful embellishment....

was handmade by, and sent to me by the lovely MITRA.

I hope you're having a great weekend...and are feeling a bit more creative than I am!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Just One Sketch....mirror image!

MISS SMITH'S third prompt urged us to use the mirror image of our original sketch. If you remember, this sketch, by TRACY over at A SCRAP AT A TIME is the one I working with

and this is the LO I've come up with

These were taken last September, while I was up in Barcelona with DD...I'm not convinced the photos actually do this beautiful building any justice, but I'm quite pleased with the LO itself....and I used mostly old stash to make it!

I'm off to write my story for STORYTELLING SUNDAY over at SIAN'S BLOG tomorrow...why not come and join us?

Hope it's not TOO cold where you are...still colder than we're used to here, but the sun's shining brightly!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx

Monday, 31 October 2011

More Snippets

Hope you're all enjoying Halloween. Neither Boo nor I are dressing up, but I have dressed the 'twig tree'!

Halloween in Spain is very different from the US or UK celebration....for a start it lasts for three days which are collectively called 'DIA DE LOS MUERTES' ( literally 'day of the Dead'), and is very much about remembering the dead. Things started today , with many people visiting family graves with flowers and wreaths...the Police were actually out  directing the traffic around the local cemeteries today! Tomorrow is 'Dia de Los Santos' (All Saints Day), which is a National Holiday and is a highly religious day, remembering Catholic Saints and martyrs...there will be several masses in the village Church tomorrow. Wednesday sees the ACTUAL Dia de los Muertes, when family members are remembered and the living celebrated by special meals and more Church Services.

There is no dressing up or 'Trick or Treating' (except by the ex-pat community), although the children ARE off school for two days! 

One  Halloween sticks in my mind, but you will have to  wait for Sunday to  find out why, as I'm keeping it for STORYTELLING SUNDAY over at SIAN'S ....see you there?

Thanks for dropping by!
take care of you
Alison xx

Saturday, 3 September 2011


Today I learned that the blogland 'sisterhood' are the best! I had more advice and ideas sent to me about cooking with my new crockpot/slowcooker, than I could have found by searching the internet for hours!!

just a few of the replies I received!

Thanks everyone...I cooked chili in it...didn't brown the beef, and it was just as tasty as ever! I just need to remember  to put less liquid in - thanks for that advice Amy (unfortunately it came after I had 'chucked it all in' as per your instructions, but I shall remember next time).

Remember there's still time to be put into the draw to be next to receive 'Good Mail Day'...details on THIS POST and that tomorrow is STORYTELLING SUNDAY over at Sian's Blog..hope to see you there!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Storytelling Sundays

As I was going through the Challenges on Scrap Friendzy yesterday and thinking about Shimelle's '4x6 Photo Love' Challenge, I came up with a layout that worked for both. As I was working on it, and trying to rack my brain for a story for today, a little light flashed on....I was scrapping a story! And here it is:

DH: We're going to start tiling the area under the pergola today.

ME: Who is?

DH: Your dad and I

Now, bear in mind that my dad has Parkinson's AND Emphyzema (spelling?) and some days can't walk the length of himself, without sounding as if he's gasping for his last breath...

ME (two octaves above my normal gentile tones): Are you mad?! will kill him- and very possibly you too, you haven't done any manual work for yonks!

DH: I've spoken to him and we're both up for giving it a try...we're doing it!

Before  I knew it, they were out there counting tiles, hoovering(?) the dust up and making cement. They worked solidly for two and a half days, before the rain started and the job had to stop. By the time the weather had cleared up, DH was heading off again and we agreed to call in our 'Man Friday' to complete the job.

Dad was so disappointed not to see the job finished, and to be able to help again, but 'Man Friday' couldn't fit the job in till mum and dad had gone home! He had really enjoyed himself (don't get me wrong,  DH did all the heavy work), and the fresh air and exercise helped him sleep at night (something he has great trouble with). I think most of all though, he felt needed and realised that we-me, after a bit of persuasion, of course- don't all think of him as an invalid who has no purpose anymore. I have vowed to remember that!

Here's the layout

and a couple of close-ups

If you pop over to Sian's Blog, you will find a plethora of stories from bloggers from all over the world....I think it would be worth your while!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


Sunday, 1 May 2011

A Not-so-Royal Wedding

Watching the wedding on Friday, set me thinking about my own wedding 31 years ago. I had actually wanted to get married on my 21st Birthday, in the January of the same year...I had visions of wearing a fur-trimmed cloak (as seen in 'White Christmas') over my wedding dress. Sadly, this idea went down like a ton of bricks, with both families- comments such as: 'Don't you remember what the weather is like her in January?', 'What if the snow's so thick you can't get  to the Church?' or (my mother,ever practical) 'If it's snowy or slushy your dress will be ruined, before you even get to  the bottom of the path!'

I eventually gave in graciously , mad at them all...but mum had got through with the dress comment! We changed the date to 29 March...and what did we waken up to, a week beforehand?- yep, you've got it.....SNOW! I just couldn't believe it!

 Fortunately, although it did last practically that full week, the day itself was bright and sunny, though very cold...and the snow had cleared- not even a sign of slush! The dress didn't get ruined before we got to the Church..though I remember the photographer asking the bridesmaids to stand on the train of my dress, so that it didn't fly away in the wind, once the service was over and we were back outside!

This is how my albums started out, before I discovered PP!!

If you look very closely at 'The Wedding Party ' pic, you will realise Morag is standing on my train!

 I really enjoyed my Wedding was just over all-too-soon! 

As an addendum, I must tell you that DD now wants to have a winter wedding, and 'White Christmas' cloaks if she ever gets married...and I have vowed not to try to talk her out of it!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx