She started making choking noises (as if something was stuck in her throat) on Friday, and by that night was coughing up white, foamy phlegm. She was like that on and off all night, but didn't seem quite so bad during the day on Saturday, though I spent a fair part of my day looking at dog's coughing on You Tube trying to work out what might be wrong. By Saturday night though, I knew it was time to call the vet, being fairly sure (from my earlier browsing) that she had Kennel Cough.- even though she's never set foot in Kennels.
Even though it was after 7 o'clock on a Saturday night, he said he would come out to the surgery and meet me there...he is a lovely man, and never refuses to see a sick animal. He confirmed Kennel Cough (we think she came into contact with it while being groomed the week before) and gave her an injection of an anti-inflammatory drug and an antibiotic.
We had a much better night, and by later on Sunday she was obviously more comfortable, but needing to catch up on her sleep!
Today we have been back to the vet, and had another antibiotic injection. She's certainly on the mend......
......though she has to have one more injection on Wednesday.
Hope your weekend was a bit less worrying.
Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx