Tue, Apr 28, 09 - Rules Of Engagement, Castle, Listener, House

05.30 Rules Of Engagement
06.00 Castle
11.30 The Listener
12.30 House

Rules Of Engagement. Season 3, Episode 8. "Twice" Audrey pretends to be pregnant! Russell guides an Amish man through the sleazy side of life in the big city.

Another wonderful, hilarious Megan-centric episode. This show is on fire, basically. And they are not afraid to cast their regulars in a less-than-flattering light. Megan pretending to be pregnant is very funny, and they totally make it work. The mix-up (where Jeff thinks everyone is congratulating him for having sex twice in a row) is also inspired.

Talking of 'inspired' ideas: Russell takes an Amish man to various strip clubs.

Castle. Episode 8. "Ghosts" Woman drowned in a bath full of motor oil.

The one duff episode was a total anomaly and Castle has settled into a routine of superb episodes.

The one flaw in this one concerned the dead woman who was mentioned at the very start of the episode and dismissed as a suspect because she was, um, dead and all. And, you know, her body was never found...

Who, at home, didn't know from the very start that that woman was - of course - mad alive? I wasn't sure she would turn out to be the murderer (I kinda liked the husband for it) but I totally knew she was alive and it bugged me that the characters never said "Maybe she's not dead?". They could have said it from the very start. They could have thrown it out there. Thus proving that they are as smart as the viewers as home.


They didn't.

Apart from that flaw (which bugged me, as you can see) it was another superb episode. A great story, with lots of interesting and fun twists. Castle was his usual fun self, and there were many great scenes between Castle and Beckett. Most of them involving poker.

I love the way Beckett is very much a part of Castle's family now. There seems to be a whole lot of warm-hearted mutual acceptance going on with that little group. And I love it.

The Listener. Episode 8. "One Way or Another" Charlie tracks a serial rapist.

Flawless. The first episode to nail the show's formula to perfection, and the first superb episode.

What did they get right?

The Listener, Lisa Marcos

Toby's powers were useful and without them there would have been no story. The show often makes the mistake of (a) Toby only hearing part of the truth and jumping to the wrong conclusion, or (b) Toby totally picks up nothing from the real bad guy and you wonder afterwards why the show didn't take that direction instead. This time out, the writer makes brilliant use of Toby's powers. Each use of the power (a) advanced the story, (b) was funny, (c) led to a character moment, (d) was genuinely cool/interesting.

This last one is significant. Being able to read minds would be a very cool power. But the show has never captured this. Until now.

The Listener, Lisa Marcos

They created a strong/excellent b-story for the underused Mylene Robic. The b-story was every bit as strong as the a-story. It had a great patient-of-the-week, it gave us great character insight into Olivia, it had loads of comic moments and a solid resolution. It had nothing to do with Toby, but it still managed to involve Osman in a meaningful way. In short, it was extremely well written.

The Listener, Lisa Marcos

Charlie was well-written and dynamic and heroic. Lisa Marcos was sexier than ever (my god, but she is crazy hot and I'm borderline obsessed) and she showed considerable acting chops, too. The scene where she revealed the story of her own rape was perfectly underplayed, and did nothing to dimish the character's considerable strength.

The Listener, Lisa Marcos

The climax was perfect on many, many levels. Toby's mind-reading powers were used in a very clever way, as Detective Marks was able to 'think' instructions to Toby and his following of these instructions was enough to distract her captor and allow Marks to escape and beat the living crap out of the creep.

It was a great climax on many levels. Toby and Marks were equally responsible for beating the bad guy. Which makes sense. Toby is a paramedic, not a cop and not a fighter. Marks is both a cop and a fighter. So, the writers made the absolute right choice by allowing her to rescue herself, by using Toby as a distraction.

Very, very good writing. And much more interesting than a clichéd Toby comes to the rescue ending.

It was also cool.

The Listener, Lisa Marcos

Indeed, all of the uses of Toby's powers were cool and fun. For the first time. My favourite bit? Toby chuckles at Olivia's thoughts and - when questioned about it - credits a passing Osman with being very funny. Osman, of course, takes the credit and keeps walking. This was a wonderful scene on many levels. It was cool. It was very funny. It showed that the writer has a great take on these characters and their dynamic.

I also love the way the show doesn't go for cliché "How could he know that?" moments. The Olivia storyline (a) was good, (b) had nothing to do with Toby or his powers, (c) took up loads of screentime. I feared that Toby would appear, read something and - in some way - affect the resolution of the story. No. The show wisely kept him peripherial to events in Olivia's story and let it find it's own resolution. In this way, they make the show a rewarding enemble show to watch.

But Lisa Marcos is my favourite.

House. Season 5, Episode 18. "Here Kitty" Judy Greer thinks a cat has predicted her death, while Taub makes a bit for freedom.

A very funny episode, with lots of dark, sad moments. In short, a superb episode of House.


Maybe, I've given up on House a bit too soon. Season Five might well be the weakest season so far, but they can still deliver quality episodes. In fact, there has been a run of quality episodes.


Highlight? The Listener (first superb episode)
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