Showing posts with label The Flash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Flash. Show all posts

The Flash II 2.16

Allison Paige. A good a-story but the b-story and c-story are both weak and drag the episode down. I have no interest in the Tone Bell character, nor do I care about whether that character dates Iris. The Violett Beane character is interesting, but not when all she does is fight with her father. 8/10

Today on Bit O’ Banter we talked about: Better Call Saul,...

Today on Bit O’ Banter we talked about:

Better Call Saul, Daredevil, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow, Powers, Heroes, Sense8, Lucifer and Constantine.

The Flash II 2.14

Back on form for a strong episode, with significant teasing about who might be under either of the mask(s). Both versions of Barry had great moments, but it was probably Cisco who was the most impressive of all the characters. 10/10

The Flash II 2.13

  • A flawed, but still mostly terrific, episode.
  • The season has been building to this. The arrival on Earth-2 was a worthy pay off.
  • MVP: Carlos Valdes, who was the only cast member to excel at playing his Earth-2 doppelganger. Everyone else… struggled.


The Flash II 2.11

  • Great to have Matt Letscher back, and such a clever script. I love timey wimey stuff and the resolution here was a cracker.
  • There was a lot of story and a lot of stories in this episode. Everyone in the (large) cast got sometime significant to say and do. Impressive.
  • Not overly impressed with the way Patty was written out but this, at least, was way better than last week.


The Flash, Mr. Robot & Fargo: If you only had time to watch...

The Flash, Mr. Robot & Fargo: If you only had time to watch two, which two…?

Okay. Am I the only one now wanting these two to get together?

Okay. Am I the only one now wanting these two to get together?

The Flash II 2.7

  • Great visual effects and good character scenes for… pretty much everybody. Caitlin and Harry, particularly. Together and apart.
  • After a strange/abrupt send-off for John Wesley Shipp earlier in the season, he gets a lot to do in this episode. Love that father/son relationship.
  • Barry struggling to keep his secret from Patty works better this season than it did for Iris last season, but it still seems like we are past the point where he should/could have told her.


The Flash II 2.6

A lot of wonderful ensemble scenes in this episode, highlighting what a great cast the show has. A lot of genuine laughs amid the character conflict. And the final act? Wow. Very dark. 10/10