” and Diomede says “
Hector will make his boast at Troy hereafter:
“By me was Tydeus' son . . .”2
” [3]
This type of courage most closely resembles the one described before, because it is prompted by a virtue, namely the sense of shame,3 and by the desire for something noble, namely honor, and the wish to avoid the disgrace of being reproached. [4]
The courage of troops forced into battle by their officers may be classed as of the same
type, though they are inferior inasmuch as their motive is not a sense of shame but fear,
and the desire to avoid not disgrace but pain. Their masters compel them to be brave,
after Hector's fashion: “
Let me see any skulking off the field—
He shall not save his carcase from the dogs!4
” [5]
The same is done by commanders who draw up their troops in front of them and beat them if they give ground,