Showing posts with label School Holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label School Holidays. Show all posts

School Holiday Fun

Sounds Like Music with Mic Conway
Sounds Like Music with Mic Conway by suthlib on Flickr.

The school holidays are almost over and the libraries in the Shire have been busy.

Many kids joined us for our Let's Create activities, Music Fun, Card Making, Trevor's Drawing Workshops, Wii Gaming Fun and a Creative Writing Workshop with author Aleesah Darlison. It was a busy time but lots of fun was had by both the kids and staff.

Check out some of the fun on Flickr.

Our next school holidays should be amazing! The Amazing Read is the theme for the Summer Reading Club. You will be able to join up from Monday 12th December. Don't forget we always advertise our school holiday activities 3 weeks before the holidays begin.

To all the HSC students, good luck! We hope your study time in the library was productive.

School Holiday Activities

'Let's Create! is our theme for the upcoming school holidays. Activities include Trevor's Drawing Workshops, a Creative Writing Workshop with Author Aleesah Darlison, Sounds Like Music with Mic Conway, Kids and Cards, Wii Gaming Fun and our Let's Create fun activity. Check out our Whats On page for details. Book now!

Busy! Busy! Busy!

The libraries have been busy during the school holidays with lots of kids joining us for our many activities. Our Toyriffic activity has been a huge hit and some very creative children have made some great puppets, enjoyed our games and even watched the amazing string story. Trevor's Drawing Workshop was fully booked out again this school holidays and the kids had a ball! Check out some of the fun on Flickr.

Building Bonanza

The first week of the school holidays has been full of action at Sutherland Shire Libraries. At Sutherland, Miranda and Engadine Libraries some very creative kids came to our Building Bonanza sessions. The kids were given an hour to build what they like with the building blocks. Some great creations were built including a beach, a garage, cars, buildings and swimming pools. All finished designs were displayed for all to admire. It was an enjoyable activity and for the adults it was great to see how their kids could be so creative. Check out more photos on Flickr.

Kids get knitting at Engadine

  To help keep the cold weather at bay Engadine Library hosted a Junior Knitting Workshop. 15 eager children were taught the basic knit stitch  by 13 generous volunteers from the Engadine Knitting Group, local expert knitters and library staff. A great time was had by all with lots of chatter and clicking of needles.  Many thanks to the volunteers who are keeping this wonderful craft alive with the younger generation.

School Holiday Fun @ Sutherland Library

The Thursday before Easter saw a frenzy of mad young scientists invading the Library. Back by popular demand, Darren from Fizzics Education presented the 'Big Science! Big Fun!' one hour presentation. 80 kids enjoyed the presentation which included the wonders of liquid nitrogen, the amazing hover board and experiments using sound and air. The most enjoyable part for the Kids was saved for the finale as the Kids watched the floating toilet paper glide through the air.

Darren had some lunch and afterwards guided a group of Kids through 'Construct-a-Dino'. The Kids had a brief lesson on the history of dinosaurs before launching into making their own T-Rex. The wooden kits required the kids to use both their concentration and their fine motor skills. The skeletal finished product was quite delicate and the Kids very carefully carried them home.

Each school holidays, Sutherland Shire Libraries hold a bundle of seriously fun activities for Kids (just between you and me, they are so much fun they make me wish I was still a Kid). To find out more about upcoming activities keep an eye on our events calendar.

Wicked Wounds Workshop @ Sutherland Library

Who said libraries were a safe place?
Wounded children could be found crawling through the library shelves during the holidays with huge gashes in their arms and face. Yuk! Kids stomachs turned with the creation of some very convincing wounds in the Wicked Wounds Workshop at Sutherland Library on Friday14th January.

Kids learnt about their heart and examined blood under microscopes as well as creating some very gory and life like wounds.

All who attended had loads of fun and enjoyed freaking people out as they left the library. I only hope these wounds wont leave the kids scarred for life!

Each school holidays Sutherland Shire Libraries have some great programs and events for Kids. To find out more, check out our school holidays page or keep an eye out on our events calendar.

Spooky Times @ Sutherland Shire Libraries

Stairs creaked, children (and parents) shrieked and wounds leaked at Sutherland Shire Libraries these school holidays as the branches held spooky storytimes. Here's what Cronulla and Miranda Libraries had to report:

Darkness creeped across the land, the hour was close at hand; when 30 slightly weirded out kids(after seeing our costumes!) joined us for our Scary Holiday Storytime at Cronulla. Our hosts for the day were Cheryl the witch and Debbie the vampire. Scary stories were told, scary songs were sung, eyeballs and spiders were flying across the room into big, green monster hands, much to the kids enjoyment! The huge bright orange pumpkin piñata was a massive hit and it took many massive hits by the kids to finally break it open and cause a cascade of lollies to fall to the ground! Everyone also enjoyed making the bouncy bat craft with the parents getting into the fun as well.

It's spooky time at Miranda Library! On the morning of Monday 10th January many children visited the library for some spooky school holiday fun! The children were greeted by a friendly, good witch and played games, listened to stories, sang and made a creepy bat craft. Many of the children came appropriately dressed as witches and wizards and a great time was had by all.


Picture if you can ... a bunch of giggling children under a giant, white, ghostly sheet, a "time Warp" dancathon, the telling of scary stories ... and much more.
Children attending Spooky Time Fun at Engadine library (hosted by two friendly skelteons) were pleased by the guest appearances from Morticia Addams, several witches, Spiderman and a fairy or two as well as a variety of enthusiastic children.
The pumpkin pinata was a huge "HIT" - pun intended - with our attendees enjoying the opportunity to let off some steam without guilt or consequences!

For more information on upcoming activities please contact your local library or see What's on on the library website.

Menai Library Spooky Time Fun

Things were a little scary at Menai Library last Friday during the Freaky Film Fest. Everyone is looking forward to having more frightening fun during our Spooky Time Fun holiday activity on Wednesday 19 January 10.30 - 11.30am.

More Holiday Fun @ Caringbah Library

Sutherland was not the only Library to have Science Madness Fun in the last school holidays. All branch Libraries also had their fair share of the madness with songs, games, stories and craft at their free drop in sessions.

On the 28th of September  at Caringbah Library two of our staff members Paul and Melissa (dressed as mad scientists) presented the holiday activity Science Madness.
There was a large turn out of 46 children eager to see what science activities, stories, craft and film would be shown.

These drop-in sessions are free and presented every school holidays. To find out  what's on in Summer, keep an eye on our Events Calendar.

To see more photos of our school holiday science madness, check out our Flickr page.

Holiday Fun @ Sutherland Shire Libraries

If you were in Sutherland Shire Libraries during the last school holidays you may have heard whooshing, bubbling and crackling as children enjoyed our great range of Science Madness school holiday activities.

50 Lucky children attended Big Science, Big Fun where they thoroughly enjoyed seeing gigantic bubbles, flying toilet paper, levitating balls, a giant gyroscope and some very fun hair-raising electricity experiments. All children had a fantastic time and learnt just how much fun science can be. This event was so popular it was booked out well before the school holidays even began.

The fun didn't stop there, however. Throughout the school holidays, all Kids were welcome to drop into any Branch Library to enjoy some Science Madness. Here they read stories, sang songs and played games all about Science. Kids also made their own Jack in the Box - to scientific specifications of course. These sessions were run by our very own scientists - we know, because they were wearing lab coats (check out Dr Payne on the left).

Every school holidays, Sutherland Shire Libraries host a range of fun, memorable activities that Kids just love. To find out more about upcoming activities, keep an eye on our Events Calendar. We'll see you next holidays.

Fairydust at Engadine Library

Fairydust was sparkling all around Engadine Library this week with a visit by the Library Fairy who graciously agreed to be guest presenter for the special Fairy Tales Storytime.

Here she is with two of our happy fairy assistants helping her to spread the magic around.

Sutherland Shire Libraries hold many other regular and special activities for our young customers. Come and join the fun.

Knitting for young and old @ Engadine Library

The generation gap was temporarily closed at Engadine library when old met with very young to pass on the ancient art of knitting. Our school holiday activity 'Knitting for Beginners' brought together ladies from the Engadine Library Knitting Group to oversee and help show our younger patrons how to knit. Clicking needles, patience, enthusiasm and loads of concentration resulted in an enjoyable and rewardable time. Perhaps this wonderful skill will contine to thrive.

For any knitters or would-be knitters, Engadine, Cronulla and Sylvania Libraries host monthly informal knitting groups. All welcome!

Engadine Library
1st Tuesday of each month
10.30am-12 noon

Cronulla Library
2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month
1.30pm -3.00pm

Sylvania Library
2nd Friday of each month
10.30am-12.00 noon

A Barking Good Time!

During the April school holidays, our libraries each held “Pet” themed holiday activities!

Engadine Library was lucky enough to play host to a beautiful young blonde – “India” the Assistance Dog! India and her trainer Dori are local residents and library regulars who made a special visit during our school holiday activity to meet the children. India entertained the rapt audience with a few of her many tricks, including shaking hands, picking up keys, rolling over and playing dead, and giving her trainer a hug! She can even “read” a book, turning the pages one at a time. Trainer Dori also spoke to the children about her work with Assistance Dogs Australia.

Assistance Dogs Australia (ADA) is a non-profit organisation that trains Labradors and Golden Retrievers to assist people with physical disabilities. Highly trained dogs like India allow them a much greater level of independence. Dori and India are involved with the southern chapter of ADA, which is based locally at Heathcote.

The 40 children in attendance had a great time and loved watching India’s tricks. Many left cuddling their very own plush assistance dog puppies, which they purchased from Dori to support Assistance Dogs Australia.

Mask Making @ Your Library

Wow did we have fun at the very successful Make a Mask Workshop at Sutherland Library on Thursday 7th January !! As the photos show, imaginations ran wild and so did the glitter! A packed room of enthusiastic children aged between 7 to 12 years came along and decorated their own wild mask.

If you missed out, Engadine Library has the same workshop on Wednesday 20th January 10.00am - 11.30am. Bookings are essential so phone 9548 6003 to book a spot!

Summer Reading Club - Read on the Wild Side to Win

This year's Summer Reading Club theme is Read on the Wild Side. As always there are some fantastic prizes up for grabs in our major draw as well as incentives like tattoos and wristbands along the way. Sink you teeth into some great books and dazzle your teacher by how much your reading has improved over the summer break.
Join up at any Sutherland Shire Library and receive a start up kit with some fun activity sheets and your unique registration code. Grab some books and get started.
The program is open to anyone 0-12 years old. Those attending high school in 2010 can join our Teen Reading Club.
The Summer Reading Club runs from Monday 14th December until Sunday 7th February.

Black headed snake

Librarians log 15th of July 2009:

Its 2:00pm and Menai Library has been invaded by animals as well as 29 excited children. There are lizards running around on the floor of the reference room, frogs climbing up the walls, turtles slowly working their way across tables and a snake has found a hiding spot under the shelves, to escape the chaos.

While we did have animals in the menai library on the 15th of July 2009, both animals and children were very well behaved with their handlers Darrelyn and Tara from Feature Creatures: Mobile Reptiles and Amphibians and parents standing close by.

Children had a wonderful time learning and interacting with the animals. Such as:
•Blue tongued lizard
•Shingle back lizard
•Bearded Dragon
•Frill neck lizard
•both Short and Long neck turtles
•a Fresh water crocodile
•Black headed snake
As well as a Nature table displaying smaller creepy crawlies.

Fun was had by both animals and people alike.

Manga Madness @ Sutherland Library

During Youth Week we held a Manga Character Design Workshop. During the 2 1/2 hour workshop teens learnt how to design their own Manga character. By the end of the afternoon 29 characters were created and one was chosen as the best. The lucky winner was awarded with special Manga design paper kindly donated by Althea and Fiona the workshop trainers.

Following hot on the heels of the Manga Workshop many kids joined us in the School Holidays for our Movie Madness activities. The staff dressed to the nines ready to walk the red carpet and many of the kids dressed as their favourite movie characters. They enjoyed playing the memory game, celebrity heads and making their own Hollywood Star.

Christmas Activities Start this Week

It’s still full steam ahead for our Children’s activities! Our Christmas storytime is starting early in December this year (this week in fact!) - check out the Events Calendar to see when Santa will be visitng your local branch library. Come along and listen to some Christmas stories and sing some Christmas carols (I mean who doesn’t like Christmas carols?).

Lapsit may have finished for 2008, but feel free to book in to our first session in 2009, of course we are still running Rhymetime right up to the beginning of school holidays. Keep an eye out for more School Holiday activities in the Events Calendar.

See the Travelling Pants @ Sutherland Library

Sisterhood of the Traveling PantsSutherland Library has been lucky enough to be chosen as the only library in Australia to host the International Travelling Pants. The pants' journey started in January 2007 from Santa Cruz USA and the jeans have travelled around the USA and Canada, the last stop being Sutherland, Sydney, Australia. The idea comes from the popular book and film The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants. The story is about four friends who share a pair of jeans. Even though the girls are different shapes and sizes, the jeans fit them all. There are rules - We, the Sisterhood, hereby instate the following rules to govern the use of the Travelling Pants... The first rule being, You must never wash the pants.

The international Travelling Pants will be on display at Sutherland Library from Tuesday 1st July until Wednesday 9th July, they will then be sent back to Santa Cruz where the journey started.

In conjunction with the exhibition, Sutherland Library is conducting a holiday activity on Wednesday 9th July between 10.30am-12.00noon. Come along with a friend and wear your favourite jeans! Help decorate the pants before they have to travel back to the USA. Make a travelling pants diary and enjoy The Sisterhood trivia. For bookings ring 9710 0178