Showing posts with label Wrestling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wrestling. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Masters of the WWE - CHYNA as SHE-RA!

Masters of the WWE Universe - Wave 08 - Chyna as She-Ra - Mattel 2021

In the past two years I've become a big fan of Mattel's Masters of the WWE series. Who would have thought that wrestling toys and He-Man toys would provide such a great mashup? I've eagerly looked forward to each new female in the line. And I'm pretty sad that this 8th Wave will be the final one. But for a final female figure, Chyna as She-Ra is quite a high note to go out on. As the most recognizable female wrestler, the late Chyna was an unexpected but fitting choice to become the Princess of Power. The tiara accessory in particular made me very excited for a future Filmation-style She-Ra, and also to attempt a kitbash version myself. (Although this proved very difficult... details below). But this Chyna figure on its own is great. The purple and silver deco is a rare combination for a hero, but it looks terrific and makes a great addition to my MOTUO collection. It's a bummer my prediction of a Charlotte as Sorceress figure (in a peacock feather deco) will never happen. Boo. Let's check out Chyna below!

Sunday, January 23, 2022

WWE Wrestling - SCARLETT!

WWE Series 120 - NXT First Time in the Line - Scarlett Bordeaux - Mattel 2021

When I picked up this Scarlett figure a couple months ago, it was my first standard WWE purchase in four years. Sure, I picked up a ton of the short-lived WWE Superstars line and a handful of the Masters of the WWE, but for the most part I was worn out from years of buying (gorgeous and inexpensive) figures of characters I knew hardly anything about. I made a vow to not buy any more unless they really called out to me. Then I saw this figure during the 2021 holiday season and I was super intrigued. I had never seen a WWE lady with a full-coverage unadorned bodysuit. Then her brilliantly white hair just made her pop all the more. In reality, this is a super simple figure for Mattel. There is zero deco and the buck required no new tooling, but she is still an impressive figure (that I imagine customizers will be hoarding). In a time when the female wrestling figure lineup on the shelves is dominated technicolor palettes, this stark design ends up being the true attention-grabber. Let's check her out below!

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Masters of the WWE - STEPH as EVIL-LYN!

Masters of the WWE - Wave 05 - Stephanie McMahon as Evil-Lyn - Mattel 2021

I'll be honest, I wasn't over the moon about these Masters of the WWE Universe figures until I saw this Steph McMahon figure. The Becky Lynch figure is great and I really enjoy it, but out of the package she doesn't immediately read "MOTU" to me. I think this is because the head had no special adornments. But on the flipside, this Steph figure is almost too reminiscent of MOTU with Evil-Lyn's headdress being such a prominent feature. Luckily she has long flowing hair coming out the back and a great skull mask accessory to distinguish her. The mask is a signature look from Steph's Skull Queen entrance outfit. I think it's genius how reminiscent it looks like Castle Grayskull and adds an extra level of MOTU homage to the figure. I can't see what mashups Mattel will come up with next. I already predict a peacock-themed Charlotte Flair as Sorceress. But maybe we'll see an Alicia Fox as Panthor or Sasha Banks as She-Ra. There is endless potential. Let's check out Steph as Evil-Lyn below!

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Masters of the WWE - BECKY LYNCH as TEELA!

Masters of the WWE Universe - Wave 05 - Becky Lynch as Teela - Mattel 2020

After four waves of all-male figures, I had pretty much given up hope for any female inclusion in the Masters of the WWE line. This line was actually on the shelves over a year before the first MOTU Origins wave hit, so our first look at the articulation and sculpt (and for quite a long time after) was these wrestler mashups. And of course if was almost a full year until we saw Teela and Evil-Lyn revealed and even knew female figures were an option. The best part is that I predicted a Becky Lynch Teela a long time ago. Becky seems to be one of the most merchandised female wresters and her red hair made her a nice match with Teela. I only wish her headsculpt had some kind of MOTU-themed adornment. But otherwise I think she's great. And to get my next prediction down on paper, I fully expect a Charlotte Flair as the Sorceress (specifically in her peacock-themed feather entrance outfit). As soon as I saw the Sorceress figure that comes with Grayskull I wished it to happen. Let's check out Becky Lynch below!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

WWE Superstars - BECKY LYNCH!

WWE Superstars (Girls' Line) - Basic Wave 3 - Becky Lynch - Mattel 2018

Becky Lynch is an Irish professional wrestler and actress. She began wrestling in Ireland and throughout Europe in 2002 on the independent circuit, working regularly for the Queens of Chaos (France) promotion, where she won the World Queens of Chaos Championship in 2006. She also wrestled for One Pro Wrestling (England) and German Stampede Wrestling. She competed in the SuperGirls Wrestling (Canada offshoot) where she was the inaugural SuperGirls Champion. She also appeared at ChickFight III and the all-female Shimmer Women Athletes promotion where she was involved in a series of acclaimed matches with Daizee Haze. In September 2006, Becky suffered a head injury and next returned (to Shimmer) as a manager 5 years later. She signed with WWE in 2013 and arrived on the main roster in July 2015, where she soon became the inaugural SmackDown Women's Champion at Backlash (in September 2016), and again at Hell in a Cell in September 2018. (Thanks Wikipedia!)

Monday, October 15, 2018

WWE Superstars - NAOMI!

WWE Superstars (Girls' Line) - Basic Wave 3 - Naomi Knight - Mattel 2018

Naomi is an American wrestler, actress, model, dancer and singer. In August 2009, she signed with World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) and was assigned to its past developmental territory Florida Championship Wrestling (FCW), where she was the inaugural FCW Divas Champion. In August 2010, she competed in the all-female third season of NXT, where she came in second place. In January 2012, she made her main roster debut alongside Cameron, forming The Funkadactyls. Since July 2013, Naomi has appeared as one of the main cast members of the reality television series Total Divas. In February 2017, Naomi won the WWE SmackDown Women's Championship at the Elimination Chamber event, becoming the first African-American woman to capture the title. After vacating the title due to injury, Naomi regained the championship two months later at WrestleMania 33 and became the inaugural winner of the WrestleMania Women's Battle Royal at the following year's WrestleMania. (Thanks Wikipedia!)

Thursday, March 29, 2018


WWE Superstars (Girls' Line) - Wave 2 - Natalya & Alexa Bliss - Mattel 2018

I love that the WWE Superstars line is moving along. The first batch showed up in November and already the the second series has hit the shelves. At this pace we should see the next batch (Becky Lynch, Naomi, and Asuka) by Summer. One of the biggest things that makes me nervous about the closing of Toys R Us is the fate of experimental toys like this girl-centric wrestling line. They showed up in TRU months before any other stores had them and they definitely dedicated the most space to them - usually space with the main WWE toys as well as an entire endcap. As far as I know, the only other retail store to carry the line has been Target, and they only have three pegs for them. I don't think sales will be enough from that limited retail exposure to continue the series for long. (And that fear extends to all the smaller companies like Neca, DST, and Mezco). I guess time will tell. Above all else, I think every company needs to step it up with direct sales websites. But I digress. Let's check out Alexa and Natalya below!

Saturday, February 3, 2018

WWE Superstars - BAYLEY!

WWE Superstars Ultimate Fan Pack (Series 01) - Bayley - Mattel 2017

I really like these WWE Superstars action figures from Mattel. I was getting worn out on the standard series figures and their constantly re-releasing of characters and molds. In all honesty, I'll probably feel the same way about this girl-centric Superstars line eventually, but for now it's new and fun. I bought all the basic series figures as soon as they came out in August. But the Ultimate Fan Pack figures were twice the price and essentially contained plastic jewelry for the extra money. That's why I refrained on picking up this Bayley until recently when she was repackaged in a cheaper $15 offering. I'm glad I finally got her because she definitely has the most personality of the Series 01 figures. Having just opened her, I am suddenly very excited for Series 02 - which some websites are claiming will be available mid-February! I have included solicit pics of all the upcoming figures below. I love all the girl action figure lines filling the toy aisles lately, so hopefully this WWE contribution stays strong. Let's check out Bayley below!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

WWE Superstars - CHARLOTTE, NIKKI, and BRIE!

WWE Superstars (Girls' Line) - Charlotte Flair & the Bella Twins - Mattel 2017

The WWE Superstars line is a very interesting experiment in the action figure aisles. Women have been a rapidly increasing force in the world of WWE. There are female figures in almost every regular Mattel wave, the Total Divas reality show is in its 7th season, and even the popular Netflix show GLOW is highlighting the early rise of female wrestlers in the sport. So Mattel saw this popularity, as well as the success of female-centric toy lines like the DC Super Hero Girls, and created this WWE Superstars line aimed at girls. Similar to DCSHG, this line features 12" dolls as well as 6" action figures. The interesting thing to me is that most stores seem to stock them in the boy aisles, potentially missing their intended target audience. But fear not, they seem to be pretty successful so far and a second action figure series featuring Alexa Bliss, Natalya, and a new version of Charlotte Flair are already on the way. Let's check out the first series (Charlotte Flair, Nikki Bella and Brie Bella) in detail below!

Monday, October 16, 2017

WWE Wrestling - NIA JAX!

WWE Series 72 - WWE Divas First Time in the Line - Nia Jax - Mattel 2016

There comes a point in action figure collecting when you feel like you've seen everything. Every type of person, every type of alien, every color hair, every oversized weapon imaginable. But then it hits you like a ton of bricks when you see a plus-size female action figure hanging in the aisle and it stops you dead in your tracks. It's amazing to me that there hasn't been more body diversity in this hobby. Considering the real-world diversity of body types we see every day, the only bucks we see range from adolescent to muscular, but nothing beyond that. Sure I understand that most male figures are idealized Supermen as well, but not all. Without hesitation from the toy companies we get every male from Tyrion Lannister to Andre the Giant. There was an Amanda Waller JLU figure years ago. But that is literally the only female figure I can think of who broke the body mold before this Nia Jax hit the shelves. It's about time. Now we just need an MLF Thumbelina! Anyone? Just me? Fine. Let's check out Nia Jax!

Sunday, August 13, 2017

WWE Superstars - SASHA BANKS!

WWE Superstars (Girls' Line) - Ultimate Fan Pack: Sasha Banks - Mattel 2017

I talk a lot about the great transitional period we're in when it comes to action figures marketed towards girls. For the first time there is a real movement in the works. We've seen I Am Elemental from Rebel Elements, DC Superhero Girls from Mattel, and Miraculous Ladybug from Bandai (not to mention that awesome-looking Mysticons line coming soon from Playmates). But then we got a nice surprise earlier this Summer when Mattel announced a new WWE line aimed at girls (featuring both dolls and action figures). I think this is brilliant. I had just been binging GLOW on Netflix and thinking about the untapped market of young female wrestling fans. Then a few days later Idlehands posted the Mattel solicitation images, and then just a short month or later they appear on the shelves. I love a quick turnaround like that. The big Ultimate Fan Packs showed up first and this Sasha was my first exciting purchase from the line. I already have a handful more that I will be posting soon. But let's check Sasha out first below!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

WWE Elite Collection - ASUKA!

WWE Elite Collection Series 47 - NXT Wresting -  Asuka - Mattel 2016

There's something I have always loved about action figures with removable masks. My first action figure ever was a Remco G.I.Joe knockoff with an orange dragon mask and armor that you could take off. Then I was obsessed with "head-flipping" characters like Tigersharks and Mon-Starr from Silverhawks. But soon I found Zartan with a classic snap-on mask again and became a purist for that kind of simple accessory. It's still a pretty rare feature for a female action figure to have, so when I see one I always have to buy it. Aside from the cool mask, this Asuka figure also has the most outlandish outfit I have ever seen on a toy, and she's not even in a superhero costume! Plus she has a very different body style than 90% of the other WWE girls in this line (and my collection definitely needs some more diverse body types). Overall she's a great addition to my WWE ladies. Sometimes the higher price of the Elite figures can be hard to justify, but this one is unique enough to get a pass. Let's check out Asuka below!

Monday, June 26, 2017

WWE Wrestling - TAMINA!

WWE Basic Series 69 - WWE Women's Division - Tamina - Mattel 2016

I'm back again with another review of a figure from a line I swore I was done collecting. Mattel's WWE line never ceases to impress me with their inexpensive but unique looking toys. This Tamina figure has a body that we've seen re-used a billion times over the years, but her haircut and black outfit - not to mention that cocked-eyebrow taunt - make her a stand out figure to me. I've had her opened and photographed for months, but kept putting off posting her. Then I recently bought two more WWE ladies (with similar irresistible qualities) and that gave me the proper motivation to avoid a backlog and get this post up. Tamina was introduced as a villain in Raw in 2010. She then went on to SmackDown and NXT, and took part in the Divas Championship and the NXT Women's Championship. Eventually formed a trio with Naomi and Sasha Banks as Team B.A.D. (Beautiful and Dangerous) who were antagonists for Team Bella. (That's the story behind her shirt on this figure). Let's check out Tamina below!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

WWE Wrestling - BECKY LYNCH!

WWE Series 62 - WWE Divas First Time in the Line - Becky Lynch - Mattel 2016

I've been saying for years that I'm going to stop buying WWE ladies (I don't know anything about sports and I'm seriously low on shelf space after all), only to cave in again and again when I see a gorgeous figure hanging on the pegs with that tantalizingly low $9.99 price tag. This Becky Lynch figure was my latest temptation. I picked her up back in December because I was impressed with her rusty color palette and her steampunk stylings. She's actually very different looking from all my other WWE figures... and that's apparently all the incentive a weak-willed collector like me needs. In reading Becky's bio, I learned that she suffered a bad head injury while wrestling in Germany back in 2006 and took quite a long hiatus from the sport. She didn't wrestle again until 2013 when she signed up with WWE's developmental property, NXT.. She's been very successful since her re-entry into the sport and recently held the 2016 WWE Smackdown Women's Championship title for three months. Let's check out Becky below!

Friday, September 16, 2016

WWE Elite Collection - LITA!

WWE Elite Series 41 - Flashback -  First Time in the Line - Lita - Mattel 2016

One thing I have been a little disappointed by in the past with Mattel's WWE line is the bulkiness of the "add-on" clothing (ie, not the sculptural elements of the unadorned buck). For a line that consistently strives for realistic body proportions and facial likenesses, clothing that looks like it's composed of the wrestling mats themselves really ruins the aesthetic. I'm not an expert on the WWE line, but I'm pretty sure this Elite Lita figure is the first time a female figure has come with interchangeable clothing options, and it might also be the first time we've seen cloth accessories. I'm glad to see that things are still evolving and improving. Lita is a retired WWE wrestler who was active from 2000-2006. During her tenure she won the WWE Women's Championship four times. She still works for the organization as an analyst but is no longer wrestling. She also fronted the Atlanta-based punk rock band, the Luchagors, which disbanded in 2014. Let's check out this Elite Series Lita in detail below!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

NXT Wrestling - BAYLEY!

WWE Series 58 - NXT First Time in the Line - Bayley - Mattel 2016

I've had this figure photographed forever but never got around to posting a review. I keep saying I'm going to stop buying WWE figures, (since I'm running out of room and I don't even watch wrestling after all), but then I see a figure that makes me cave in and I'm back in the habit. This Bayley figure got me because she is so weird. First of all, she has a side-ponytail. I never expected to see hair like this on an action figure. Then she has a headband with a cute little bow. Again, I never thought I'd see it. And finally, she has a cartoon triceratops on her pants. I am obsessed with the oddness of this. Bayley is a former NXT Women's Champion who is currently wrestling under the WWE's RAW brand. She has been wrestling professionally since 2008 with Big Time Wrestling and Shimmer Women Athletes. By 2012 she signed with WWE and began under NXT (WWE's developmental territory) before recently joining RAW in August 2016. Thank wikipedia for all that knowledge. Let's check out Bayley below!

Friday, April 15, 2016

WWE Superstar - RENEE YOUNG!

WWE Series 60 - WWE Divas Superstar - Renee Young - Mattel 2016

With all the variety of characters presented in Mattel's' WWE line, I never expected to see a female sportscaster hanging in the toy aisles. Renee Young is a Canadian sports broadcaster and actress who has been with WWE since 2012. She performs commentary and interviews and won a Slammy Award in 2013 for Favorite Web Show of the Year. A just read a cool tidbit that as a young girl, Renee's father was a concert promoter and got her backstage access to a WWE event where she was instantly starstruck by the likes of Triple H, Chyna, and Stone cold Steve Austin. I'm a comic geek so I love a good origin story like that. I'm a big fan of the plain-clothed characters in the WWE line. This figure is especially notable for the cool boots and nice texture detail on her top. Hopefully characters like this prove popular with the fans, because I'd love to see more offbeat choices like this across all of Mattel's various lines. Think Lois Lane and Vickie Vale!  Let's check out out Renee young below!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

NXT Wrestling - SASHA BANKS!

WWE Series 59 - NXT First Time in the Line - Sasha Banks - Mattel 2016

Sasha Banks is a professional wrestler currently in the main roster of WWE. From 2011 through 2015 she was with WWE's NXT program (think of it like the WWE minor league). Before that she was well known in Chaotic Wrestling under the name Mercedes KV where she was the longest-reigning Chaotic Wrestling Women's Champion. Her title reign officially ended after 260 days when she left to join NXT in 2012. During her time with NXT, she won the NXT Women's Championship and numerous accolades from various 3rd parties - like Rolling Stone's Future Diva of the Year (2015) and Pro Wrestling Illustrated's Woman of the Year (2015). I was excited to see this figure in the Mattel WWE lineup. I didn't know anything about her, but I liked her look a lot. Plus it's refreshing to see some of AJ Lee's buck details used on another character (90% of WWE ladies have the same arms, which make for very homogeneous displays). Let's check out this magenta-haired beauty below!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

WWE Superstar - CHARLOTTE!

WWE Basic Series #55 - Superstar #67 - Charlotte - Mattel 2015

Of all the toy lines I find myself collecting in recent years, I think the most hit-and-miss is the WWE Series from Mattel.  I usually only buy ones that I think look good. Mostly because I don't personally watch wrestling, so I'm only buying figures I find aesthetically pleasing. But every once in a while I'll find myself in a checkout line holding a figure thinking "this is hideous", "why am I buying this?" Then I start to feel really bad about the women themselves and how unfortunate it is that their debut in plastic missed the mark. This Charlotte figure isn't even that bad, but she has a hair sculpt that makes her head look lop-sided and throws off the look of her entire body. I posed her as best as I could in these photos, but I'm still disappointed overall.  I hope for Charlotte's sake that she gets an apology figure some day. The painted details of her tattoos and clothing seem perfect, but hair should take priority especially considering she's using a standard buck. Judge for yourself though. Let's check out Charlotte below!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

WWE Superstar - AJ LEE!

WWE Basic Series #53 - Superstar #53 - AJ Lee - Mattel 2015

I'm no WWE expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I feel pretty confident in saying that AJ Lee has been one of the popular female wrestlers of the past decade. She has won many awards and titles over her career (she retired about a year ago in April 2015) but the main way I gauge her popularity is by seeing the sheer number of action figures she's had in the Mattel WWE line. I didn't investigate thoroughly, but with minimal Googling effort I found six different AJs with three unique head sculpts. This is personally only my second version of her, but it was such a vast improvement over my first figure that I had to add her to my collection. The other versions were cute, but didn't capture her likeness well at all. I also am a big fan of skeletons and organs incorporated into design. I have three such pieces of art hanging in my living room right now (and no, they aren't morbid in the least, think Andy Warhol meets Gray's Anatomy). Anyway, I thought her green shirt rocked. Let's check out the latest AJ figure below!