Showing posts with label Skybound. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skybound. Show all posts

Monday, March 19, 2018

Invincible's ATOM EVE!

Invincible - Atom Eve - Skybound Shop Exclusive - McFarlane Toys 2018

In 2002 I moved to a new city, started my professional career, and finally became an "adult." Of course my natural reaction to that growth was to regress to all my childhood loves. I had given up on American comics in the mid-nineties (when everything got extreme and unreadable) and I was hesitant about diving back in. But I slowly developed an aggressively flirty relationship with the clerk at the comic shop and I discovered comics had gotten really good again. My new favorites were Darwyn Cooke's Catwoman, Olivier Coipel's Legion, Y: The Last Man, and Batman: Hush. And last but not least, Invincible by Robert Kirkman and Cory Walker. This comic was a fresh and fun superhero comic. The art was great, the stories were engaging, and the characters were all fantastic. Atom Eve is Invincible's classmate, teammate, and love interest. She has the ability to manipulate all matter, which is an insanely limitless power (typical of female superheroes). I'm so glad she finally got a toy. Let's check out Atom Eve below!

Thursday, November 30, 2017


Saga - The Will & Lying Cat (SDCC) and Hazel & Izabel (NYCC) - McFarlane 2017

I don't think anything has made me happier this year than the release of two more Saga action figure sets from McFarlane Toys and Skybound Entertainment. Despite the insane popularity of this property in the comic community, the wide-scale release of these figures might not fare too well on the open market. So releasing them as limited convention exclusive editions is a perfect marketing plan. I hope the initial three sets have been profitable enough to warrant many more. The Stalk and Prince Robot are the highest on my wishlist for next year, with a Ghüs and Friendo right behind. But honestly almost every character would make an incredibly cool looking action figure. But for now we get new figures of the bounty hunter The Will, the spectral babysitter Izabel, the fib-finding Lying Cat, and the catalyst of the whole amazing story, Hazel. These figures couldn't be more well made and I hope everyone responsible for their production knows that. Let's check out the new batch in detail below!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

McFarlane Toys - Saga's ALANA!

Saga - Alana & Marko 2-Pack - McFarlane Toys/Skybound Exclusive 2016

I have been wishing for these exact figures for years. In fact, every time I would review a Walking Dead figure or speculate on Toy Fair reveals, I would wax on and on about how great a Saga series by McFarlane Toys would be. Saga is just about the best comic I have ever read. If you haven't picked up this book yet, you're doing yourself a major disservice. Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples have kept me enthralled for the last four years with their tales of star-crossed alien lovers Alana and Marko as they flee across the galaxies from their pursuers.  Alana is a former soldier from the technologically-advanced planet Landfall where all inhabitants have wings (of some sort). Marko was her prisoner, a beatnik pacifist from Landfall's moon, Wreath. All the moonies are magical and have horns (of some sort) and are in constant war with the Landfallians. While on guard duty, they fall in love over a book, conceive a child, and run for their lives. It's so good it's hard to put into words. Just like these action figures.