Captain America: Civil War - MiniVerse Iron Man vs. Scarlet Witch - Hasbro 2016
One of the things I'm looking to most from Toy Fair this year is news about more movie-related Mini-Verse figures from Hasbro. With Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Logan, Spider-Man: Homecoming and Thor: Ragnarok in theatres this year, I think there's a really good chance we'll see some more 2.5" Marvel ladies. Nebula, Mantis, Hela, Enchantress, X-23, and a re-scaled Gamora are all on my wish list. This Civil War version of Scarlet Witch was completely unknown to me until I was hunting the Marvel Legends Wanda this past fall and came across a (highly overpriced) listing for it. This second wave of Civil War MiniVerse figures never really hit the stores as far as I know. She shows up on eBay often, but usually at double or triple what I wanted to pay. Then one fateful day in December this I stopped into a Rite-Aid and found her on the pegs. These figures are simple, tiny, 5 point-of-articulation, overlookable toys, but I love them. Let's check out Civil War Scarlet Witch below!