Showing posts with label Cheetara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cheetara. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

ThunderCats Ultimates - CHEETARA!

ThunderCats Ultimates - Cheetara (Super Speed Glow) Exclusive - Super7 2023

I have a feeling that 2024 will be an exciting year for ThunderCats fans. In February, there will be a new comic from Dynamite released (it has been six years since these characters have been in print). And if Dynamite gives this license the same treatment as they gave Gargoyles in 2023, we are in for a treat. But I also have a completely unsubstantiated hunch that we will hear more ThunderCats news. Like a new show or movie. Again, just a premonition. But in the meantime I am pleasantly surprised by this Super7 Ultimates Super Speed Glow Cheetara (a Super7 store exclusive). When she was first shown back in May, I was intrigued, but not obsessed. I generally love GITD toys, but a multi-hued yellow redeco of Cheetara got a lukewarm initial reaction from me. But all the other ThunderCats always seem to get cool variants, so it's nice to see her getting her turn. In-hand I think she's really fun. The copper-colored details and cheetah spots look especially great. Let's check out Cheetara below!

Saturday, July 15, 2023

ThunderCats Ultimates - CHEETARA!

ThunderCats Ultimates - Series 6 - Cheetara (Toy Colors) - Super7 2023

Super7 is quickly becoming my favorite toy company. While no figure from any company is ever 100% perfect, the character selection and commitment to vintage aesthetic by Super7 thrills me more than anything else on the market today. The recent arrival of the first few Silverhawks figures followed by the announcement of TigerSharks in the future just makes me giddy. Then the surprise release of a vintage toy color variant line for their amazing ThunderCats Ultimates figures simply makes my head explode. The first Cheetara released in the Ultimates line from 2022 featured her cartoon design. I thought this figure was near perfection and it didn't even cross my mind to desire a toy design variant. (Interestingly, I never even noticed how stark the deisgn contrast was until Super7 released their ReAction variants were released in 2021). But when I saw the Ultimates variant solicited, complete with newly sculpted heads based on the 1986 LJN figure, I was instantly in love. Let's check out Cheetara below!

Saturday, July 30, 2022

ThunderCats Ultimates - CHEETARA!

ThunderCats Ultimates - Series 3 - Cheetara (Cartoon Colors) - Super7 2022

When Masters of the Universe Classics was launched in 2009, the collecting world changed for me. I suddenly realized that what I really craved was modern interpretations of my most beloved nostalgic properties. Before this, I was buying vintage product on eBay (with modern expectations) and regularly being disappointed. Things didn't feel the way I remembered, the characters never really looked like their cartoon counterparts and the prices were too high overall. But then I realized that there could (and would) be modern figures custom-made for collectors like me. Specifically when Adora was released in Jan 2010, I knew this market would eventually give me all the characters I wanted. It would just take patience. And a mere twelve years, a few false starts, and a handful license transfers later, I have the character that was Number One on my list for years, Cheetara. And I think she's perfect. Super7 has captured the essence of her animated look better than I dreamed possible. Let's check her out below!

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Super7 ReAction - CHEETARA!

ReAction Action Figures - ThunderCats Toy Variant Exc - Cheetara - Super7 2021

Super7 gave us a real gift a few weeks ago when they released this "Toy Color" variant of their Cheetara ReAction figure. What I especially love about it is that I honestly never noticed the animated Cheetara color palette varied so much from the vintage LJN toy. I saw the previous ReAction Toy Color releases of Lion-O and Panthro, and I just didn't see the change as drastic enough to warrant an additional purchase, but when I got the email from Super7 announcing this Cheetara variant, I had the sudden donning realization that she has two distinct colorings. Where the animated version can be interpreted as varying shades of muted browns and oranges with a pale skin tone, the vintage LJN toy had a bright red and orange outfit with a distinct yellow-ish skintone (a true Autumn vs Summer palette). The variation excited me to the point where I bought the (seemingly) lackluster Lion-O and Panthro, and suddenly I'm eagerly anticipating a Tygra variant - and the missing 'cats of course. Let's check out Cheetara below!

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Super7 ReAction - CHEETARA!

ReAction Action Figures - ThunderCats Wave 01 - Cheetara - Super7 2020

Arcee from the Transformers franchise seems to be getting a lot of attention in 2020 for getting an unprecedented wave of action figures. But a surprise runner-up is Cheetara. First she got a Savage World figure from Funko, then this Super7 ReAction figure, and soon we will see her ThunderCats Ultimates figure from Super7 as well. Granted, the Savage World figure came out in late 2019, and the Ultimates likely won't arrive until 2021, it's still three great Cheetara figures in a relatively short amount of time. What excites me most about the ReAction line lately is the teased Jem figures shown at Toy Fair. I always wanted a great "Ladies of the 80s" lineup, but Jem always seems to be the odd girl out. So far we have the MOTU and POP figures, April from TMNT, Cheetara, and now Jem. This could be the line that finally gives me my all-star lineup. My only problem is that the figures keep improving, so by the time we get them all the early releases like She-Ra pale in comparison. Let's check out Cheetara below!

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Funko Savage World - CHEETARA!

Savage World Action Figures: ThunderCats - Wave 2  - Cheetara - Funko 2019

One of my very favorite toy collecting trends in the last decade has been the re-introduction of "vintage style" action figures. The first to come along was Gentle Giant Jumbo figures in 2011 featuring 12" upscaled vintage Star Wars figures, then the ReAction figures from Super7 back in 2014 which re-imagines modern properties in a classic Kenner 3.75" style. The 2015 Micro G.I.Joes offered a brief tease. And most recently Funko and Super7 have established their Vintage and Savage World lines which give new life to the vintage He-Man aesthetic. My most wanted Savage World figure from the beginning was Cheetara. As one of the major icons from 80s cartoons, she doesn't get nearly enough merchandise. While this figure has some problems, she still brings me an intense amount of joy. I don't even know if any more of these figures are on the horizon. The Bride of Frankenstein and mystery woman in the Conan line haven't been mentioned in years, but I have hopes! Let's check out Cheetara.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Loyal Subjects - CHEETARA!

Thundercats Series 01 - Blind Box Action Vinyls - Cheetara - Loyal Subjects 2017

I'm always a sucker for anything Cheetara. There's something about cat-themed characters that has always appealed to me. Catwoman was the first one that caught my attention. But Cheetara was the first felinoid with actual cat characteristics. The theme is huge in comics and cartoons. Something about felines and females complement each other and make for intriguing other-worldly characters, and I think the sheer amount of female felinoids in the toy world proves that is a recipe that works. But with all the popularity of this character type, I think Cheetara will be always be my OG Cat-Girl. I can't see a piece of Cheetara merchandise without purchasing it. Luckily all the items I've picked up looked really good. Most of these Loyal Subjects females have questionable aesthetics to me. It's mostly the eyes that look more like Bratz dolls than their intended characters, but this Cheetara has an updated look that I think is terrific. Now my fingers are crossed for a Pumyra in the future. Let's check out Cheetara below!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Funko Vynl - Thundercats Classic CHEETARA!

Thundercats Classic Vynl - Panthro & Cheetara 2-Pack - Funko 2017

While I'm not the biggest fan of this new Vynl line from Funko, I find it pretty impossible to resist any piece of Cheetara merchandise when I see it on the shelves. Of all the big 1980s ladies: She-Ra, Jem, Baroness, etc, Cheetara is the one I get the most excited about when I see her. I think as a child I loved any powerful female characters in those afternoon TV blocks, but as an adult my tastes have refined to highlight other aspects of character design I find appealing. First of all, I love animal motifs - especially when it's a felinoid. And a second aesthetic I've really grasped onto is a monochromatic color scheme. This actually donned on me as an adult collector when I saw my action figures lined up by character.. Scarlet Witch's pink and red, Polaris' emerald and chartreuse, and Firestar's yellow and red, etc, etc. I suddenly realized I had a very obvious pattern to my collecting. And I also realized that Cheetara was the only childhood muse of mine that perfectly fit my adult style.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Women of THUNDERCATS Mini-Mates!
Your Favorite Lady Thundarians - Icon Heroes / DST / Art Asylum 2012-2013

I've know ranted about this before, but Mini-Mates have definitely earned the #1 spot for team completion in modern pop collectibles.  Traditional action figures always fall a few figures short, Funko Pop shows crazy potential but needs more time, and HeroClix does a fantastic job, but all too often there's one modern costume in a retro lineup or vice versa - plus they're really tiny with varying degrees of detail.  Mini-Mates, however, having been proving their commitment to collectors for years.  I've completed New Mutants, Alpha Flight, Excalibur, the original X-Men, the 90's X-Men, and the original X-Factor with ease.  And, no, it's not only Marvel that gets this treatment.  In a few short years, they have created an extremely complete ThunderCats lineup.  I love every single cat they've produced, but I'm only focusing on the three ladies here.  Cheetara, WilyKit, and Pumyra are representative of one of the greatest 80s properties out there.  Let's check them out in detail below!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Funko POP ThunderCats CHEETARA!
POP! Television #103 - ThunderCats Classic Cheetara - Funko 2013

Funko POPs are probably the most popular collectible I can think of right now.  I have friends who would never think of buying an action figure suddenly shelling out crazy dough for POPs of Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, The Beatles, Disney, Rankin & Bass Christmas, etc etc.  I personally couldn't be happier, especially when it means that I keep getting awesome ladies like Cheetara to add to my collection.  I was just debating whether or not I would try to go to ToyFair this year and was actually leaning toward "No" (it was more awkward and frustrating than exciting last year if I want to be truly honest), but then I remembered the Funko booth and how fun and exciting that part of the event was.  Now I totally plan on applying for a press pass in the next couple days.  I was looking at the ThunderCats lineup so far and I realize we're definitely due for more figures since the core team isn't even made yet.  Here's hoping for a Pumyra!  But for now let's check out Cheetara below!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Mega-Scale ThunderCats CHEETARA!

ThunderCats Classic - Mega-Scale Cheetara - Mezco 2013

This giant lady pushed my little photo tent to its limits this week.  I also have no idea where to display her in my collection.  She measures in at 14" tall and all my Ikea shelves fall woefully short of that stature.  Regardless of my shock over her height, this figure is stunning.  The original design for Cheetara has never had a new figure until this release.  Yes, the new ThunderCats figures were great and the new designs were cool, but nothing can ever top a classic 80's look.  I've been tempted by the Mega-scale figures since they first started appearing in TRU a few years ago.  But the only thing holding me back was the uncertainty of a Cheetara release.  Of course, now the old ones are too pricey.  Sigh.  Maybe now they'll make a Pumyra so she's not the only tall girl at the party.  These figures are nicely made.  She seems to be rotocast in a sturdy hollow vinyl and features ten points of articulation.  Her leg articulation doesn't offer much variation if you want her to keep standing, but the arms and head can actually work together to give you a lot of different looks.  Let's check her out below!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

ThunderCats Mega-Scale CHEETARA Revealed!

ThunderCats Mega-Scale 14" Cheetara - from Mezco 2013

Toy news is always a little stale leading up to Toy Fair.  You get occasional announcements, but for the most part, the time between Christmas and NYTF in February is the duldrums of this hobby.  That's why I was doubly excited to find this beautiful Cheetara action figure listed on BigBadToyStore today.  I love love love Cheetara and we've been teased with a lot of products lately that we will likely never see.  Bandai mentioned an 8" classic Cheetara as the final figure in the line, but we haven't heard anything in roughly 18 months so I'm assuming it's scrapped.  Pop Culture Shock had released images of a decent Cheetara statue earlier this year that has also now been cancelled.  These Mega-Scale ThunderCats figures from Mezco are pretty awesome.  I see them at Toys'R Us all the time.  They are 14" tall with roughly 10 points of articulation and usually run from $30-$40.  So far we have, Lion-O, Panthro, & Mumm-Ra (with variants of Mumm-Ra & Lion-O).  Cheetara is due in June 2013 and I can't wait!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Bandai 6" Modern CHEETARA

ThunderCats (Cartoon Network) - 6" Series Two - Cheetara - Bandai 2011

80's Toy Nostalgia is a force to be reckoned with.  So many different properties have resurfaced over the past few years that it's hard to keep them all straight.  One of the key franchises that fans have been wishing and begging for has been ThunderCats.  Staying suspiciously out of the limelight since their first incarnation, these powerful felines have recently burst onto the scene with an amazing new cartoon on the Cartoon Network and a great line of toys made by Bandai.  I was hesitant when I first heard the news that Bandai had the toy license.  Most of what we see from them on US shelves is Power Rangers and Ben10, and as far as the female figures go, their track record is hit-or-miss.  Luckily the most recent figures have been fantastic, and the ThunderCats have been no exception.