Showing posts with label Mystique. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mystique. Show all posts

Thursday, May 25, 2023

X-Men: The Animated Series - MYSTIQUE!

Marvel Legends - X-Men the Animated Series (VHS) - Mystique - Hasbro 2022

My favorite figure in the recent Marvel Legends X-Men the Animated Series VHS line is easily this Mystique release. Raven Darkholme is a amazing character in almost every iteration, but my favorite has always been the classic white sleeveless gown with the skull motif. Considering that we got a fantastic Walgreens-exclusive figure in this outfit just a few year ago, I never expected another one. And frankly, I'm surprised at how a simple repaint and a new hairpiece made such a unique variation that gives such a different vibe than the first version. Most of the Marvel Legends VHS figures I've seen so far seem to focus on the cel-shading as their primary distinction from their original releases, but Mystique got a major makeover, and I couldn't be happier. I know the line appears to be over (with focus shifted to Spider-Man), but I would be shocked if they didn't find a way to release Rogue. And hopefully she'll have the same makeover that her Mom got. Fingers crossed. Let's check out Mystique below!

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

X-Men Movie - MYSTIQUE!

X-Men The Movie: Series 1 - Mystique (Rebecca Romijn) - Toy Biz 2000

X-Men The Movie was released so long ago, but I remember the day like it was yesterday. Back in July of 2000 I was in my fourth year of college (yes I took classes every Summer), I was on a hiatus from reading comics, I owned approximately three action figures (McFarlane Edward Scissorhands, Sideshow Creature from the Black Lagoon, and Alex from Crimson fyi), and my favorite movie genre was artsy foreign films. In short, I was a snob. Yet I was in that theatre on opening day relishing in waves of nostalgia. And I'll confess I wasn't truly there for the X-Men themselves. I had an older brother who had always "claimed" the X-Men as "his" thing, and obliging to a twisted sibling respect I let him have them. But he couldn't have the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. They showed up in tons of other Marvel books and I was obsessed with them. Especially the mysterious Mystique. I thought her presence was the best part of the movie and twenty-some years later I finally got her original toy. Let's check her out below!

Tuesday, June 15, 2021


Marvel Collector's Club - X2 Movie Bust Set: Mystique & Wolverine - NECA 2004

I only recently discovered that NECA Toys has produced Marvel items in the past. The collectible toy industry is chock full of Marvel products, but it's always been from Toy Biz, Hasbro, or DST - with very few exceptions. But for early Marvel movie properties it makes sense that NECA (National Entertainment Collectibles Association) would have an iron in the fire. Most other companies didn't focus on realistic movie merchandise back then, but it was NECA's specialty. Starting 2003, NECA ran the Marvel Collector's Club which offered unique Marvel statues and busts. An interesting note about this line is that I believe it offered no packaging design. Pictures online seem to indicate they all came in nondescript brown cardboard boxes, and this two-pack of mine continues that tradition. The Mystique and Wolverine set was released in 2004, about a year after the theatrical release of X2: X-Men United. The quality is terrific and I'm surprised I only recently discovered it. Let's check out Mystique below!

Monday, October 5, 2020

X-Men Movie - MYSTIQUE!

Marvel Legends: X-Men (2000) 20th Anniversary - Mystique - Hasbro 2020

I was obsessed with mutant comics for a most of my childhood so my expectations were always going to be high for the 2000's X-Men movies. I was mostly looking forward to seeing a live-action Storm, but despite Halle Barre's impressive acting chops, I found that character portrayal to be highly disappointing. In fact, with the exception of Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen, I found almost every character to be lackluster. The only real interesting reimagining of a character for me was Mystique. Her nude/scaly redesign made a lot of sense for her shapeshifting abilities, and her motivations suddenly seemed a lot more streamlined and understandable than in the comics. Casting the gorgeous Rebecca Romijn in a role that disguised her beauty was also an intriguing choice. I didn't realize how much I wanted a toy of this character until I was teased by the cancelled Jennifer Lawrence Marvel Select figure from 2014. It took another 6 years but we finally got a great one. Let's check out Mystique below!

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Marvel Legends - MYSTIQUE!

Marvel Legends - Walgreens Exclusive X-Men Legends - Mystique - Hasbro 2019

I predict that 2019 will be a pretty awesome year for Marvel Legends. The announcements last week at Toy Fair included two of my most wanted figures: Julia Carpenter Spider-Woman and Blue-suited Dazzler. (Not to mention an updated Scarlet Witch, Peggy Carter, Shuri, MJ, etc). And I have a hunch that we will finally see a classic Firestar in one of the unannounced Spider-Man or Avengers slots (the recent Night Thrasher figure and her Iceman appearance fuel my hopes). Also, I think it's very likely we'll see an MCU Rescue. But the fact that we are getting at least four classic characters this year is extremely exciting for me (Silver Sable, Spider-Woman, Dazzler, and this Mystique). I have really grown to love Mystique over the years. When I was a kid, she kind of freaked me out, and that unease lingered until I read her Brian K Vaughn solo series in 2003. However, I prefer the classic costume and this figure is an unexpected favorite for me. Let's check out this beautiful blue-hued shapechanger in detail below!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Marvel Mini-Bust - MYSTIQUE!

Marvel Mini-Busts - Mystique (Classic Comic Version) - Bowen Designs 2005

The recent announcement of a new classic-styled Marvel Legends Mystique in 2019 inspired me to snap from photos of this gem from 2005. I've always loved this character. Her blue skin and subtle voodoo decor honestly frightened me a bit as a kid, but back then things were a little more black and white. The heroes were good and the villains were bad. I don't think she really morphed into the standard modern antihero until Brian K Vaughn's amazing 2003 solo series. But back then she showed up in all my 25 cent bin treasures. I remember her in Avengers, Ms. Marvel, Dazzler, and even ROM. She eventually became an exclusively X-Men-oriented adversary, and I think she's actually the first serious mutant female villain (she predates Emma Frost by two years). She's had a decent amount of merchandise made, but honestly most of it wasn't super great. This bust and the 1996 ToyBiz figure are the only good ones in my opinion. That's why I'm so excited for the new Hasbro release and already celebrating!

Saturday, July 8, 2017


Rock Candy - Capt. Marvel, Thor, Spider-Gwen, She-Hulk, Mystique - Funko 2016

I've had this group of Marvel Rock Candy figures forever but have been delaying posting them out of sheer laziness. I'm really impressed with this line overall and I'm so glad to see it growing in leaps and bounds. It seems like every few weeks there's a new announcement, and I'm already finding myself being very selective with my purchases. If I manage to find the exclusive Gwenpool and Red She-Hulk Rock Candys in the next few weeks I'll want to post on them right away and I didn't want to be caught too far behind with this first Marvel wave. The Rock Candy line started a little over a year ago with a DC Wave and was followed up several months later with this first batch of Marvel figures. I was a little bummed when I realized that, yet again, the Marvel figures must be bobble-heads. But I found that by jamming some tissue up in the head you can make it stay still in a normal position and overall I'm very happy with this group. (I'm still shocked there wasn't a Masked Captain Marvel variant though). Let's check them out!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Women of Marvel Universe NOG'NZ!
Seven Marvelously Squished Ladies - Nog'nz Blind Bag Series 1 - Zag Toys 2012

For those collectors who have a strong visceral reaction to Chibis and other abstracted superhero forms, you're going to just love these little monstrosities.  I definitely had a similar negative reaction when I first saw these.  It took me about a year to warm up to them, and now they just make me giggle.  When trying to describe them to someone who has never seen them, I can't seem to avoid the imagery of a small caramel candy that has been pinched and prodded into a shape.  This is especially true for Rogue whose hair gives her the right coloring for my analogy.  A big perk for me was also the character selection.   The first (and only) series had 45 characters, including seven females - pretty impressive for a debut aimed at kids.  They are made from a really dense plastic that click and clack like dice when jostled together.  There are actually some games you are supposed to play with these - seems like a cross between craps and marbles. (The tag line on all the packaging is "Heads will Roll!")  Let's check them out!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

X-Men Monster Armor MYSTIQUE!

Raven the Shape-Shifting She-Beast from X-Men: Monster Armor - ToyBiz 1996

Who doesn't have a soft spot for Mystique?  To me, she always reflected my darkest, vengeful impulses.  In the world of the X-Men, there are a lot of polarizing social groups.  The mutants, of course, represent the hated, misunderstood underdogs.  The X-Men follow Professor X's ideal of peaceful coexistence with the rest of mankind, despite threats, abuse, discrimination, and constant conflict.  Raven Darkholme is the antithesis of Charles Xavier's dream.  Sure, she wants the conflict and discrimination to be over, too.  But she isn't willing to take the peaceful route.  She's violent, vindictive, vengeful, and self-righteous.  Even when I know she's making the morally wrong choices, my devious inner voices were always rooting her on.  Mystique's classic look is my favorite for her.  Yes, it's impractical and theatrical, but it's nostalgic for me.  I find it more than a little shocking that the best figure we have of her in this costume is from a 1990's ToyBiz line.  Check her out below and see if you agree.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Marvel Legends MYSTIQUE!

Your Favorite Shapeshifter Debuts in Her Modern Look from Hasbro 2012

This action figure makes me want to go re-read that amazing but short-lived Mystique comic series from the early 2000's.  That series was the first time I remember Ms Darkholme donning the modern, dark leather clothes.  You can't even really call it a costume anymore, and I kind of like that.  Mystique comes in the third 2012 Wave from the new Marvel Legends series.  Her character slot is technically titled "X-Mutants" and contains either Moonstar or Mystique.  There was a similar slot in Wave two called "Marvel's Madames" which contained either Madame Masque or Madame Hydra.  It's really odd that Hasbro considers these character pairs to be variants of each other, but I won't complain as long as it means we're getting some long-overdue Marvel ladies.  I realize in typing this that I never posted my Marvel Madames review.  I'll try to squeeze it in this weekend, especially since I make mention of the re-use of Madame Hydra's awful awful head with shockingly positive results.