Showing posts with label Skin-Blue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skin-Blue. Show all posts

Friday, December 20, 2024

ThunderCats Ultimates - CHILLA!

ThunderCats Ultimates - Series 9 - Chilla (the Icy Lunatak) - Super7 2024

ThunderCats is one of my childhood properties that I have a fierce love for. But as an adult, I can acknowledge that my obsession was purely based on general concept, toys, and character design. Because my knowledge of the characters who were not merchandised and even my memories of the actual cartoon are scant or non-existent. Until fans started begging Mattel for an action figure of Chilla back in 2016, I honestly never heard of her and would have wagered that there weren't any cool female villains in the series. I do have vague memories of the Lunataks, but thinking they were a bit silly. In concept they are a formidable collective of ancient evil warriors from each of Plun-Darr's moons. But in actuality, they are a bit like a bumbling group of misfits. With the sole exception of Chilla. On her own merits, she is very cool (pun intended). She had the most traditionally human body of the Lunataks and her abilities are reflected in her icy appearance (I love a monochromatic design and elemental powers).

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Ulysses 31 - THEMIS!

Ulysses 31 - 1:18 Scale Action Figures - No. 88516 Themis/Yumi - Popy 1981

Ulysses 31 is a classic French/Japanese animated series from 1981. I have been hearing about this show my entire life. It's often listed among the greatest "forgotten" 80s cartoons. And the theme song also tends to top similar lists. But in the United States, this show never had the same impact that it did in the rest of the world. It only aired in 1986 in the DiC KideoTV lineup alongside shows like Popples, Rainbow Brite, and Lovely Ladylocks. As a mythological/futuristic adventure series, it didn't really fit in with the other shows and never captured a strong audience here. The show features Greek Mythological characters in a futuristic space-faring setting. Ulysses pilots the spaceship Odyssey with his son Telemachus and the young blue-skinned Zotran, Themis (named Yumi in the English dub of the cartoon). Zeus has banished them on a voyage through space to get to Hades to revive his crew and return to Earth, encountering legendary mythical figures along the way. It's really fun and inventive.

Saturday, October 26, 2024


Trollify by Good Luck Trolls - Frankenstein & The Bride - Kidrobot 2023

I have had a long fascination with Trolls. When I very young in the early 80s, my parents had a puzzle with a collage of vintage toys pictured on it. Buried in the heap was an image of a Troll doll from the 1960s. I was obsessed and would ask every adult I knew if they had Trolls when they were kids. Believe it or not, the toy line was a scarce thing then and the license was in a sort of hibernation. In the 90s, they came back in full force. They were everywhere and unavoidable. However, I did not like these at all. They had neon hair, they wore human clothes, and they had gemstones embedded in their bellies. The folklore-ish aspects we gone. The earthtone palettes, woodland aesthetic, and overall connection to nature were replaced by whatever trending fad the manufacturers could think of. My original childhood intrigue was rekindled in 2013 with the Zelfs line and ever since then I've been really appreciative of all the modern Troll spinoffs and homages. And these Trollify figures are a great example.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Marvel Legends - NAMORITA!

Marvel Legends - Void Build-a-Figure Series -  Namorita - Hasbro 2023

Marvel Legends has a knack for releasing an in-demand character in the wrong costume. I've been predicting a Namorita figure for several years now. The original New Warriors lineup from 1990 is iconic and several characters have already been released. When this Void wave was announced, we already had 3 of the 6 members (plus the brown Nova on the way). So suddenly we got the final two, Namorita and Marvel Boy, announced. But Marvel Boy was in his 2014 costume and Namorita was in her blink-and-you-miss-it 2005 design that she only had for six issues. The saving grace is that both costumes are cool. To be fair, I always hated this Namorita design, but this figure makes me appreciate it in a new light. She's quite a stunning figure. The last few comic-based females in this line have been exceptionally and surprisingly beautiful (Clea and Daredevil Elektra come to mind). And the nice thing is that this sculpt will almost certainly be repurposed for her classic look. Let's check out Namorita below!

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Legends of Dragonore - PANTERA!

Legends of Dragonore - Series 1 - Pantera the Silent Huntress - Formo Toys 2023

I'm very excited to have a new designer toy company in the market. Especially one that embraces a retro vibe and doesn't shy away from female characters. By the time I actually got my first Legends of Dragonore figures in hand a few weeks ago, Formo Toys had already announced a Wave 1.5 of redecos and an original Wave 2, giving me four more female figures to look forward to. And I predict we'll see a female or two in their next set of convention exclusives. I'm a big fan of modern figures produced in a vintage aesthetic. Super7 ReAction, MOTU Origins, and the new Sectaurs from Nacelle are all great examples. The MOTU-inspired figures seem to have the most momentum in pop culture and I love going to events like ZoloCon to see all the art toys in vintage MOTU style. It's pretty rare for these toys to get mass produced at an affordable price. But Formo Toys has achieved this and I couldn't be happier. The production quality and design aesthetic is amazing. Let's check out Pantera below!

Thursday, May 25, 2023

X-Men: The Animated Series - MYSTIQUE!

Marvel Legends - X-Men the Animated Series (VHS) - Mystique - Hasbro 2022

My favorite figure in the recent Marvel Legends X-Men the Animated Series VHS line is easily this Mystique release. Raven Darkholme is a amazing character in almost every iteration, but my favorite has always been the classic white sleeveless gown with the skull motif. Considering that we got a fantastic Walgreens-exclusive figure in this outfit just a few year ago, I never expected another one. And frankly, I'm surprised at how a simple repaint and a new hairpiece made such a unique variation that gives such a different vibe than the first version. Most of the Marvel Legends VHS figures I've seen so far seem to focus on the cel-shading as their primary distinction from their original releases, but Mystique got a major makeover, and I couldn't be happier. I know the line appears to be over (with focus shifted to Spider-Man), but I would be shocked if they didn't find a way to release Rogue. And hopefully she'll have the same makeover that her Mom got. Fingers crossed. Let's check out Mystique below!

Saturday, December 17, 2022


Avatar: The Way of Water - Neytiri (Metkayina Reef) - McFarlane Toys 2022

Avatar: The Water of Water is in theatres right now but I waited too long to order tickets and everything is sold out until next Wednesday night. So in the meantime I get to live vicariously though the toys. The general gist I get from the trailers is that we get to meet another community of Na'Vi who live either in (or surrounded by) the sea. When the second wave of Avatar figures was announced, I'll admit I was a little bummed to learn we would be getting a second Neytiri instead of a new character, like Kate Winslet's Ronal for example. But the figure looks different enough in person that I appreciate her anyway. I assume this version of Neytiri represents her look when either visiting or battling the sea-Na'Vi. She's wearing a completely different outfit, her bow is new, and she has a headsculpt that is entirely different (new facial expression and hair). If I didn't know better, I could be convinced it was a new character. Still, I really hope we see future waves. Let's check out Neytiri (Metkayina Reef) below!

Friday, December 16, 2022

Avatar: The Way of Water - NEYTIRI!

Avatar: The Way of Water - Neytiri (Standard Version) - McFarlane Toys 2022

It's been thirteen long years since the first Avatar movie hit theatres and I am very excited to see the long-awaited sequel. When it comes to movies, I love being fully emersed in a new setting, where the place is almost a character in itself. Avatar gave me that in spades. The world of Pandora, the Na'Vi people, and all the flora and fauna create a magical moviegoing experience and I can't wait to experience it again. Back in 2009 I went all-in on the toylines from Mattel. I bought every character and every giant creature. At one point my dining room table was completely covered in banshees. But I admit I always thought the quality of those toys was lacking. They had announced the sequels right away so I was already fantasizing about which company would get the license and give us the improved toys I desired (my money was on NECA). But who would have guessed McFarlane would come to the rescue and give me the Neytiri I always wanted. She is wonderful. Let's check out Neytiri below!

Friday, October 28, 2022


TMNT vs Universal Monsters - April O'neil as Bride of Frankenstein - NECA 2022

I get really overwhelmed with the amount of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles products coming out these days. Between NECA, Super7, and Loyal Subjects, I am constantly seeing new figures and it's hard to keep track of them all. Thankfully (for me) there are very few females in the mix so I'm not nearly as tempted as the average collector. In the 90s, Playmates Toys created countless thematic variations of the TMNT gang: Samurais, Cavemen, Farmers, Surfers, Troll Dolls, and even Star Trek. I would be willing to bet, however, that the most popular was the Universal Monsters line. Even as a non-collector, I was very aware of these toys. That's why when NECA announced it was producing the same mashup, I knew it would be a hit. And their decision to base the aesthetic off the movie sculpts was very smart. I have no recollection of the TMNT movies personally, but the realism of these sculpts works very well with a Universal Monsters mash-up. Let's check out April below!

Friday, October 21, 2022

Gargoyles - DEMONA!

Disney's Gargoyles - Ultimate Action Figures - Demona - NECA 2022

NECA has a knack for taking properties that I always peripherally liked and appreciated and making me absolutely obsessed with them.  Did I ever expect that the adult me would be clamoring for Defenders of the Earth or Gremlins 2: The New Batch toys? Absolutely not. But here I am shelling out extra money to get the figures a week sooner than my preorders would get them to me. I'm similarly surprised by my reaction to their Gargoyles Ultimates line. Thematically Gargoyles seems like a show I would love. It's dark, mythological, and has great character design. But it came out when I was in the throes of high school and it was simply off my radar. When the figures were first announced, however, I started watching the show on Disney+ and I feel like I'm finally having the full experience I should have had back in the 90s; great cartoons and toys on the shelves. Demona is the primary female character in the show and I'm glad she was released so early. She's a magnificent figure. Let's check her out below!

Saturday, December 18, 2021


Roblox Imagination Collection - 4" Figure Wave 04 - Sea Serpent - Jazwares 2021

Nothing sparks my collecting curiosity more than a character with unworldly-colored skin. Red or Green or (especially) Blue complexions just thrill me. Although I mostly collect toys related to comics and animation, my personal aesthetics lean toward fantasy. Specifically creature fantasy with humanoid characters exhibiting animalistic traits. And for some reason blue skin has always been associated with aquatic people. When I first saw images of this Sea Serpent figure from the Roblox Imagination Collection line a few months ago I was ecstatic. This line has been the source of a lot of unexpected joy for me. Even though I'm unfamiliar with Roblox in general, Jazwares has produced a ton of attention-grabbing female figures. It has already surpassed the Fortnite line as far as diversity and imagination (IMO). And every time I buy a new figure, I unfold the paper insert to see news of even more figures on the horizon. It's a never-ending cycle and I'm here for it. Let's check out Sea Serpent below!

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Marvel Legends - NEBULA (HEIST)!

Marvel Legends What If...? (The Watcher Series) - Heist Nebula - Hasbro 2021

If you haven't watched What If...? on Disney+ yet, I highly suggest you do. I was a fan of the comics when I was a kid, both the first run from 1977-84 and series two from 1988-98. I always thought it was amazing how many of the "preposterous" storylines were eventually became canon years later. (My favorite being "What if Jane Foster had found the Hammer of Thor?" from issue #10 (1978).. which we saw come to fruition in a spectacular way 34 years later). Like the comics, each episode of What If...? features a standalone story focusing on how events would unfold if a key event would have happened differently. This Nebula figure is from the second episode "What if... T'Challa became a Starlord?" I'll be honest, after seeing the episode, I'm surprised she warranted an action figure. She wasn't a focal character, and T'Challa got a figure.. so two figures from a single 30 minute episode seems odd, but I'm not complaining, because I love Nebula and this is a fun interpretation of her look. Let's check her out below!

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

X-Men Movie - MYSTIQUE!

X-Men The Movie: Series 1 - Mystique (Rebecca Romijn) - Toy Biz 2000

X-Men The Movie was released so long ago, but I remember the day like it was yesterday. Back in July of 2000 I was in my fourth year of college (yes I took classes every Summer), I was on a hiatus from reading comics, I owned approximately three action figures (McFarlane Edward Scissorhands, Sideshow Creature from the Black Lagoon, and Alex from Crimson fyi), and my favorite movie genre was artsy foreign films. In short, I was a snob. Yet I was in that theatre on opening day relishing in waves of nostalgia. And I'll confess I wasn't truly there for the X-Men themselves. I had an older brother who had always "claimed" the X-Men as "his" thing, and obliging to a twisted sibling respect I let him have them. But he couldn't have the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. They showed up in tons of other Marvel books and I was obsessed with them. Especially the mysterious Mystique. I thought her presence was the best part of the movie and twenty-some years later I finally got her original toy. Let's check her out below!

Tuesday, June 15, 2021


Marvel Collector's Club - X2 Movie Bust Set: Mystique & Wolverine - NECA 2004

I only recently discovered that NECA Toys has produced Marvel items in the past. The collectible toy industry is chock full of Marvel products, but it's always been from Toy Biz, Hasbro, or DST - with very few exceptions. But for early Marvel movie properties it makes sense that NECA (National Entertainment Collectibles Association) would have an iron in the fire. Most other companies didn't focus on realistic movie merchandise back then, but it was NECA's specialty. Starting 2003, NECA ran the Marvel Collector's Club which offered unique Marvel statues and busts. An interesting note about this line is that I believe it offered no packaging design. Pictures online seem to indicate they all came in nondescript brown cardboard boxes, and this two-pack of mine continues that tradition. The Mystique and Wolverine set was released in 2004, about a year after the theatrical release of X2: X-Men United. The quality is terrific and I'm surprised I only recently discovered it. Let's check out Mystique below!

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Farscape - ZHAAN!

Farscape - Action Figures Series 01 - Zhaan (Delvian Pa'v) - Toy Vault 2000

Farscape was a science fiction space adventure series that aired from 1999-2003. This was a time period in my life that was essentially a television blackout for me. In late college and early career time, I never had cable. Just a television and a VHS collection. But I was still very aware of Farscape. It seemed like a no-brainer that the Jim Henson Company should be involved in a space adventures series. Stargate SG-1, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, and the various Star Trek spinoffs were a television staple for a solid decade. And right in the middle was the oddity of Farscape. The creature puppets and makeup made it stand out from the pack. I had a roommate who watched it when back home for holidays and I would get all these action figure junk mail catalogs (remember those?) that featured toys based on the show. I only started watching the show this past Fall and coincidentally one of my favorite local collectible shops just got a bunch of the old toys. Perfect timing! Let's check out Zhaan below!

Sunday, February 7, 2021


Roblox Imagination Collection - 4" Figure Wave 03 - Aven - Jazwares 2021

When I was young I was obsessed with collecting and reading backissues of Batman Family. This was a deluxe anthology comic series featuring both reprints and new material starring the entire cast of the Batman universe. As a kid with a meager allowance ($1.50 a week) augmented by a paperboy salary (that was equally insignificant), Batman Family was easily the most value for my money. One issue in particular stood out to me. It featured Duela Dent and a band of female "daughters" of the key Batman Villains: Penguin's Daughter, Riddler's Daughter, and the only one with a unique name, Scare-Crone. I loved the idea of a scary female Scarecrow so much. And all these years later that's exactly where my head went when I saw this Aven the Silver Warrior figure from the new Roblox Imagination Collection wave. She looks nothing like the Scare-Crone, in fact she looks more like a Tin-Man and Scarecrow mashup from Wizard of Oz, but either way I think she's awesome. Let's check out Aven below!

Saturday, December 5, 2020


I Am Elemental - Elements of Power Series 2: Wisdom - Rebel Elements 2016

Sometimes I buy a lot of action figures all at once and then get overwhelmed at the thought of opening, photographing, and displaying them. That is literally the only drawback to maintaining this website; I no longer get to experience the frantic tearing open of my toys as soon as I get them home. But on the plus side, the photography process has created a new unboxing ritual that is very enjoyable in its own way... when I eventually get around to it. That brings us to one of my favorite toy lines in recent memory: I Am Elemental. I've had this second series unopened on a storage shelf for 4 years, which is a shame because this is an amazing line that I'm excited to display. The colorfully costumed heroines, the crayola spectrum of skintones, and the trademark domino masks create a unique product that is unlike anything else out there. And this Wisdom series stepped it up a notch with even brighter colors and wilder accessories. I can't believe I sat on them so long. Let's check them out below!

Monday, October 5, 2020

X-Men Movie - MYSTIQUE!

Marvel Legends: X-Men (2000) 20th Anniversary - Mystique - Hasbro 2020

I was obsessed with mutant comics for a most of my childhood so my expectations were always going to be high for the 2000's X-Men movies. I was mostly looking forward to seeing a live-action Storm, but despite Halle Barre's impressive acting chops, I found that character portrayal to be highly disappointing. In fact, with the exception of Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen, I found almost every character to be lackluster. The only real interesting reimagining of a character for me was Mystique. Her nude/scaly redesign made a lot of sense for her shapeshifting abilities, and her motivations suddenly seemed a lot more streamlined and understandable than in the comics. Casting the gorgeous Rebecca Romijn in a role that disguised her beauty was also an intriguing choice. I didn't realize how much I wanted a toy of this character until I was teased by the cancelled Jennifer Lawrence Marvel Select figure from 2014. It took another 6 years but we finally got a great one. Let's check out Mystique below!

Monday, October 28, 2019

Masters of the Universe Vintage - FROZEN TEELA!

Masters of the Universe Vintage Wave 3 - Frozen Teela - Super7 2019

There's something about translucent plastic action figures that mesmerizes me. I remember having Blackstar toys as a kid and being obsessed with their translucent chests. Same with the Golden Pharaoh from Super Powers and all the Crystar heroes. My only caveat is that I like them to have a color tint, plain clear is not appealing for some reason. I didn't know the reasoning behind this Super 7 translucent blue vintage style Frozen Teela until after I bought it. There was a single episode in He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Season 2 (titled "The Ice Age Cometh") where the new villain Icer touches Teela and she freezes. It's a blink-and-you-miss-it moment, but it sure translates into a cool variant of this fantastic sculpt. In the episode, when He-Man finds Teela frozen like a statue, he does the logical thing and punches her. In cartoon-trope-land, punching ice is apparently the same as thawing I guess. I've seen it a thousand times and it's always ridiculous. Let's check out Teela below!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Buzz Lightyear - MIRA NOVA!

Buzz Lightyear of Star Command - Mira Nova - McDonald's Australia 2001

There's something about Happy Meal toys that thrill me when they're made right. I feel like a majority of the time I only see weird gimmicky plastic contraptions or my favorite characters inexplicably in the driver's seat of a little car. But every so often you get these cool little action figures. Of course, the downfall is the best ones have an annoying habit on being Australian and very tricky to obtain on the secondary market. This Mira Nova figure is a prime example. The American Happy Meal line were little "launch vehicles", but the Australian set were four well-designed action figures. Buzz Lightyear of Star Command was a Toy Story spinoff from 2000. It expanded on Buzz's "fictional" life before ending up in Andy's toy bin. Mira Nova is a rookie Space Ranger and Princess of the Tangean people. She has telepathic abilities and can phase through walls. There were a number of toys produced for this cartoon, but Mira was always left out. Until Australian McDonald's swept in to save the day! Let's check her out below!