In the August 2024 episode of Spidey and His Amazing Friends titled "Go Dino-Webs Go!", the main three heroes, Spidey (Peter), Ghost-Spider (Gwen), and Spin (Miles) are given Dino-Web suits by their new shape-changing friend, Reptil. These suits each have green crystal spider logos on the chest, and when the heroes press that crystal they can transform into a dinosaur. Spidey becomes a T-Rex, Spin becomes a Stegosaurus, and Ghost-Spider becomes this awesome Pterodactyl. This is all done to combat the Green Goblin who is terrorizing the countryside in a giant mechanical Tyrannosaurus Rex. I really dig anthropomorphic dino characters in general, but when I saw this Ghostasaurus figure, she reminded me of the female Archaeopteryx Teryx from Dino-Saucers with her color scheme and wings (a sentiment I also had for Gormiti's Jessica). But this toy is very cool in its own right. That Spider-Gwen costume design would probably look awesome on anything. Let's check out Ghostasaurus below!
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Miniforce X - LUCYBOT!
This figure has been a thorn in my side for many years. I have ordered her multiple times but have been scammed repeatedly. Recently I tried again, after a several year hiatus, and was successful. Albeit, for a knockoff version, as the original is now scarce and expensive. The anthropomorphic fox character, Lucy, has had several bot forms over the many seasons of Miniforce, but I love this one because it looks the most like a G1 Transformer. Miniforce (and many other kid-focused South Korean shows I've seen) is amazing because it blends genres seamlessly. Lucy is a cute cartoony pink fox that would appeal to very young children. But when the action arises, she can change into a human Super-Sentai-esque warrior. And then that human form can pilot different robot mecha (like we see here), and then those bots even combine into a mega-bot. I can imagine kids growing with this series and just latching on to different aspects as their interests change. It's rather genius. Let's check out the knockoff Lucybot below!
Monday, January 13, 2025
GoGo Dino is a long-running South Korean animated preschool show that first aired in 2016. The character designs look similar to Super Wings, another South Korean import, but instead of aircraft, they are all cutesy robot dinosaurs (see the box side below). I regularly dive into Korean pop culture to check out the toys, so I've been aware of the property for almost ten years, but I wasn't interested until I saw this new toyline. The newest iteration of the show has the five main robo-dinos transform into cool humanoid mecha. Two things to know: the popularity of this show apparently exploded in China and production of the shows seems to have moved there. The show logo on the packaging translates to "Bang Bang Dragon Adventure Pioneer 2", but who knows what the title will be when it is finally adapted for English audiences. The mecha each has an additional elemental theme, so Viki is a Brachiosaurus as well as "Water" alongside teammates Thunder, Hurricane, Fire, etc. Let's check out Viki below!
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Mezco 5 Points - BTAS CATWOMAN!
I have a lot of hope for the Mezco 5 Points line. I only own four currently, but I really appreciate the quality sculpts and solid feel of the figures. They are more expensive and less-articulated than similar retro-inspired lines, but there is something I find super appealing about the character selection and final product. This Batman the Animated Series line breaks some new barriers by offering individually-carded figures in wonderfully retro packaging. Previous releases were only offered as convention exclusives or in large playsets (The Julie Newmar Catwoman was released in a 7-pack with a Batmobile for $130). I'm looking forward to the Harley Quinn in Series 2, but sad for (seemingly) cancelled Josie and the Pussycats and Birdman figures. I truly think the single-carded business model will increase sales and popularity for the line. I'm certainly more excited now. I hope to see more BTAS ladies, as well as all the Burton and Schumacher characters. Let's check out the BTAS Catwoman below!
Thursday, January 9, 2025
It's amazing that after years of the Four Horsemen's Figura Obscura exclusive figure releases, 2024 brought us not only the first female figure, but the first two. The Bastet figure in May was a very welcome surprise. But to then get a second female in The Ghost of Christmas Past a few months later was icing on the cake. After the Jacob Marley figure in 2023, I figured all the A Christmas Carol spirits would eventually be made, but the speed and execution was still unexpected. I especially enjoy the Four Horsemen's macabre interpretation of the Ghost, taking inspiration from The Weeping Woman and various White Lady folklore. I always felt that the Ghost of Christmas Past was the creepiest of the A Christmas Carol spirits, despite often being represented as simply angelic, so giving her some darker visages and an otherworldly second set of arms is a welcome redesign. I don't like my figures to be overly gory or scary and tend to gravitate toward vampy and creepy - so this figure seems custom-catered to me.
Monday, January 6, 2025
I can admit I'm not fully apprised of newer storylines when it comes to Transformers. I usually see the new movies once in the theaters. And occasionally I will watch a modern animated show to understand the new character toys. But beyond that, I'm pretty lost. I first became aware of Solus Prime when I got the Mastermind Creation's 3rd Party Salvia Prominion way back in 2015. I researched her and learned that the origin of Transformers had been expanded upon to include 13 original "deities" which were the forebearers of the Cybertronian factions. The sole female was named Solus Prime - often appearing in shadows or silhouette with her signature mallet - the Forge of Solus. She recently had an appearance in Transformers One which seems to have really solidified her place in mainstream Transformers lore. And right on cue, Hasbro announced the orders for her first official action figure for later this year. This prompted me to finally post this 2022 NewAge figure. Let's check her out below!
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Space Warriors - BIKE-TECH-FIGHTER!
In 2005, I remember being in my local BigLots and seeing this Space Warriors Bike-Tech-Fighter figure (I will refer to her as BTF from here on). I immediately recognized her as a massively upsized Energon Arcee but with better proportions - notably with longer retooled legs and overall a more traditionally female design (The Hasbro/Takara mold was a bit squat and blocky). I bought BTF and was immediately disappointed. As an inexpensive knockoff, she was predictably a mess. Her joints were loose, pieces didn't fit, paint was sloppy, and she couldn't stand. I sold her on eBay (for a lot of money). But two years ago when I got really into collecting the Energon Arcee molds, I regretted that sale and began the hunt to reclaim her. It took a few years but I finally have her in hand. Luckily twenty years of collecting has given me patience, tools, and a bottle of joint gum. Now she is the towering giant of my Transformers collection. Let's check out the Agglo Toys Space Warrior BTF figure below!
Thursday, January 2, 2025
Batman: The Animated Series CATWOMAN!
Near the end of DC Collectibles in 2020, there were a lot of Redecos and simple retools of previously released figures. The DC Essentials line was being re-released with zombie tooling and the original Batman the Animated Series figures from six years prior were being issues with slight paint upgrades. I ignored most of these toys and turned my attention instead to the new DC Multiverse line from McFarlane. A year later. McFarlane Toys surprised us by continuing these redecos under the resurrected DC Direct banner. I also ignored these. But eventually I picked up this Catwoman Version 2 on clearance. I hadn't noticed the significant improvement in her facepaint. And the previous ugly exposed pins on her hips were now gone. She is a beautiful figure. But I still didn't remember to open her until my recent Batgirl post (which was coincidentally the first cel-shaded figure I photographed). It took me a minute to find her buried in a closet, but here she finally is in all her glory. Let's check out Catwoman below!
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