I like Freecycle. It has it's good and bad points as very humorously pointed out here by Julie at Joy's Hope. Go read it and come back. She is hilarious!
Now that you've read it, I live in AWESOMEVILLE. Yeah, I can't wait to move when Hubby graduates, but for now as far as FreeCycle, I live in Awesomeville. A couple weeks ago, a freecycle email dropped into my inbox titled: ""OFFER: Thomasville american oak book shelf and entertainment shelf." I've been looking for an entertainment center to make this awesome kids' kitchen, but they don't make entertainment centers that will fit in our car...and none of our friends have a truck...and we're moving in a few months. Still I was intrigued by how an "entertainment shelf" was different and might fit in our car. Well after a week, the lady emailed me and said the first people she offered it to flaked out so we could have it. I sent my hubby and a friend over with our stationwagon and they picked them up. We had to move several pieces of furniture around in our house to make room for it. (And as you can tell by the desk, I need to finish the rearrangement.) It looks like this:
This is seriously the nicest piece of furniture in our house now. The vast majority of our furniture is made out of laminated particle board...and this is real. This is NOT getting turned into a kid kitchen. It's also not for our TV because our TV would look ridiculously tiny in it. Instead...drum roll please...it's my new sewing "room." Now I have a way to have my craft stuff where I can get to it when the kids are napping and be able to close the cupboards to keep them out of it when they're awake.
There are a few things I will probably to with it to make it a nicer, more personalized workspace, but when we have three kids in a tiny two bedroom apartment, this is such a blessing and just in time to get an early start to Christmas projects.
Firecracker and I did our first project with the new set-up...and I'm still excited!!