Showing posts with label Blood Bowl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blood Bowl. Show all posts

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Kickstarter: Greebo Games Un-Renaissance

At a recent event Games Workshop had fliers showing off four new molds for a new version of Blood Bowl with the announcement that the game is coming in 2017.  Obviously great news for fans, that still means the new core set is still over a year away.  And that’s just for Humans and Orks.  Thankfully companies like Greebo have been making “Fantasy Football” miniatures for years.  Their newest Kickstarter shows off all the skills they’ve acquired.  The characters may be dead, but the sculpts are beautiful.

The Kickstarter has a great variety of ghouls, skeletons, mummies, and werewolves available.  That means when picking your figures you could easily create an Undead, Khemri, or Necromantic Blood Bowl team.  The Kickstarter is already fully funded, so you don’t have to worry about pledging to something that has little or no chance to ever seeing production.  In addition to already hitting their goal the Greebo team has a nice set of Add-ons and Stretch Goals set up. 

If you’re in the market for a new Blood Bowl team this is honestly one of the best looking third party teams I’ve seen out there.  Check out the Kickstarter for yourself by clicking HERE.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Stoutheart Brewers Update 3

Today is another quick Blood Bowl update.  We are two weeks into the Spring Training league at my local Games Workshop and I’ve managed to get in three games.  Currently my record is 2-1 but I feel pretty good about that loss.  It was against a Chaos Dwarf team, they only scored once, and I didn’t take any casualties. 

I’m still working on all the miniatures for the team.  Last Friday I finished my Coach, apothecary, and a second runner.  It was good timing on the runner, because I had just won enough money to start fielding him.  You don’t actually need figures for your coach and support staff, but I think it is much more fun to have them on the sidelines.

Another miniature I finished is my beer pony.  There is no in game reason for me to have this, it just makes me happy.  The horse and cart came from an old Warhammer Fantasy box set.  I had to cut the mining cart off of it and then I added a third party stack of kegs. 

You’d think I’d be done, but I still have a long line of Dwarfs that need paint.  My turn and reroll trackers need to be finished.  I also have two score keepers, a cannon, a referee, and a bunch of musicians waiting for me on my painting table.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Stoutheart Brewers Update 2

I’ve been hard at work on by Bloodbowl team.  The good news is that the first 11 players are actually finished.  I’ve still got a ton of work to do, but at least my starting lineup is all painted.  That’s a good thing since the league I’m going to be playing in starts this Sunday.

 The numbers are 2mm plastic numbers from a model railroad company.  The number is repeated on the back of the base so it is easy to see what player it is regardless of your facing. 

 The bases are resin bases from Secret Weapon miniatures.  I’ve talked about Secret Weapon before; I use their lava bases on my Salamanders.  I also use their urban rubble bases on my Necormunda enforcers.  I like the company so much that when I plan a new army/team/gang I immediately look to Secret Weapon to find a suitable base.

 I still have a lot of painting to do.  I’m currently working on my coach, an extra runner, an apothecary, a turn counter, a reroll counter, and my beer wagon.  That group has already been primed and I’ve started to get some base coats down.  If I had a couple of hours I could probably get them finished too.

My pitch is still on hold.  Enough of it is finished that you can play a game on it, in fact I should be using it this Sunday.  Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get the insulation foam boards that I need.  I had some truck issues and then it rained for a week straight.  Now that is all out of the way I should be able to get the supplies I need to start creating the dugouts and the mountain scoreboard.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Stoutheart Brewers Progress Update

I’m still hard at work at getting my Dwarf Blood Bowl team and their stadium together.  Our Spring Training league starts the last Sunday of April so I still have some time but I know that there is no way I will be completely finished with all of my projects before the first game is played.  Who am I kidding; I probably won’t be completely finished until after Spring Training is over.

I’ve split my players and support staff into three groups.  The first group consists of the 11 players I’ll be fielding at the start of the league.  My next group will be things like my coach, turn counters, the runner I hope to purchase after a game or two, and my apothecary.  The third group is filled with the other ridiculous things I’ve purchased to support my team.  Picture above is my apothecary; I made him with bits out of the Dwarf Cannon/Organ gun set.  It took be forever to find a Dwarf doctor, so I’m really happy with him. 

The stadium is another project that just keeps on growing.  I decided to use Klinkarhun, the Dwarven Runes for all the writing on my field.  I didn’t have much time last weekend but I still managed to finish most of the detail painting on the board.  I still needed to letter the end zones and get them fully painted.  I also need to finish painting the gravel pits.  I have sketched out my plans for my dugouts, but I haven’t bought the supplies I need to make them yet.  The best thing about the stadium right now is I could play a game on it if I wanted to.

You’ll notice the empty space below one of the end zones.  At this point I’ve decided to name my stadium “The Mountain”.  I have planned to put a mountain in that area.   So at this point I’m just making a ton more work for myself.  The good thing is that I’ll be using the same material that I’ll be using on my dug outs.  Still I need to get the supplies for all of that, so it’ll probably be a week or two before I have any more progress to show on that.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Dwarf Blood Bowl Pitch

Near the beginning of the month I posted some early pictures of my Dwarf Bloodbowl team, the Stoutheart Brewers.  I’m still working on getting the team fully painted but we aren’t focusing on the team today.  The last sentence in that update was that I’m also working on a Blood Bowl pitch for the team.  When you purchase a Blood Bowl boxed set it does come with game board.  But the Cyanide video game version has shown me that you don’t need to settle for a grass field.  Dwarfs prefer the feel of stone under their feet.  What you’re going to see below is still a work in progress.

When playing Blood Bowl each coach has a side board that contains their Reserves, Injured, and Dead Players.  Early in my design process I decided I wanted to have these dugouts located beneath the playing field.  For some reason it felt more Dwarf that way.  It was also a more complex build, which I thought was a great idea for someone who hasn’t done any wood work since my high school shop class.  Despite having to re-teach myself some basics of carpentry my frame came together pretty quickly.

The next step was to use foam project board.  Basically a piece of foam sandwiched between two sheets of poster board.  Using a rag I wet the paper down one side of the board and stripped the paper from it.  I did this for two full boards because I wasn’t really sure how much I was going to need.  That’s kind of a theme of this project, me getting more supplies than I really need.  Once the foam was cleaned I began measuring out the game board.  Using a T-Square, a pencil, and a sharp X-Acto knife I spent a lot of time creating the grid for the actual playing field.  After that I did turn trackers, re-roll trackers, a scatter template, and random stone work to fill the rest of the board. 

I purposely left some places bare.  In those places I brushed on a layer of watered down Elmer’s glue and then sprinkled cat litter on them.  Once that was they got two more layers of glue to make sure the gravel pits stayed in place.  The important thing to remember about working with foam like this is that if you use spray paint, it will eat your foam and all your hard work will disappear.  To avoid destroying my pitch I base coated it with two layers of black acrylic paint.  The picture above was taken after I had brushed on the first layer.  You can also see the glue hasn’t dried in my gravel pits. 

Once the layers of black paint had dried it was time to get some actual color on the field.  I was playing around with a few different paint options when I handed a can of Games Workshop Rough Coat and told to try that.  At first I thought that there was something wrong with the way it came out of the can, it seemed to hit the board more “wet” than the spray paint I was used to using.  It gave me a great base coat for my grey that varied a lot in how dark it was.  Once that was dry I hit it with the black patches. 

The Spring Training League I plan on using the pitch for won’t start until the end of April, so I have some time but there is still a lot more to do.  I plan on throwing a lighter grey on the surface.  After that I’ll add the white lines that designate the different zones on the playing field.  I’ll also add white text for the scatter template, re-roll counters, and turn trackers.  The big empty area near one endzone will eventually be where I build a scoreboard.  The scoreboard won’t be built in time for the Spring Training League though.  It is very likely that the dugouts won’t be finished in time for the League either.  Considering Blood Bowl is my favorite Games Workshop game every, these things will eventually be finished.  Stay tuned to That F’ing Monkey for future progress updates.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Stoutheart Brewers

For the past few weeks I’ve been going over the numerous Games Workshop projects I’ve been working on.  Thanks in various stages of completion, sniper scouts, and my Necromunda Enforcers.  At this point all of those projects are on hold.  In fact I’m going to be putting them away so they aren’t even out on my hobby station so I can’t be distracted from my current task.  I have one project now and I won’t be working on anything else until I get some serious progress done on it.  You see Necromunda is fun, I love Warhammer 40k, but in my mind the best Games Workshop game ever made is Blood Bowl.

I’ve talked about it before, but Blood Bowl is a football/rugby hybrid game that uses the races of Warhammer Fantasy.  It is over the top, tongue-in-cheek violence with some sports rules thrown in.  Currently the video game version is getting some good exposure because a number of well known video game vloggers are in a tournament against each other.  I’m working on the table top version though and I’m rolling out the Dwarfs.

Not only am I putting together the team; I’m also working on a team coach who isn’t pictured in today’s update and this amazing beer cart.  I know there is a tank in the background, that isn’t part of Blood Bowl.  To be perfectly honest the cart doesn’t really serve an in game purpose either; I just think it will look really cool.  Eventually I want to add some musicians and an apothecary, but I already have a lot to start painting before I get any crazier. 

Oh, I might also be working on a Dwarf themed Blood Bowl pitch….  More on that later.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Back to Blood Bowl

I originally got into Warhammer 40K when I was in High School. I painted a lot of miniatures before I really started playing the game though. It took me a while I found out someone else I knew played. I then joined that person’s group of 3 other players. My close friends never got into it though. It might have been the setting, or the cost, or all that painting. Whatever the reason was, all of that changed when the third edition of Blood Bowl came out.

Blood Bowl is a fantasy version of football played by al the races of Warhammer. As the name implies, it gets pretty brutal. Depending on the team you’re playing it is not uncommon to see players badly injured or killed while playing. Wizards cast spells from the sidelines, players sneak weapons on the field, and sometimes people remember there is a ball that needs to get into the end zone. My friends and I played Blood Bowl a lot.

I just recently returned to Blood Bowl thanks to Steam and the Blood Bowl Legendary edition. While back in third edition I grew extremely proficient with a Dark Elf team, I’ve opted to learning how to manage a Dwarf team. Sure I can’t dodge past three attackers and launch a ball down the field anymore. I won’t lie, I do miss that. But as fun as that was, it is just as fun to end a turn the majority of the opposing team on their asses.

Games Workshop still sells Blood Bowl in the specialty shop on their website and there is a strong third party market out there making “Fantasy Football” figures. I’m holding hope in my heart that the line gets revamped at some point in the near future. New team sculpts in plastic to replace the old metal minis would have me throwing money at GW.


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