Showing posts with label anne et valentin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anne et valentin. Show all posts

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Anne et Valentin: handmade glasses matured for 21 days...

Anne et Valentin Factory Six lunettes
Anne et Valentin Plume lunettesAnne et Valentin Rock lunettesAnne et Valentin Factory Five lunettes

It takes 21 days to create a pair of Anne et Valentin handmade glasses, and judging by these pictures, you can tell.

Anne et Valentin began in Toulouse in 1981 and I'm rather pleased it did. Its collection is one of the broadest and best around. Above are just a few the acetates and if you thought that was all A&V does, think again...

Anne et Valentin Tea lunettes

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Anne et Valentin Panto sunglasses: ready for 2010?

Anne et Valentin Panto sunglasses: So ChicNow I try not to make too many predictions, but I think Anne et Valentin are ahead of the game with these pantos, both in sunglasses and a fair few spectacles on their website.

Are round frames the trend for 2010? Watch this space.

Check back for more on Anne et Valentin eyeglasses soon.