Saturday, 28 November 2015

番茄豆腐蛋花汤 Tomato Tofu Egg Soup


  • 番茄,2粒
  • 豆腐,1塊 (切块)
  • 蛋,1个
  • 蔥段(蔥花),適量
  • 香菜,適量
  • 鹽,適量
  • 香油,適量
  1. 将蔥段煸香,再入蕃茄塊翻炒。
  2. 加入水煮滚,再加入豆腐块。
  3. 熬到番茄軟,豆腐滑嫩,加入鹽調味,然后蛋打勻淋入湯內,滴香油加香菜,即可。

清炒豆芽 Stir Fried Bean Sprout

  • 豆芽
  • 青葱 (切段)
  • 红辣椒(切丝)
  • 蒜末,适量
  • 香菜,适量
  • 蚝油,适量
  • 盐,适量
  • 胡椒粉, 少许
  1. 青葱洗净沥干水,切成段。豆芽洗净沥干水。
  2. 热油锅放入蒜末炒香,再放青葱段,辣椒丝和豆芽炒熟,放调味料,翻炒均匀,即可。

Old man breakfast, 梳打饼点Kopi, 简直係人间极品


Friday, 27 November 2015

戚风蛋糕 Chiffon Cake

原料: (6寸)

  • 鸡蛋(室温) 3个
  • 白糖 50g
  • 牛奶 40g
  • 植物油 40g
  • 低筋面粉 60g
  • 柠檬汁 几滴
  • Vanilla essence 10g


  • 285F(150C)最下层 90min 


  1. 准备好原料,将面粉过筛
  2. 蛋白蛋黄分离,蛋白要放在无油无水的容器里,蛋黄放在一个大碗里
  3. 用打蛋棒将蛋黄打散,打匀,逐步加入1/3量的白糖、牛奶、油(每一步都搅拌充分再加下一个原料)
  4. 再在蛋黄糊里加入过筛的面粉,一边加一边搅拌,至淡黄色,粘稠的面糊;然后放置一旁待用
  5. 预热烤炉 10 分钟
  6. 用立式搅拌器最大档,将蛋白打发,中间分三次加入剩余的2/3白糖(中间可加入几滴柠檬,加快打发且增加蛋白稳定性),大概 3-4min就能将蛋白打发至硬性蛋白(提起搅拌棒时蛋白呈直立的倒三角尖尖)
  7. 勺1/3打发好的蛋白放入蛋黄糊中,以重复用刮刀从底部翻起,直面再切入混合物此动作,转着容器将蛋白蛋黄混合均匀(速度最好能快些,防止消泡)
  8. 然后将蛋白蛋黄混合物再全部倒入剩下的2/3打发蛋白中,重复6中刮刀的动作直到混合均匀
  9. 入烤箱 150 C 90 分钟,入烤箱前用力向下震几下模具,把大气泡赶跑
  10.  烤完后,将模具举高自由落下几次,震出热气,趁热倒扣到放凉架上,等全部冷却后脱模即可


Granola with Yogurt

Morning breakfast with this yummy cup...


  • 生菜
  • 鲍鱼菇
  • 蒜头,切碎
  • 蚝油,
  • 清水,少许
  • 食油
  1. 烧热锅,放油爆香蒜米,放入鲍鱼菇快速翻炒几下,以免粘锅。
  2. 放入生菜翻炒均匀,放入蚝油翻炒至鲍鱼菇软身(如果鲍鱼菇有出水,水可省略),即可上盘。

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Broccoli with and Baked Beans

Simple yet delicious...


  • 瘦肉 (切片),
  • 腊肠,(切片)
  • 青葱,(切粒)
  • 蒜头 4 瓣 (切碎),
  • 洋葱,(切粒)
  • 鸡蛋,1粒

  • 黑酱油 1 tbsp
  • 酱油 1 tbsp
  • 蚝油 1 tbsp
  • 糖 2 tsp
  • 盐 1/2 tsp
  • 胡椒粉 1/4 tsp
  • 水,少许

  • 粟粉 2 tsp
  • 酱油 1 tbsp
  • 糖 2 tsp
  • 盐 1/2 tsp
  • 胡椒粉 1/4 tsp


  1. 把酱料全部混合, 备用。
  2. 把米粉烫熟, 备用。
  3. 鍋里熱少許油,加入瘦肉片,稍微炒熟,然后加入腊肠,继续炒大概2分钟。
  4. 放入蒜头和洋葱,炒香。
  5. 加入米粉,再加入调味料,翻炒均匀。
  6. 把所有材料推到锅子一边,加入少许油,打入鸡蛋,炒熟。
  7. 蛋熟后跟其他材料炒拌均匀,即完成。

Wednesday, 25 November 2015



  • 1 条黄瓜,切片
  • 蒜头,切粒
  • 鸡蛋,1 粒
  • 蚝油,1 小匙
  • 酱油,1 小匙
  • 水, 少许
  • 盐,适量

  1. 热锅里放少许油,鸡蛋打入锅里,炒散。
  2. 加入蒜头,炒香,然后再放入黄瓜片,翻炒几下。
  3. 然后加入调味料,一起把黄瓜片炒软,即可。

Banana peanut crepe

Very simple ingredients...simple and easy

  • 1 crepe
  • 1 banana
  • Peanut, crushed
  • Yogurt


Monday, 23 November 2015

福建虾面酱炒意粉 Hokkien prawn mee paste fried spaghetti

福建虾面酱炒意粉 Hokkien prawn mee paste fried spaghetti

  • Chicken, sliced
  • 1/2 onion, diced
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 shallots, thinly sliced
  • 30g Hokkien mee prawn paste
  • Water
  • Salt and pepper

Chicken marinade:
  • Few dashes of white pepper powder 
  • 1½ tsps light soy sauce 
  • 1/4 tsp sesame oil 
  • 1 tsp corn starch

Spaghetti preparation:
  1. Heat a large saucepan of water and add a tspn of salt. Cook the spaghetti for 8 minutes or according to the packet instructions, cover with half lid open over high heat. 
  2. Once the spaghetti is cooked through, drain and add olive oil and mix well. Set aside

Steps to prepare:
  1. Marinade minced chicken with the ingredients at least an hour.
  2. Heat the saucepan over medium heat, add in shallots, turn off the stove when it turned golden brown. Set aside
  3. In the same saucepan, add in minced garlic and onion saute until aromatic.
  4. Add in the marinated chicken, stir well and cooked.
  5. Add in Hokkien prawn mee paste followed by water and seasoning, mix well and simmer in low heat until sauce is thickened.
  6. Add cooked spaghetti and part of the fried shallot, toss until spaghetti has absorbed all the seasoning.
  7. Garnish with the remaining fried shallot and ready to serve.


  • 鸡肉,切碎
  • 1/2 个洋葱,切碎
  • 3 瓣蒜头,切碎
  • 2 红葱, 切丝
  • 30g 福建虾面即煮酱
  • 水,适量
  • 盐,适量
  • 胡椒粉, 适量

  • 胡椒粉, 少许
  • 1½ 茶匙酱油
  • 1/4 茶匙麻油
  • 1 茶匙玉米粉

  1. 先煲滾熱水,加入1茶匙油和鹽,放入意粉用大火半開蓋煮8分鐘,或依据包装指示。 
  2. 面条熟透后,倒水,加入1茶匙油拌勻。 备用。

  1. 把鸡肉腌至1小时。
  2. 以中火燒熱橄欖油,加入红葱丝,炸至金黄,熄火,备用。
  3. 同一个锅里加入蒜头和洋葱,炒香。
  4. 将已腌制好的鸡肉加入炒熟。
  5. 加入福建虾面即煮酱,水和调味料,翻炒几下,转小火煮至浓稠。
  6. 加入已煮的意粉和少许炸葱,翻炒收汁。
  7. 放入其余的炸葱装饰,即可。

Sunday, 22 November 2015


  • 菜脯粒,适量
  • 虾米,适量
  • 红萝卜,切粒
  • 洋葱,半粒
  • 青葱,切粒
  • 姜,切丝
  • 1粒鸡蛋
  • 白饭,1碗
  • 黑酱油,1茶匙
  • 酱油,1茶匙
  • 麻油,少许
  • 盐,适量
  • 胡椒粉,少许

  1. 菜脯沖一下水後,切小塊,泡水泡約30分鐘,中途换水。泡過水的菜脯丁把水分擠乾,备用。
  2. 中火把油烧热,放入菜脯和虾米,炒香。
  3. 加入洋葱,葱白,蒜末,姜丝,翻炒均匀。
  4. 炒到香味出来后加入萝卜粒,拌炒数下,把所有材料推到锅子一边,加入少许油,打入鸡蛋,炒熟。
  5. 蛋熟后跟其他材料炒拌均匀。
  6. 加入白饭,把白饭炒开将所有材料炒均匀。
  7. 加入所有的调味料和青葱拌炒。

Nasi Lemak (without coconut milk)

Nasi Lemak (no coconut milk)

- 1 cup of rice
- 1.5 cups of water
- 2 pandan leaves (tied into knots)
- 1 lemon grass
- Eggs
- Cucumbers
- Anchovies
- Unsalted peanuts with skin
- Sambal (recipe linked:

Steps to prepare the rice:

- Wash the rice and pour rice into a pot.
- Add water.
- Then, add pandan leaves and lemon grass into the pot.
- Let the mixture boil and lower the heat to minimum and cover the pot with the lid.
- Allow the rice to cook for 15-20 minutes. The liquid should be dried up and bubbles should not appear.
- After 20 minutes, switch off the stove and leave the lid on for another 10 minutes before serving the rice.

Steps to prepare the side dishes:

- Heat the oil in a frying pan.
- Fry the peanuts until browned at medium heat.
- Remove peanuts and add anchovies. Fry until crispy.
- Assemble Nasi Lemak and enjoy!

Fried Tom Yam Spaghetti 冬炎炒意粉

  • Chicken, minced
  • 1/2 onion, diced
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 shallots
  • 2 lemon grass, cut into half and crushed
  • Red chilies, julienne 
  • Parsley, chopped
  • Spring onion, chopped
  • 40g tom yam paste
  • Lime juice
  • Water
  • Soy sauce
  • Salt and pepper

Chicken marinade:
  • Few dashes of white pepper powder 
  • 1½ tsps light soy sauce 
  • 1/4 tsp sesame oil 
  • 1 tsp corn starch

Spaghetti preparation:
  1. Heat a large saucepan of water and add a tspn of salt. Cook the spaghetti for 8 minutes or according to the packet instructions, cover with half lid open over high heat. 
  2. Once the spaghetti is cooked through, drain and add olive oil and mix well. Set aside

Steps to prepare:
  1. Marinade minced chicken with the ingredients at least an hour.
  2. Heat the saucepan over medium heat, add in minced garlic, shallots, onion saute until aromatic. Then add in lemon grass and chilies, stir fry until fragrant.
  3. Add in the marinated chicken, stir well and cooked.
  4. Add in tom yam paste followed by water (add water if you find it is too dry) and seasoning, mix well and simmer in low heat until sauce is thickened.
  5. Add cooked spaghetti, chopped parsley and spring onion, toss until spaghetti has absorbed all the seasoning.
  6. Garnish with chopped parsley and ready to serve.


  • 鸡肉,切碎
  • 1/2 个洋葱,切碎
  • 3 瓣蒜头,切碎
  • 2 红葱
  • 2 只香茅(取白色部分, 切半)
  • 红辣椒,切片
  • 香菜,切碎
  • 青葱,切段
  • 40g 冬炎即煮酱
  • 酸柑汁, 少许
  • 水,适量
  • 酱油,适量
  • 盐,适量
  • 胡椒粉, 适量

  • 胡椒粉, 少许
  • 1½ 茶匙酱油
  • 1/4 茶匙麻油
  • 1 茶匙玉米粉

  1. 先煲滾熱水,加入1茶匙油和鹽,放入意粉用大火半開蓋煮8分鐘,或依据包装指示。 
  2. 面条熟透后,倒水,加入1茶匙油拌勻。 备用。

  1. 把鸡肉腌至1小时。
  2. 以中火燒熱橄欖油,加入蒜末,红葱和洋葱炒至软化。再加入香茅和红辣椒炒至香浓。
  3. 将已腌制好的鸡肉加入炒熟。
  4. 加入冬炎即煮酱,水和调味料,翻炒几下,转小火煮至浓稠。
  5. 加入已煮的意粉,香菜和葱段,翻炒收汁。
  6. 放入香菜装饰,即可。

Z: 8.5

Spaghetti Bolognese with meatballs 蕃茄醬肉丸意大利麵

Sauce ingredients:
  • 2 tbsp olive oil 
  • 1 onion, diced 
  • 3 garlic cloves, chopped 
  • carrot diced 
  • 2 chopped tomatoes 
  • 1 can tomato puree 
  • 3 tbsp Italian pasta sauce 
  • Capsicum, diced 
  • Parsley, chopped 
  • Sugar and salt 
  • Black pepper 
  • Water
  • Pork, minced
  • Parsley, chopped
  • Black pepper
  • Salt

Spaghetti preparation:
  • Dried spaghetti (2 person)
  • 1 tspn salt 
  • 1 tspn olive oil

Preparation method:

  1. Mix all the meatball ingredients then shape mixture into meatballs. 
  2. Heat a large saucepan over a medium heat. Add a tablespoon of olive oil and add the onions and tomato cubes and a pinch of salt and fry gently for 5-6 minutes, or until softened and translucent. Add the garlic and cook for another 2 minutes. 
  3. Add the chopped carrot, capsicum and parsley to the pan and stir well to mix. 
  4. Add the meatball into the saucepan and cook for 10 minutes. Add in tomato puree and Italian pasta sauce and water, bring to a simmer and then reduce the temperature to simmer gently for 30 minutes, or until the sauce is thick and rich. Add in sugar, salt and black pepper to taste and adjust the seasoning as necessary.

Spaghetti preparation:

  1. Heat a large saucepan of water and add a tspn of salt. Cook the spaghetti for 8 minutes or according to the packet instructions, cover with half lid open over high heat. 
  2. Once the spaghetti is cooked through, drain and add olive oil and mix well. 
  3. When ready to eat, add the meatball and bolognese sauce onto the spaghetti, mix well and serve.


  • 2 汤匙橄榄油 
  • 1 個大洋蔥,切碎 
  • 3 瓣蒜头,切碎 
  • 萝卜,切碎 
  • 2 粒番茄,切块 
  • 1 罐頭蕃茄膏 
  • 3 汤匙意大利面酱 
  • 青椒,切粒 
  • 香菜,切碎 
  • 糖和盐,适量 
  • 黑胡椒粉,适量 

  • 猪肉, 切碎 
  • 香菜,切碎 
  • 黑胡椒粉 
  • 盐 

  • 2人份量意大利麵(Spaghetti) 
  • 2茶匙油 
  • 1茶匙鹽
  1. 把所有肉丸材料搅拌均匀,然後搓成小圓球狀。 
  2. 以中火燒熱橄欖油﹐ 下洋蔥,番茄粒和盐炒约 5-6 分钟,至蕃茄洋蔥軟化。加入蒜茸再炒約2分鐘. 
  3. 加入已切碎的萝卜,青椒和香菜,略炒均匀。 
  4. 加入肉丸煮至10分钟。然后加入番茄膏和意大利面酱,以小火焖煮30分钟,至酱料浓稠。再加入糖,盐和黑胡椒粉调至个人口味。
  1. 先煲滾熱水,加入1茶匙油和鹽,放入意粉用大火半開蓋煮8分鐘,或依据包装指示。 
  2. 面条熟透后,倒水,加入1茶匙油拌勻。 
  3. 在碟上先放上意大利麵,然後放上肉丸和淋上醬汁,完成。

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Kuih Keria 甜番薯圈

Ingredients (7 pcs):
  • 200g Sweet Potatoes
  • 50g Wheat Flour
  • Pinch of Salt
  • Oil for frying

Sugar crytals:
  • 100g sugar
  • 2 tablespoon water

  1. Cut sweet potatoes into pieces/ cube. 
  2. Steam sweet potatoes for 10-15 minutes until sweet potatoes are soft. 
  3. Mash potatoes evenly and add a pinch of salt.
  4. Add wheat flour to mash potatoes and mix well into a soft dough. * (Add additional flour bit by bit if its too soft)
  5. Dust fingers and palm with some flour and make a ball. 
  6. Flatten and make a hole, shape into donuts. 
  7. Heat up oil in saucepan/ wok. 
  8. Fry donuts on medium low heat. 
  9. Flip donuts every now and then to cook it evenly. Donuts are ready when they floats and golden in colour. Leave aside to cool.

Prepare sugar crystals:
  1. Heat up sugar and water. 
  2. Give it a quick stir. Leave it to boil.
  3. Once the mixture caramelised, switch stove off and mix donuts into the syrup. 
  4. Stir to coat. 
  5. Keep stirring until little sugar crystals starts to form. 
  6. Leave to cool.


  1. 橙薯 200克(蒸熟壓爛), 
  2. 普通麵粉 50克, 
  3. 鹽 少许
  4. 食油
  1. 細糖 100克, 
  2. 水 2大匙
  1. 把番薯蒸熟,壓爛。
  2. 將麵粉, 和鹽加入番薯泥里,揉勻至均勻成軟團。
  3. 搓圓,稍壓扁 , 中間用手指穿洞或用模具壓出圓圈。
  4. 放入熱油鍋里炸至金黃色,取出,瀝干油。
  1. 將糖和水混合拌勻,以中火炒煮至濃縮成濃糖漿(必需不停攪拌)。
  2. 將甜甜圈加入其中,熄火,翻拌使之沾上糖漿。冷卻後食用。


Z: 9.8