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Showing posts with label Felix Wong. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Felix Wong. Show all posts

Felix Wong was on the iCable talk show Star Chatroom for an interview. Felix expressed he endured through continuous filming and eventually suffered from hepatitis. When it was time for a contract renewal, TVB was only willing to give him a HK$500 raise.

Felix claimed, his record back then was 7 days, 7 nights of no sleep. After enduring through 3 years, he eventually suffered from hepatitis and it was only that time he had the opportunity to get a longer break -- 18 days. Felix sighed, back then he endured through so much, he was basically hallow and was half asleep, half awake when speaking his lines. How can an actor perform well in this kind of condition?

The "Five Tigers" back then were Felix, Andy Lau, Tony Leung, Michael Miu and Kent Tong. They all left to work elsewhere, except for Felix, who stayed with TVB and continued to shoot series. He expressed, during that time he still had to pay for his house and car, so he only stayed because of the job security.

Unfortunately when he tried to get a raise during his discussion with TVB on the contract renewal, they could not come to an agreement. Feeling disheartened, he decided to leave. Felix's unforgettable moment was the cold comment TVB made to him: "You didn't really have good performances in the past few years, you don't deserve to get that much of a raise." Felix expressed although there wasn't many achievements, still his hard efforts should count. He put his life into acting and the ratings for his series did pretty well too. When TVB finally said they'll give him a HK$500 raise, but he has to renew his contract for another 5 years, Felix's first reaction was: "My hand slammed on the table, I said forget it, don't give the raise, I don't even want a penny. Three years later when my contract ends, I'm leaving." Felix disclosed when he left TVB in the 90s, his monthly salary was around HK$10,000. He later signed a 'per series' contract with ATV and they paid well. When TVB wanted to bring Felix back, he already had a contract with ATV and eventually the many year business relationship came to an end.

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Posted by Hex on Wednesday, April 3, 2013
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Felix Wong and his 22 year old daughter Adrian Wong signed with CTI and will collaborated in a detective drama in August. CTI chairman Ricky Wong especially held a contract signing ceremony for the father-daughter to show respect for Felix. Felix, who had once bashed TVB for being harsh, saw the sincerity in CTI, he said: "Before when I signed with TVB, I was just in an office, never have I signed at a hotel. This is very refreshing! (Higher price?) Reasonable! (Help your daughter get a higher price?) No, money is not important for a newcomer. It is actually to gain experience. (Upset?) No, striving to give advice and teach my daughter to read scripts. (Advice?) Must not be on time, must be early!"

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Posted by Hex on Thursday, July 12, 2012
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City Telecom (H.K.) Limited ("City Telecom") held a Groundbreaking Ceremony for its TV & Multimedia Production Centre ("The Centre") located in Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate. Artistes including Ms. Maggie Cheung, Mr. Felix Wong, Mr. Frankie Lam, Ms. Bernice Liu, Ms. Prudence Liew, Mr. John Chiang, Mr. Yuen Wah, Ms. Leila Tong, Ms. Lisa Lui, Mr. Kelvin Kwan, Mr. Felix Lok, Ms. Maria Chen, Ms. Rain Lau, and emcees Ms. Catherine Chow and Mr. Benji Chiang attended to show their support. (Source: CNNMoney)

(aZnangel's translation starts here...)

Felix Wong, who was said to be CTI's 'First Brother', expressed yesterday he signed the contract last week and will first shoot first shoot a science fiction detective series. He said: "I already discussed with the director, and it's going to be quite difficult to film because we don't want to use too much special effects. (Is the scriptwriter and director former TVB employees?) I know them all. We can easily communicate and it's a new environment here. There aren't many restrictions, so they can all really use their imaginations."

Earlier Felix criticized TVB as 'Totally Very Bad', he was asked how he would described his new company? He spoke in HK-style English: "Can Do Independence. Mr. Wong (Ricky Wong) gives us a lot of room to develop and we can work independently too." Asked if he will invite his good brother Michael Miu over too? He said: "I think they already discussed before. Each individual has their own ambitions, he still has a contract with TVB. He said himself he wants to observe more first."

As for CTI 'First Sister', Maggie Cheung she expressed she will start working for the new company in the next half year. She'll be collaborating with Patrick Tam and Prudence Liew in the new series. She said: "There's a lot of freedom collaborating with Mr. Wong. There are no set years in the contract, just discuss one series at at ime. After completing one series, if I'm happy, then we can collaborate again. (More attractive than TVB?) No need to say it! We all understand TVB's policies can't be changed overnight and I want to find a place suitable for myself." She expressed at the present time she won't be considering TVB, but does not guarentee that there won't be opportunities to collaborate again in the future.

Frankie Lam signed a two year contract and expressed he'll have more time to stay in HK. He greatly praised the new company having high degree of freedom.

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Posted by Hex on Friday, February 24, 2012

From the surface, newly formed Hong Kong broadcasting station, City Telecom (CTI), did not appear to have done much, but in fact, it was busily preparing for their first drama, which will be based on Hollywood movie, The Sixth Sense. Felix Wong (黃日華) and his 21-year-old daughter will star in CTI’s new series. Other cast members include Bernice Liu (廖碧兒) and Kelvin Kwan (關楚耀).

As the first generation of “housewife killer,” Felix Wong has a loyal audience following. With his daughter, Wong Tsz Ching (黃芷晴) in tow to star in her first series, CTI’s new drama will no doubt generate hot discussion and pull in ratings. Tsz Ching was completing her fourth year of studies in Social Sciences and had expressed long-time interest in entering the entertainment industry. Although Felix often went to mainland China to film dramas, he will spend time with Tsz Ching in his free time, generating a good father and daughter relationship.

Asked about partaking in CTI’s new drama, Tsz Ching bowed her head and did not respond. Felix’s wife and Tsz Ching’s mother, Leung Kit Wah (梁潔華) said, “Where did you hear the news about Tsz Ching filming a series? She is still studying in school! Why don’t you ask her father?” Felix Wong did not respond to the press’ inquiries before the print deadline.

Filming Drama in August

Aside from being swayed by CTI’s owner, Ricky Wong’s (王維基) sincerity, Felix Wong decided to film the new television drama due to its emphasis on high quality. Inspired by The Sixth Sense, CTI’s new drama will be a family suspense story centering around ghosts and Felix Wong’s father-daughter relationship. Bernice Liu will have romantic arcs with Felix Wong and Kelvin Kwan. The drama will focus on Felix’s character and feature several ghost stories in the narrative.

Asked about filming in CTI’s new drama, Bernic Liu replied, “We did discuss the matter. However, I am uncertain yet, as I have to complete filming two mainland dramas first.”

The scriptwriter for the new series was Lau Choi Wan (劉彩雲), who wrote the two installments of Ghetto Justice <怒火街頭>. Due to Ricky Wong’s priority in featuring a high-quality production as its first series, the original filming date has been postponed from March to August, requesting that the script be fine tuned to its best form prior to filming.

CTI’s Official Operations to Start in October

CTI applied for a license to operate a free broadcasting television station in Hong Kong and although the government has not yet formally approved the application, CTI has already started assembling staff. CTI tentatively planned for 8 new dramas. Aside from the series based on The Sixth Sense, CTI will also feature Soler in a musical-based drama, which will start filming the earliest in March.

Although CTI did not build its filming studio yet, this was not an issue at this time since all dramas will be filmed at real locations. CTI will hold a press conference at the end of February and officially begin operations in October.

Artists Who Have Signed With CTI

Ricky Wong was rumored to have budgeted $600 million HKD in recruiting cast and production staff for CTI. According to Apple Daily, the below artists have signed or will sign with the newly formed broadcasting station:

Leading Stars

Kenik Kwok (郭可盈)
Jessica Hsuan (宣萱)
Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼)
Bernice Liu (廖碧兒)
Maggie Cheung (張可頤)

Felix Wong (黃日華)
Frankie Lam (林文龍)
Joe Ma (馬德鐘)

Supporting Actors

Janet Chow (周家怡)
Lam Hui Fung (林曉峰)

Keung Lai Man (姜麗文)
Keung Man Kit (姜文杰)
Eddie Li (李雨陽)
Benjamin Yuen (袁偉豪)
Maria Chan (陳霽平)
Wu Kwing Lung (胡烱龍)

Veteran Actors
Yue Mo Lin (余慕蓮)
Paul Chun (秦沛)
John Chiang (姜大偉)
Feng Subo (馮素波)
Ai Wei (艾威)
Lai Bei Tak (黎彼德)
Wong Chak Fung (黃澤鋒)
Chan Wing Chun (陳榮峻)

Production Staff

Cheung Wah Biu (張華標)
Terry Tong (唐基明)
Chu Keng Kei (朱鏡棋)

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Posted by Hex on Wednesday, February 1, 2012
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The Gun Metal Grey cast including Michael Miu, Felix Wong, Jessica Hsuan, Nancy Wu, Vincent Wong, Oscar Leung, Grace Wong and Producer (Tong Kei Ming) had a dinner gathering and watched the series finale together.

Felix arrived with his wife (Leung Kit Wah) and was in a good mood, often smiling the whole night. When reporters asked about TVB not having a dinner-finale gathering for GMG, he said: "I have talked to Tommy Leung (Drama Production Director), he explained that if the finale is broadcast on a Friday night, TVB won't do promotions like that. (Accept the explanation?) I do accept it, such a big company have their own policies."

Felix admitted that TVB had invited him to be a guest award presenter for the TVB Awards Ceremony: "They did invite me, but I felt my status was sensitive and after discussing with Michael , I decided not to attend." Asked if he will film a TVB series again? Felix frankly said: "Before I will definitely say no, but this time I had a very good time collaborating with the whole cast, it was fun and had a heart. I am anxious too! (Discuss of all the promotions before you decide?) It's hard to say, most important is a good script and lighting, good lighting means I'm 10 years younger!"

Didn't care about Tommy Leung's explanation

In response to TVB not scheduling a dinner-finale for GMG, Michael said: "TVB won't do it, then we will do it ourselves. (Tommy Leung provided an explanation?) Yes yes, maybe, but I didn't go get an understanding, let it flow. (Unfair?) Doesn't matter, they are No Regrets, we are Gun Metal Grey."

Jessica Hsuan's intimate scenes, boyfriend no eyes to see

Jessica arrived at the dinner gathering ten fingers interlocked with her boyfriend. Asked if it's Jessica's treat? She expressed: "Doesn't matter who's treating, today is about happiness!" Asked if Jessica's boyfriend has watched GMG? Jessica asked her boyfriend the question, he greatly praised: "Very well!" Then Jessica smiled sweetly: "He watched it happily! (Did he watch you and Michael's intimate scenes?) No, that day we coincidentally went out for dinner, he's fine, he knows I'm just acting!"

As for TVB not holding a dinner-finale event for GMG, does Jessica feel it's unfair? She said: "I dont' have to answer this, let viewers decide, already expected!"

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Posted by Hex on Friday, December 10, 2010
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TVB Anniversary Awards will be held tomorrow night (Sunday) at TVB City, the nominees are out in force. However, after TVB anniversary series Gun Metal Grey was neglected earlier and made male lead Felix Wong angered, Felix and female lead Jessica Hsuan won't be attending tomorrow night. This proves the suppose "Don't value the awards" comment.

In fact, after Felix's 'fire breathing', TVB quickly tried to fix it by sending him to the Top 5 for TV King and added him to the awards ceremony guests list, but Felix still does not feel respected and decided not to attend the ceremony. Yesterday only his assistant responded: "Felix probably won't be going! (Is Felix in HK?) He's in HK! (Guest for award ceremony?) TVB has this arrangement, but at the time Felix did not confirm if he was going or not!"

Producer (Tong Kei Ming) also expressed his unhappiness: "They're playing it all, just ending the voting on November 28th is already unfair! GMG will be airing the finale on December 10th, the artists are waiting for that day to let audience see their development and performance, it is the time to pull in votes, but now that the voting ended so early, I feel it's unfair, just accompanying Prince to study. I know someone is suffering, and I feel bad for Nancy Wu, she's done very well!" But, yesterday Nancy clarified on Weibo that the unfairness to her is just private matters, not related to the awards.

Jessica Hsuan is currently working in Mainland, she responded yesterday: "TVB did invite me to attend, but because I have something to do, I won't be in HK and can't go. (The situation is getting better and better?) No fear, they must have their own reason, then will have to ask them."

That day Felix scold TVB for neglecting GMG, plus at the time TVB Anniversary Producer (Wai Sai Fai) added oil to the fire, saying that if artists have problems then should directly call him, and now this 'boycott action', Wai Sai Fal said: "This time another group is responsible for the awards ceremony, I cannot say anything about the awards ceremony. (Michael Miu and Felix Wong aren't attending the awards ceremony was caused by the TVB Anniversary incident?) It is best to clearly ask them how they are feeling. Whatever they are unhappy about, can come to talk the Artist Department, manager, producer. It was said that they were invited to the awards ceremony as guests." TVB Anniversary Awards producer (Ling Suet Ngoh) responded yesterday: "Artists Department has given me the final guests list yet. (Felix will be the guest at the ceremony?) Still discussing, we have not decided who will be presenting the awards."

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Posted by Hex on Friday, December 3, 2010
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Yesterday the cast to Gun Metal Grey attended the promotional event, including Felix Wong, Michael Miu, Jessica Hsuan, and Nancy Wu.

Recently Felix Wong has been named "Fire Breathing Wah", when reporters pursued the question about how he's feeling now? He smiled and said: "Have always been good, been in a good mood from beginning to end of shooting Gun Metal Grey. I didn't start any 'fire'. (Just fire breathing?) You all didn't see my appearance, I was just expressing my opinions as an audience, I was just speaking from my mind. I wrote out whatever I felt uncomfortable with, Hong Kong has freedom of speech. (Will you go on Scoop?) I received a phone call last night, I will go. So difficult to make a series, artists definitely have to participate in the promotions. (Do you feel that this time, it's TVB's appeasement or trying to fix the situation?) It's hard to say. No Regrets is broadcasting their finale this week, have to arrange time for other series, at least there's the heart, putting the effort to do each situation. (Feeling better now?) I already said I wasn't firing, just my writing was a little heavy."

Felix expressed that he has not decided whether to attend the TVB awards ceremony or not, everything is on Michael Miu because Michael is the group's leader. When asked who he supports for TV King, Felix did not support Michael, he said: "I support Wayne Lai, Sheren Tang, Evergreen Mak and Nancy Wu to win awards. No Regrets is a drama in the big era, very attractive. (What about Can't Buy Me Love?) It's rather difficult to get an award depended on a comedy."

Michael praised Felix's speak of mind, is a hero that has good temper. He definitely supports his good friend. Is he planning to attend the awards ceremony? Michael said: "I don't know if I'm invited, haven't received the invitation yet. Perhaps I didn't make it in, so don't need to go."

Jessica Hsuan and Michael have been strongly supporting Felix in the last few days and working hard on promoting the series. Jessica was showing her career line during the game play with audience. She felt that Felix's firing had his reasons, but does not know if TVB invited him to attend the anniversary or not, it is more of an issue of respect. She said: "Actually I already knew about TVB's mechanism, if no promotions, then go do it ourselves. Also, I never though the series will be an anniversary series. However, I have been notified by TVB to go on Scoop for an interview. I'm currently cutting jobs, if I can handle it, I will do it, if not then I will leave. I completely understand Felix wants good for the series."

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Posted by Hex on Thursday, November 25, 2010

For the last few days, Felix Wong has been exploding about how TVB doesn't value his performance in Gun Metal Grey (GMG). The cast didn't get invited to the anniversary celebration, eventually he couldn't hold it anymore and burst at the responsible department. The TVB Anniversary producer (Wai Sai Fai) and Production Director (Ho Lai Chuen) both expressed their stance, but Felix's anger did not die down. In the end, Virgina Lok had to come out to settle it.

Virgina Lok said: "There's not much about Felix Wong, he just has a dictating personality when there is injustice. He is not angered at TVB, earlier I asked him to guest star in the Lunar New Year film I Love Hong Kong and he instantly agreed to take part in it. However, after Felix finishes losing his temper, it's over because No Regrets aired earlier than GMG, so it may feel like No Regrets is getting more promotions, but there will be more promotions for GMG later. Felix is deeply loved by TVB!"

It was said that after Felix's burst, he will still be attending the upcoming GMG promotion, but has not decided whether or not he'll attend the awards ceremony. Earlier he accepted an interview by TVB's entertainment news, and expressed that he came back this time for GMG was because of Michael Miu. He praised that there are sparks with the other cast and that he's been chasing the series every night. When watching one of the emotional scenes, he cried four times in one night. Felix's 'acting addiction' does not compare to the past, currently he's living a half-retired life and sees the awards in a calm manner.

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Posted by Hex on Tuesday, November 23, 2010
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Because Gun Metal Grey seems to be neglected at the TVB Anniversary, and the lack of promotions, the two leading male leads Felix Wong and Michael Miu express their dissatisfaction. TVB Production Department Director (Ho Lai Chuen) expressed that a meeting will be held soon to discuss how to fix the situation, he stressed that they will arrange the Gun Metal Grey cast to attend the awards ceremony in attempt to "put out the fire" and end the two Big Brother's anger.

Ho Lai Chuen attended an event yesterday, and when speaking of not inviting Felix Wong and Michael Miu to the TVB Anniversary Gala? He explained that the two failed to do the rehearsal on time, but Felix and Michael are invited to the Anniversary Awards Ceremony: "Actually Raymond Lam was able to make it back for the anniversary, but there is no reason for him to just make an appearance and have no performance. The only part that didn't need rehearsing was the satirical skit in the opening, but it's Eric Tsang who didn't dare to play them!" Michael and Felix felt that Gun Metal Grey was being neglected, Ho Lai Chuen said: "Will get a better understanding of the situation! Why would there not be enough promotions? After all, it is an anniversary series, TVB really value them!"

Although there has already been a TVB executive who came forward to explain, Felix's anger still hasn't died down yet during the interview last night. When mentioning his series being ignored, he exploded and indirectly insulted the TVB biological sons!
Reporter: What do you think of Ho Lai Chuen's explanation?

Felix: What does this have to do with him? The more explanations, the more they are trying to hide!

Reporter: TVB Anniversary producer (Wai Sai Fai) said he always has his phone on, artists can call him whenever they feel unsatisfied?

Felix: My phone is always on too! Did TVB contact me? Did they call me? But, a large TV Station has their own way of doing things, no need to explain too much! The viewers now are very smart, don't try to smother and rape the public again! It's not what show they say is good, is going to be good!

Reporter: Are you attending the TVB Anniversary Awards ceremony?

Felix: Who values their awards! It's just a game, they like to give the award to whoever they like! I don't want to be used as a chess piece by other. I have my own style, whatever I don't like, I will speak up.

Reporter: Won't shoot another series for TVB again?

Felix: When the time comes I'll decide, it is two different issues. I should worry if Gun Metal Grey will be counted in or not!

Reporter: Comments so intense, your not worried revenge will be taken later?

Felix: Worry about what? Don't let me enter TVB City then!

Wai Sai Fai: Refuse to Apologize

As Felix burst again in his comments, Ho Lai Chuen accepted another interview over the phone last night and said: "In fact, the producer also wanted big stars to attend, won't say who to promote or who to suppress. (Apologize to him?) Tomorrow, we will have a meeting to discuss how to handle the situation, will get a professional to talk with him because after all it has been a while since we collaborated and the series is getting such good ratings. I don't want us to have any misunderstandings."

As for TVB Anniversary producer (Wai Sai Fai), he expressed that the anniversary program is suppose to be happy, such situation shouldn't be happening and refuses to apologize: "Actually if he has any dissatisfaction, then should tell TVB about it and not tell the media about it!"

Tong Kei Ming: It's unfair

As for Gun Metal Grey producer (Tong Kei Ming) expressed that Felix has always been popular, but strongly supporting him is not for promotions: "He's just expressing his opinion, it is unfair, but Wai Sai Fai is being passive! (Felix said he's not going to the awards ceremony.) He's going on a transformation, detached status, and does not care about the awards, but it be more enjoyable if the game is played together. (He doesn't want to be a chess piece being used by people?) Everyone in this world is a chess piece."

Michael Miu who agreed with Felix, said TVB should take the initiative to contact him. Towards Ho Lai Chuen's explanation, he also didn't really by it: "I don't have much opinion, thank them for responding! (Attending the awards ceremony?) Decide when the time comes, I am currently working, don't worry if I'm going or not."

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Posted by Hex on Sunday, November 21, 2010
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Felix Wong, Michael Miu and Jessica Hsuan attended TVB new series [Interpol] blessing ceremony yesterday. Jessica exposed that after work, Felix stays behind in the studio helping with the clean up and to teach the newcomers, people should learn from him. The happiest thing is that when Andy Lau came into TVB city to visit the set, causing pressure for everyone. All three leads expressed that filming of this series has been quite relaxing.

Felix was once not satisfied with television productions, he said: "The work this time is pretty relaxing, there's lots of time to rest. After work, I of course go home, it's just sometimes other artistes said that they hope that I could watch them act and give them some advice." (Have you already made it clear of the work hours beforehand?) "Everyone tries their best to make arrangements. Can arrange a few artistes to shoot first and switch. Just have more communication."(Next time will he shoot more series?) "Not a high possibility, I feel trapped filming series. I mind most when the script is not fully written, so we're filming as the script is being written. It's hard for both the cast and behind the scenes crew because we are unprepared, therefore it's easiler to make a mistake."

Jessica laughed and expressed that this series is the most relaxed one she has ever done in her 10 years in the industry: "It's going very smoothly because I'm not a police officer, actually Felix has it harder because he has to teach the newcomers and sometimes after work he would stay behind to give advice. Michael also expressed that the filming process has been smooth, asked if Felix had complained to him, Michael smiled: "Friends won't complain or get angry."

Towards Andy Lau coming to visit the set, Felix said: "I personally didn't have pressure, but he just suddenly came, it was a pleasant surprise. Before Andy asked Michael one time about it, but couldn't believe he appeared the next day." How did the others react? "Nancy Wu has never been that obedient and gentle, she asked Andy using a soft voice if she could take a picture with him."

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Posted by Hex on Wednesday, December 9, 2009
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