1:6 scale 12-inch Fallschirmjägers and Germans have been done to death since Dragon started releasing their first WWII German NCO "Hans" (full review
HERE) in 1999. Most recently, there was DID 1/6 scale 12-inch Ultimate Edition World War II Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger (German Air Force Paratrooper) "Dirk Kluge" from Victory to Defeat 1942-1945 (previewed
HERE) and now Toys City has announced that they too will be releasing Stefan Hofmann, a 1:6 scale Fallschirmjäger Oberst (Ardennes, 1944)

Talk is that this head sculpt resembles British actor, Ray Stevenson who was most recently Frank Castle aka The Punisher in "Punisher: War Zone (2008)".

Interestingly, he has a rope burn scar on his neck like that of Lieutenant Aldo Raine, "Aldo the Apache" from the 2009 war film "Inglourious Basterds" written and directed by Quentin Tarantino and starring Brad Pitt as Aldo. Hot Toys will be releasing a 1:6 scale Lieutenant Aldo Raine pretty soon (preview pictures of the prototype

It looks like they started to do an Aldo Raine sculpt, but someone said it looked like Ray Stevenson so the sculptor switched gears mid-sculpt and took it the other direction. It resembles both but looks like neither. Pretty funny ;D

Toys City Fallschirmjäger Oberst, Ardennen 1944 will come with: Realistic headsculpt, T2.0B body, Brown gloved hands. His Gear: Luftwaffe peaked cap, Fallschirmjäger Oberst (FJ officer) uniform, Luftwaffe-Sumpfuster "Field Div. Smock", FJ trousers, Officer's leather belt, Brown P-38 holster leader, German FJ boots (side-laced), M38 helmet, Telescope, Goggles, Six-pocket MP40 ammunition pouch. Weapons: FG42II assault rifle, MP40 submachine gun, Walther P-38. Insignia: Paratrooper Badge, WWII German 1939 Iron Cross First Class Medal, Silver German Close Combat War Badge

Embroidered Major collar-rank and chest eagles

German FJ smock with the 'pocket' was for holding the flare pistol (not included). Carrier for the MP40 submachine gun.

Nicely painted 2nd model FG42 assault rifle

1:6 WWII German Pleather side-laced jump boots

There are enough new stuff produced for this set to justify getting it, at least not re-hashed stuff thrown together.
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