
Er worden posts getoond met het label fun


Vanochtend ging ik met haar , hier koffiedrinken, wat sowieso al erg gezellig was. Op een gegeven moment kwamen er 2 dames binnen in een prachtig kleurrijk vest, zoiets als dit: We waren er meteen helemaal weg van! De betreffende dame viste meteen een visitekaartje uit een van haar kleurrijke zakken. De vesten waren gemaakt door Astrid Heppenhuis van " Lodicha ". Astrid noemt zichzelf "recycle designer". Helemaal terecht; want ze maakt prachtige ontwerpen van gebruikte kleding! Echt de moeite waard om eens een kijkje op haar website te nemen. Helaas is Assen niet echt naast de deur, want haar Atelier lijkt me ook een feestje om eens in het echt te zien :) Ik ga maar vast sparen voor zo'n prachtig vest.... Hugs, Simone

No joke!

Berna suggested that we should show pictures of our "smallest room" on our blogs on April 1st. And that's not a joke! Berna stelde voor op haar blog om op 1 april foto's te laten zien van je kleinste kamertje. Hier is die van ons: Welkom op ons wc-tje. Dit houten hart kocht ik bij Hester . Het ontwerp van het vogelhuisquiltje heb ik afgekeken bij Jookies . (sorry...) De "rode draad" van Bent Creek, die ik vorig jaar geborduurd heb. Deze vogelhuisjes, de poes en het geurkussentje zijn allemaal van Bep . Voor de gelegenheid staat er ook een klein paas borduurtje. Tja, wc papier is nu eenmaal functioneel op het toilet... En zo'n geurtje is ook nooit weg ;) Op de stortbak nog 2 kleine borduurtjes. En stiekem nog een klein vogelhuisje aan het kraantje. (wederom van Bep ). Ik hoop dat jullie genoten hebben van de rondleiding en ik zou zeggen als je nodig moet... Kom gerust langs! Hugs, Simone


I've been tagged by Willeke ! And this is a fun one! The meaning of this is to show you my fourth photo in my fourth map on my computer. In my fourth map (Holidays) are only maps, so I took the fourth pic of the fourth map (2006) in that map. This is a picture from DS and me during a hike in Oberammergau, Germany. Such a coincidence, because we're going there again this summer! Tijmen is such a little boy in this pic! He's becoming 8 in two weeks... I have to tag 4 others to do the same thing. So Claudia , Nic , Carin and Cindy you're tagged! Hugs, Simone

Little sewing machines

When I was a little girl I got this green toy sewing machine. I completely ruined it, because I was stitching backwards all the time! Don't know why, but my mother couldn't convince me, to do it otherwise. ;) And now I saw this little blue machine on a second hand site. It was not expensive and in the neighborhood, so I bought it. I was very surprised when I picked it up this afternoon... Because it was an electrical machine! There used to be batteries on the bottom. I've tested it, but it isn't working anymore. Who cares? They look great together, displayed in my stitching room!

Personality test

Saw this on Su's blog . It's fun!

This is fun!

I saw this on Willeke's blog , and thought I should make one too ;) The Concept: a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search . b. Using only the first page, pick an image. c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into fd's mosaic maker . The Questions: 1. What is your first name? Simone 2. What is your favorite food? Pasta 3. What high school did you go to? Bonifatius 4. What is your favorite color? Burgundy 5. Who is your celebrity crush? George Clooney 6. Favorite drink? Cappuccino 7. Dream vacation? Afrika 8. Favorite dessert? Strawberry's 9. What you want to be when you grow up? Good looking 10. What do you love most in life? My son 11. One word to describe you: Creative 12. Your flickr name: uhhh? And then you get this! 1. Simone , 2. ,,,blue pasta , 3. Bonifatius-Kirche , 4. Burgundy Dragonfly , 5. George Clooney wishes he was this cute! , 6. the sweet mushroom on cappuccino , 7. Afrika secrets , 8. Endless Strawberry's , 9. day ...

This day's motto ;)

It's beautiful Spring weather today, so NO cleaning today! (I wish I could...)


What Simone Means You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong. You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know. You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated. You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want. You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way! You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life. You are soli...


68% How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

Tagged and awarded

From several of my stitching and blogging friends I received this Award: I feel honoured!!! But now comes the hard part... I have to give the Award to 10 other friends! I decided that it's impossible :) I have over 100 feeds in my blogroll, and I enjoy every one of them! You are all such an inspiration to me and more than once you make me smile :))) So, you've all been Awarded by me! Dear friend Jacqueline also decided to tag me. (Thanks a lot Jacq!). That means I have to tell seven (odd) things about myself... I find it very hard, but I'll try. 1. I'm over-organised. So everything should be on it's own place, in the right order. Therefore I also keep an administration of my stash, are my fabrics sorted by color, etc. 2. I have a crush for the primitive country style. 3. I'm collecting birdhouses. I have several of them in my garden, a few small ones in my kitchen and toilet, and I collect cross stitch charts with birdhouses. 4. I don't like pastel colors ...