Showing posts with label Transportation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Transportation. Show all posts

Saturday, August 27, 2011


  • Parking Garage
    1. On a large sheet of paper, draw a grid with numbered spaces.
    2. Collect several small (matchbox-type) cars with numbers on them. Or put a sticky dot on top of the car and write a number on the dot.
    3. Drive the numbered cars to their matching parking space with the same number.DSC04599
    4. We had so much fun designing our own “Car Town!” We drove the cars to the different shops and stops, then drove them back to their numbered parking spot. Loved it!
  • Painting Car Tracks
    1. Supply several small toy cars, a small plate of paint and a blank paper. I actually put blobs of paint on a large piece of wax paper and it seemed to work well.
    2. Let the kids dip the car’s tires in the paint.
    3. Drive the cars around the blank paper!
  • Soapy Car Wash
    1. After you’re finished painting your car tracks picture, set up a car wash station at the sink. (It’s a MUST because those cars are yucky afterwards!)
    2. Fill the sink with soapy water and give the kids a toothbrush or sponge to wash their cars.
    3. TIP: I lay a towel out on either side of the sink and have one ready for the floor. They have fun, but it always makes a wet mess!
  • Car Wash
    1. Make 3 full-page copies of an identical car clipart. You can use the one above … just click on it.
    2. Color each car differently (blue tires, green tires, red body, yellow body...)
    3. Place a transparency over a car or slide it inside a clear plastic page protector.
    4. Use a brown permanent marker to color over the car to appear as if the car were covered in mud.
    5. Start with the first car "covered in mud.”
    6. Repeat the following rhyme & remove the mud during the fifth line.
    7. Have the kids describe one thing he notices about the clean car.
One little car is in the car wash line
Covered with mud and dirt and grime,
He went in the car wash - scrub, scrub, scrub,
Splash, splash, splash & rub, rub, rub
When he came out he was clean and dry
The happy little car said "Thanks! Goodbye!”
  • Real Car Wash
    1. Go through an automatic car wash.
    2. Or fill up a bucket with soap and water and wash the car outside together!
  • Can you Guess which Car?!
    1. Display 5 toy automobiles with different attributes.
    2. With great drama, tell the kids you are thinking about a car that has four wheels & they need to guess which one it is.
    3. Help them recognize that you gave very poor clues because all the cars have four wheels.
    4. Add another attribute clue like "The car has four wheels and a yellow stripe" until the kids guess correctly.
  • Pull out your toy car collection (okay, we have a huge one) and sort the cars by color, or size, or type.

Friday, July 22, 2011


vehicles 001
  • Missing Vehicle Game
    1. Make 3 copies of a boat, car, airplane and train clipart on 3 different colors of cardstock. Cut them out.
    2. Lay the cards on the floor with all red in the first row, all yellow in the second, all blue in the third.
    3. Make sure each column has the same vehicle (all the boats in the first column, cars in the second column...).
    4. Have the kids describe what they see & guide them to notice the rows are the same color & the columns are the same picture.
    5. Have the kids cover their eyes while you remove one of the cards.
    6. Help them identify the missing card by naming the color & the picture. Try it again!
  • Vehicle Sorting
    1. Use the same vehicle cards from above & place them in a bag.
    2. Make 2 circles on the floor with yard (or use hoola hoops).
    3. Label the circles with tags that say "boats" & "not boats".
    4. Let the kids take one card from the bag & identify which circle it goes in. Continue with all the cards.
    5. Repeat by re-labeling the circles with different categories (red/not red, planes/not planes). Great for sorting skills!
vehicle7  vehicle10  vehicle9
  • Construction Vehicle Counting
    1. Make several copies of 3 different construction vehicles. Just click on the images above if you’d like to use those!
    2. Draw a simple construction background on a large sheet of paper.
    3. Place a counting key in the bottom corner. Example:
      • __ bulldozers
      • __ steamrollers
      • __ dump trucks
      • __ cement mixers
    4. Introduce the name of each vehicle, then let the kids tape them to the construction site.
    5. When all cards are attached, count the number of each vehicle and write it in the key (one of them should be zero!)
    6. Show them that there are no steamrollers and they should write 0 in the steamroller place.
  • Vehicles Rhyme Game
    1. Print out pictures of four different construction vehicles on cardstock.
    2. Cut them out and laminate for durability.
    3. Repeat the following rhyme and let the kids remove a vehicle each time...
[Four] big machines at the construction site
Worked, worked, worked with all [their] might!
The foreman called the [dump truck] away.
Then [three] big machines were left that day.
Snack Idea: Edible Excavators
    1. Cook ground beef with mild taco seasoning.
    2. Read a book about excavators & show how it uses its bucket to dig holes in the ground.
    3. Give the kids corn chip scoops (buckets) and have them scoop five loads of dirt (ground beef) into their bowl.
    4. Give them a few extra scoops to eat their dirt.

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