Showing posts with label Nursery Rhymes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nursery Rhymes. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Day Full of Nursery Rhymes!

I’m absolutely enjoying the preschool we do together once a week with friends. It was my friend, Becky’s turn last week and we had a great morning learning nursery rhymes!


  • Coloring Page … as the kids come in, have a handwriting coloring page for them to work on. There are tons to choose from here.
  • Rhyming
    1. Introduce simple rhyming words to the kids.
    2. Use the kid’s names and let them rhyme …
      • Ellie, belly, jelly
      • Gwen, ten, den, hen
    3. Don’t be too concerned if they come up with words that aren’t real words (Matt, gat, wat). I just call those silly words and still get excited that they are catching on to the rhyming sounds.

mother goose DSC06760

  • Read Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes
    1. You can use any book of nursery rhymes, but this is one of the coolest nursery rhyme book I’ve seen. It is a pop-up book. Becky got this from her Grandma. I found it on Amazon here, but it’s an older book, so it’s pretty expensive. I love it though. I’m going to be looking for a copy in every book store I go in from now on Smile
    2. As you do each of the activities below, read the nursery rhyme from your book or print the page provided.
  • Hickory Dickory Dock … click the picture above to print.
    1. Read the nursery rhyme together a few times.
    2. Read the first line again. See if the kids can pick out the rhyming word as you repeat the 2nd line (dock, clock)
    3. If you can, show the kids a real clock that “dongs.” Becky had a neat cuckoo clock that she set to 1:00 and let the kids count the dongs! They loved it.
  • Mary Had a Little Lambclick the picture above to print.
    1. Read the nursery rhyme together.
    2. Think of words that rhyme with “snow” and “go”
    3. Print out the little lamb printable from First School here.image DSC06767
    4. Glue several puffy cotton balls to the little lamb to make him “soft as snow”!image
  • Itsy Bitsy Spider … click the picture to print!
    1. Read the nursery rhyme together. Use simple hand actions as you recite it.
    2. Go outside and look for spider webs! Smile

image DSC06764

  • Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary … click picture to print
    1. Read the nursery rhyme together.
    2. How many words can the kids think of that rhyme with “grow, row…”?
    3. Go outside and enjoy the plants in your garden! We live in an area that has very mild winters. Becky has a winter garden and had herbs, radishes and lettuce for the kids to pick and taste!
    4. Or you could plant some flower or herb seeds and place them in a sunny window!


  • Sing a Song of Six Pence … snack!
    1. Read the nursery rhyme together and find the rhyming words.
    2. Enjoy a yummy warm pie for a snack. We had delicious apple pie with pumpkin ice cream. YUM!
    3. If you’re feeling ambitious, you could cut simple bird shapes from the extra pie crust dough and place them on top of the pie (four and twenty blackbirds, baked in a pie!)

Thanks Becky for a great nursery rhyme day!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Jack Be Nimble

(39) jack be nimble, jack be quick
  • Learn the nursery rhyme:
Jack Be Nimble
Jack Be Quick
Jack jump over the candlestick!
  • Jump over the candlestick!
    1. Set a small tea light or other candle (unlit, of course) on the floor.
    2. As you say the rhyme, let the kids be Jack jumping over the candlestick. My 2-year-old liked doing this over and over and over!(40) candlesticks for a snack

Snack Idea: Edible candlesticks … place a stick pretzel into a banana slice
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