Showing posts with label Islamic Fascism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islamic Fascism. Show all posts

Thursday, February 17, 2011

In Walks The Village Idiot

Inspired by: IN WALKS THE VILLAGE IDIOT, AND HIS FACE IS ALL AGLOW. He’s been up all night listening to Mohammed’s radio.

Which linked to an article about The Village Idiot.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Triumph

Niall Ferguson schools some lefties on the amateurism of the Obama foreign policy team.

Update: If the above video wasn't enough you can watch the whole thing (11 minutes) at No Quarter.

Niall Ferguson has written books. This one looks interesting:

Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power


More Niall Ferguson Books

H/T Hill Buzz

Cross Posted at Classical Values

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sexual Excesses And Drug Induced Stupors

I'll take a gang of outlaw bikers who will fight (guaranteed) over the effetes in Washington.

The above is a response to the author and commenters at: A Letter from a Fearfully Concerned Muslim.

H/T Instapundit

Cross Posted at Classical Values

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Something To Look Forward To

You know. I would really hate to see it happen but this may be a case where God needs to sort these folks out.

I think I have a slogan appropriate for the age. "Give me liberty or I'll give you death."

Update: 24 Sept. 1010, 0119z

Instapundit links to a piece by Austin Bay that touts a book by a follower of Islam, Militant Islamist Ideology.

Bay's article makes this point:
Aboul-Enein says faithful Muslims play a central role in defeating Militant Islamism, arguably the key role.

"Unlike communism," he writes, "against which free enterprise and democracy were used as ideological counterweights, Militant Islamist ideology can be opposed among the Muslim masses only by Islamic counter-argumentation. We cannot contain Militant Islamist ideology but only work to marginalize, de-popularize, and erode its influence and mass appeal by identifying it as different from Islam or even from Islamist political groups."
They had better get a move on before Wretchard's Three Conjectures comes to pass.

Cross Posted at Classical Values

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Fitna Here

You can download a copy (.avi) at Northeast Intelligence Network.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Fitna The Video

The video is about Islam vs the West. If you want to have a look at it may I suggest Classical Values. Here is a bit of text I wrote to go with the video:

There are Muslims fighting against this brand of Islam. Muslims Against Sharia, where I have posting privileges, is one. I'm Jewish and that is well known to the group. I highly recommend a visit to their site. It is a fountain of wisdom and tolerance. I note that it has taken a while but, true moderate Muslims are rising up against the haters.

HT Hot Air. Hot Air has a lively comment section on the subject. Live Leak also has an active comment section on the video.

Now if only we could get some Americans to moderate their views similarly, we might have more progress in the "can't we all get along" project.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Tough On Crime

Ilya Somin at The Volokh Conspiracy is discussing how the war on drugs impedes progress in the War On Islamic Fascism. So I ask a question:

Which is more important - using prohibition to subsidize criminals or winning the war against the fascist?

Americans repeatedly choose to subsidize criminals.

The common complaint is "too many criminals". The common answer is "raise the subsidies for the criminals" (tougher laws). We call this "tough on crime".

Cross Posted at Classical Values

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Strain

If the military is not being strained in war time you have too many men (and women) under arms. In any case Congress controls the purse and authorizes staffing levels. The Democrats have an opportunity to do it right.

Of course this war in Iraq is optional. Just as a war over the re-occupation of the Rhineland was optional for Europe in 1936. The Europeans passed up that option in favor of 1939 to '45.

I don't think they chose the right option.

Of course with history there is only one way to test a proposition like that. Me? I'd vote for smaller less expensive wars. I'd hate to see us in a situation where 50% of the GDP and 10% of the citizens were under arms.

Blog Radio

I am going to be on the radio. Blog Radio. Always On Watch has invited me and Karridine to discuss I Wanna Go Home and to talk about our give away of 1,000 Free Copies on blog radio. You can tune in here and listen live and call in at 19:00 GMT (12:00 Pacific Std. Time) or listen later at your convenience.

Cross Posted at Classical Values

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Muslims Against Sharia

I had a post up at Classical Values called So Insensitive. Nothing unusual. I do lots of posts at Classical Values. What was special was a commenter who signed himself Muslims Against Sharia. He provided a link to (what else?) Muslims Against Sharia. So let us see what they have to say about Islamo Fascism Awareness Week which has just passed.

Muslims Against Sharia congratulate David Horowitz FREEDOM CENTER and Mike Adams, Tammy Bruce, Phyllis Chesler, Ann Coulter, Nonie Darwish, Greg Davis, Stephen Gale, David Horowitz, Joe Kaufman, Michael Ledeen, Michael Medved, Alan Nathan, Cyrus Nowrasteh, Daphne Patai, Daniel Pipes, Dennis Prager, Luana Saghieh, Rick Santorum, Jonathan Schanzer, Christina Sommers, Robert Spencer, Brian Sussman, Ed Turzanski, Ibn Warraq and other speakers on the success of the Islamofascism Awareness Week.

Islamofascism (or Islamism) is the main threat facing modern civilization and ignorance about this threat is astounding. We hope that this event becomes regular and reaches every campus.

A great many Westerners do not see the clear distinction between Islam and Islamism (Islamofascism). They need to understand that the difference between Islam and Islamism (Islamofascism) is the same as the difference between Christianity and Christian Identity Movement (White Supremacy Movement).
Wow. I'm in total agreement there.

You should visit them and find out more. Good people.

Cross Posted at Classical Values

Thursday, October 25, 2007

A Sound Proposition

You start knocking over nations that support or harbor terrorists and sooner or later nations get the idea that it is not wise to support or harbor terrorists.

Seems like a sound proposition to me.

I can understand why so many Euros don't like the idea. The Euros couldn't even handle such a proposition in their own back yard.

Not to worry. Americans have a lot of experience with this sort of thing, and we are getting better at it all the time. Practice makes perfect.

Inspired by the comments to a post about Islamic Fascism Awareness Week at The Reference Frame.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Stalinists Have Won

Gateway Pundit has pictures up that show the protests against Islamic Fascism Awareness Week in Bezerkeley, California. As per usual there is a guy dressed up as a Gitmo prisoner.

Gitmo guy talked about his fascist government here in the United States. He believes we should take care of the fascist government here at home first.
Leftys used to be internationalists.

Evidently the Stalinists have overpowered the Trots.

Cross Posted at Classical Values

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Michael Totten On The Anbar Awakening

Michael Totten visited Ramadi in Anbar and reports.

“It was nothing we did,” said Marine Lieutenant Colonel Drew Crane who was visiting for the day from Fallujah. “The people here just couldn’t take it anymore.”

What he said next surprised me even more than what I was seeing.

“You know what I like most about this place?” he said.

“What’s that?” I said.

“We don’t need to wear body armor or helmets,” he said.

I was poleaxed. Without even realizing it, I had taken off my body armor and helmet. I took my gear off as casually as I do when I take it off after returning to the safety of the base after patrolling. We were not in the safety of the base and the wire. We were safe because we were in Ramadi.
It is quite long. You should read the whole thing. Lots of pictures. Happy smiling faces.

What happened? It seems like living under Islamic fascism is not as popular in practice as it is in theory.

Cross Posted at Classical Values and at The Astute Bloggers

Saturday, July 28, 2007

It Is Coming

I have a friend who reports on the defense industry. Nice Jewish boy.

He says via e-mail that it is no use wasting your time trying to convince idiots of the obvious (morally it is sound though).

He says a big war is coming. BIG war. Like Pearl Harbor it will unite us. He says it is a waste of time trying to talk to the idiots. He used to blog a lot on the subject. Now he doesn't bother. He says events are the best convincers. Why does it feel like October 1939 all over again? The period of the "Phony War".

Which reminded me of this piece by Herbert E. Meyer at the American Thinker.

For better or worse, it's part of the American character to wait until the last possible moment - even to wait a bit beyond the last possible moment - before kicking into high gear and getting the job done. It's in our genes; just think of how many times you've ground enamel off your teeth watching your own kid waste an entire weekend, only to start writing a book report at 10:30 Sunday night that, when you find it on the breakfast table Monday morning is by some miracle a minor masterpiece.

However horrific it may be, the knockout punch won't knock us out. Instead, it will shift us from playing defense back to offense - and this time we won't hold back. The president will ask Congress for a declaration of war and he, or she, will get it. We'll bring back the draft, send our troops into battle without one hand tied behind their backs by lawyers, and we won't waste time and energy pussyfooting with the United Nations. And if we've closed GITMO by this time - we'll reopen it and even double its size because we're going to pack it. All of this will take longer to organize, and cost more, than if we'd done it right in the aftermath of 9-11. That's unfortunate, but that's the way we Americans tend to do things. And when we do finally start fighting for real -- we'll win.
That would be my assessment as well. In my opinion once Bush took on Iraq and then won the 2004 election the die was cast. What ever political winds were blowing after that the die was cast.

H/T Reliapundit who got me to thinking about this subject with his reports of recent terror alerts.

Cross Posted at Classical Values and at The Astute Bloggers

Monday, July 09, 2007

Do Not Disturb Hibernating Bears

I was responding to a comment at Lalbadshah's Domain by Lalbadshah himself about how we need to "understand" the jihadis to defeat them. I don't think so.

It is like saying we must understand the Nazis to defeat them. It is the only way we can stop them. Crap. Utter crap.

Every few decades Islam gets a new savior and wars ensue. This time the savior is a return to "the old time religion", the glory days of Mohammed the conquerer and a time when what he preached in terms of civil organization was an advance.

Civilization has come a ways since the 7th century. The "jihadis" want to take us back. Equal rights for women? Not in the jihadi trick book.

Let me give the jihadis a subtle warning: Do not meddle in the affairs of Westerners. They are slow to anger but utterly ruthless when aroused. Remember who dropped the bombs in the world's first atomic war?

Read Wretchard's three conjectures:

Wretchard's Three Conjectures

Kicked often enough an even a hibernating bear will wake up.

H/T Instapundit

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Chompsky Chewed, Jihadis Booed

Here is an interesting piece at the Huffington Post by my friend Ali Eteraz explaining that Chompsky is not expressing sufficient dissent and then going through a catalog of Muslim ills.

I just read that in Kurdistan a Yezidi girl was stoned to death with bricks to her head because she loved a Sunni boy; meanwhile security forces watched and people made videos on cell phones. I just read that Egyptian hardliners hold parties where the works of jurists like Abu el Fadl - who writes about the Search for Beauty in Islam - are burnt. I just read that the Taliban "Book of Rules" contains exhortations to kill school-teachers, which is usually accomplished by disemboweling. I just talked to a police officer from a Muslim country who recalled to me instances of boys raped upon stacks of Qurans by heads of religious institutions. I spoke with small business owners in a Muslim country who are regularly extorted by their religious leaders. I just read that Hezbollah is now operating in South America (quite distant from Lebanon, no?), recruiting and drug-running like common thugs, and we have known this since 2002. I just read of "ninjabis" in Pakistan - veiled women who with sticks and rage beat brothel owners, music store owners and video store clerks. I just read of Iranian police officers who kick and beat women for daring to wear earrings. I just read that in some places (Saudi Arabia) women are being beaten so they will wear the veil; in other places women are being beaten (Mogadishu) so they will not wear the veil. I just read that in the world there are over 5,000 (reported) honor killings every year including in places as forward and progressive as Turkey, Italy and England, and in most places courts routinely fail to prosecute offenders. I just read of a German judge affirming that Muslim men are supposed to beat their wives (alternate view here). I just read of a British school where the Jewish Holocaust is no longer discussed because it hurts the feelings of the Muslim students.
Usually Ali is very sensitive to criticism of Islam see his comment on Giving Up Religious Supremacism which would lead you to a post at his blog. And yet he has a parade of Islam's dirty laundry (there is more I left out) worthy of Little Green Footballs. You know it is possible he finally gets it. Praise the Maker.

H/T Pastorious at Astute Bloggers.

Cross Posted at Classical Values

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Nancy Pelosi's Scarf

Pelosi Gets Islamic I just couldn't resist this picture. Nancy looks soooo sophisticated.

H/T Carl in Jerusalem

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Children As Decoys

Using children as decoys is not the worst part.

They killed the kids.

Canada's National Post reports Children used as decoy in Iraq bombing

WASHINGTON — A U.S. general Tuesday said Iraqi insurgents used children in a suicide attack this weekend, raising worries that the insurgency has adopted a new tactic to get through security checkpoints with bombs.

Maj. Gen. Michael Barbero, deputy director for regional operations in the Joint Staff at the Pentagon, said adults in a vehicle with two children in the backseat were allowed through a Baghdad checkpoint Sunday.

The adults then parked next to a market in the Adamiya area of Baghdad, abandoned the vehicle and detonated it with the children still inside, according to the general and another defense official.
And yet our lefty friends tell us this is another reason to leave Iraq to the tender mercies of this scum. Such humanitarianism.

Cross Posted at Classical Values

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Michael Berg Blames Bush

Michael Berg blamed Bush for the death of his son Nick. (see the video at the link).

I'm sure it had nothing to do with Nick being Jewish and American.

Gateway Pundit has lots more on the small rally. Pictures, videos, comments.

Cross Posted at The Astute Bloggers

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

We Are Fighting Gangsters

Mary Madigan formerly of Dean's World has a few things to say about our enemies.

I think we're fighting a bunch of gangsters. Why do they ('they' defined as the military and financial infrastructure of the billion dollar underground terrorist network - not Islam) hate us? Because they're greedy pigs who resent anyone who has more money, power and influence than they do, and they're willing to manipulate and kill people to get it. The fact that they're using morality and religion as their cover makes them even more vile than most who have gone before them, but that shouldn't change our focus. We can't fight gangsters with philosophy, religious outreach programs and political correctness.
Didn't they used to call the Austrian Corporal and his henchmen gangsters during WW2?

Mary has more to say in the comments at Winds of Change.

Mary is associated with Exit Zero

H/T Bill Ardolino - INDC Journal