Wilderness Of Mirrors
David Freddoso at The Examiner thinks that a story claiming that Wikileaks is a government plot is a tin foil hat theory. I'm not so sure.
Document dumps with lots of verifiable facts plus a few ringers is a standard and very old way to plant false information where it will do some good (the intel folks hope).
Is that what happened in this case? Who knows?
But in tin foil hat territory it is not.
Of course if you are working with the intel folks calling such a theory "tin foil hat" territory is a very good move.
Which just gets you into a Wilderness of Mirrors. There is a book by that name that I highly recommend:
Wilderness of Mirrors: Intrigue, Deception, and the Secrets that Destroyed Two of the Cold War's Most Important Agents
Another very good book on the subject dealing with intelligence and counter intelligence in WW2 that I can also highly recommend is:
Bodyguard of Lies
H/T Instapundit
Cross Posted at Classical Values