Showing posts with label Nancy Pelosi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nancy Pelosi. Show all posts

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Pelosi Power

Nancy Pelosi who currently has no effective power in the House of Representatives is planning on exercising her power to prevent a balanced budget.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has so far played a minor, background role in the negotiations between President Obama and congressional Republicans over raising the debt ceiling. But she sought to change all that Friday, in a private meeting with Obama to drive home her earlier pledge to oppose any deal that cuts the nation's entitlement programs.
I doubt she has the power to sustain her desires. Looming even bigger is the fact that the nation lacks the resources to sustain her desires. So far Congress has been unable to repeal the law of Supply and Demand. I predict they will do no better with gravity. Congress does have a bit of expertise in this area that is unsurpassed though. The Critters involved know how to increase friction. Very handy if you want to slow things down.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Birther Madness

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Can You Believe What He Is Doing Today?

According to this report by a supposed Washington insider, speaker Pelosi (soon to be former speaker) is sharpening her sword and is working to take Obama down.
Once again, CLOSELY watch for Pelosi news. Speaker preparing for departure from Congress, but going to burn bridges as she does so – namely all those leading to the White House. Speculation she will assist in clearing way for Congressional investigations against Obama White House in coming year. In effect, Pelosi willing to help take Obama down. Quote from within her office that came back to me as follows, “How that -expletive- idiot ever got elected is beyond me. Well let’s see how he does without me around to carry his -expletive- water.” Pelosi very unhappy receiving directive from WH to not attempt any significant legislation during lame duck session. “Leave a mess for the Republicans.” Pelosi furious over directive as it will further diminish her legacy. I don’t think the lady likes being told what to do…

Also confirmed by two other sources Clinton people have been communicating regularly with Pelosi. Something very big is up w/that.
Of course this is an anonymous source. So how much credibility you give it is up to you.

Other anonymous sources tell me that the hit on Obama will come through the Chicago Broadway Bank and Alexi Giannoulias who may be running for Chicago Mayor will be involved.

There are other hints on the breadth of the scandal.
Broadway Bank made real estate development loans to Tony Rezko, a political fundraiser and real estate developer who was later convicted of fraud and money laundering. Broadway Bank made these loans before Rezko was investigated, indicted, or convicted for any crimes.[49] Before his conviction, Rezko also received loans from other Chicago banks, including Bank of Chicago, First Bank and Trust of Illinois, GE Capital, Harris Trust and Savings, LaSalle Bank, and Manufacturers Bank.[49]

Giannoulias himself did not make the Rezko loans.[50]

Rezko defaulted on loans made by Broadway, and, in 2006 Broadway was the first bank to foreclose on one of Rezko’s delinquent loans, forcing him to declare bankruptcy.[51] Broadway Bank also refused to cover nine bad checks written by Rezko for a total of $450,000 in early 2008[52]

Giannoulias never accepted campaign contributions from Rezko.[41]

Broadway Bank also loaned money for real estate developments to Michael Giorango, who has been convicted for prostitution and bookmaking.[10] Giannoulias has stated that he was not part of the loan committee that approved the loans to Giorango.[53]
You will remember that the house that the Obamas bought was adjacent to some property Rezko owned. In fact the property used to be part of the lot Obama's house sat on before Rezko bought it.

Lots of speculation. Little real news - so far.

Me? I'm going to Google Chicago Broadway Bank when ever I wake up from sleep or a nap until the story breaks or I get tired of doing that.

Backyard Conservative has another Morning Joe video and a list of some of the Chicago Broadway Bank loans to criminals.

I'd say we have smoke. I can't wait for the fire.

Note: click on the Rezko tag on this post if you want more details about what is known. Let me add that a lot of this was known before Obama got elected. And few of the major media outlets have been interested in following this up. I wonder why?

Cross Posted at Classical Values

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Can You Guess Which Party?

From the tide is turning files.
...John Dennis. The San Francisco Republican - a frequent attendee of Tea Party events who is waging a perhaps quixotic war to unseat most-powerful San Franciscan Nancy Pelosi, to whom he has referred as a "wicked witch" - made a campaign stop Sunday at the Cow Palace, where the International Cannabis and Hemp Expo was in full swing. His campaign even altered its signage for the marijuana-appropriate occasion: instead of red, white and blue, the name John Dennis was featured next to Rastafarian red, gold and green. Instead of a star, there's a pot leaf.

The new signage caught Dennis slightly off guard: "Volunteers in my campaign came up with the idea," he said. "I didn't even know they had made the posters [until the weekend], but I think it's definitely appropriate for the venue."

Dennis spent "about an hour" at the event on Sunday. While not every attendee was a San Francisco voter, Dennis says he was met with nothing but kindness and support.

"People were very mellow," he said. "They were pleased we were picking up on this issue."

While he says he neither partakes nor promotes use of the miracle plant - "I'm not telling people to go out and smoke pot, but if you do, it's your choice and your responsibility" - the Pacific Heights resident has made his support of marijuana semi-legalization measure Proposition 19 no secret. He's attended Americans for Safe Access meetings, and endorsed Proposition 19 as early as July.
A Republican? In a high profile race? Supporting legalization? You betcha.

Here is a bit of biographical information on him.
I ask Dennis—whose campaign website describes him as "a successful businessman and entrepreneur"—what the difference is between supporting "corporatism" and being pro-business. He suddenly lights up. "That's a really great question," Dennis says, shooting me a conspiratorial look. The secret is this: He's not actually pro-business. "I'm really more pro-market. Pro-business would lend itself to a kind of corporatism…what I object to is the government picking winners and losers—getting involved in corporations and creating legislation that gives them an advantage over their competitors. "

The anti-business businessman has been forced to reconcile more than a few contradictions during his quixotic campaign. In his bid to attract voters to Pelosi's left, Dennis has attacked the speaker for not pushing hard enough to repeal anti-gay measures like Defense of Marriage Act and the military's Don't Ask Don't Tell (DADT) policy. "The government shouldn't be in the marriage business in the first place," he says.
And if you want to donate:

Defeat Pelosi

And believe it or not Mother Jones has an article on TEA Party legalizers. No surprise to those of us paying attention given that some one saw this sign at a TEA Party a while back:


Cross Posted at Classical Values

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Losing Empathy

I was stuck in a doctor's office the other day and all they had to read was woman's magazines. You know the kind. Full of pictures of waifs in bikinis plus lots of beauty and relationship angst. Except for the breast reduction surgery before and after pictures. Well any way other than the bright spots (you know - the semi naked women) - not a lot of fun. So I was interested when I came across a bit about botox injections reducing the empathy of the injected.

...after Botox treatment, the subjects took more time to read the angry and sad sentences. Although the time difference was small, it was significant, he adds.
Could this explain why Nancy Pelosi seems so out of touch with the American people? Why their anger does not register well with her? Maybe.

What ever the case about her emotions the botox sure hasn't done a lot for her looks.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Water Is A Start

H/T Yehudit on Facebook

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

20,000 vs 100

Harry Reid is having a very bad month. After 20,000 showed up in Seachlight, Nevada for the Throw The Bums (including Harry) Out Tour, Harry was only able to get 100 people to come to his rally. That is no typo. Let me spell it out. One hundred.

SEARCHLIGHT-- U.S. Sen. Harry Reid launched his re-election campaign Monday with a sentimental send-off from his hometown of Searchlight, cheered on by more than 100 close supporters.
OK. So it could have been more than 100. It could have been 102 or 103. No mention of whether pets and reporters were counted.

And thanks to Instapundit I found more bad news for Harry.
A new state poll of Nevadans out Monday from Rasmussen Reports confirms what has become increasingly clear in recent weeks: American voters are angry about numerous things and their prime targets of opportunity in 2010 are incumbents.

According to the new poll, fully 62% of Nevadans think it would be a good thing if most incumbents up for reelection across these United States lost this coming November.

An identical 62% of Nevadans also think it would be a good thing if President Obama's recently signed healthcare legislation was repealed; that figure is slightly higher than the national repeal rate.

Unfortunately for Nevada's five-term, 70-year-old senior Sen. Harry Reid, he is not only an....

... incumbent up for reelection this year, he was one of the top driving forces behind Obama's unpopular healthcare legislation. It appears he's going to need those millions from two Obama fundraisers in-state.

In an interview to be broadcast on Fox News on Monday night, Reid sounded defiant, mocking Republican Sarah Palin's speech at a recent tea party in Reid's hometown: "I was going to give a few remarks on the people who were over here a week ago Saturday, but I couldn't find it written all over my hands."

Palin had vowed to thousands of supporters: "We're sending a message to Washington. It's loud and it's clear, and in these upcoming elections we're saying that the big-government, big-debt, Obama-Pelosi-Reid spending spree is over. You're fired.
It looks to me like Harry will be retiring in Jan. '11. I hope he finds the joys of involuntary retirement as attractive as millions of other Americans do. i.e. painful as hell. But all is not gloom and doom for Harry. He has his government pension to look forward to. Which is something most Americans will be paying for until the day he dies. But I look on the bright side. It is cheaper than having him in Congress.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

An Exception

Overheard at The Anchoress:

“I take exception to those saying that Obama, Reid and Pelosi are spending like drunken sailors.

When I was a drunken sailor, I quit spending when I ran out of money.”

H/T Instapundit

Pelosi Is A Horrible Woman


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Oregon Has A Health Plan

This is the same type of "health" board that is in the Obama plan. It will help reduce medical costs at least in theory.
SPRINGFIELD, Ore. -- Barbara Wagner has one wish - for more time.

"I'm not ready, I'm not ready to die," the Springfield woman said. "I've got things I'd still like to do."

Her doctor offered hope in the new chemotherapy drug Tarceva, but the Oregon Health Plan sent her a letter telling her the cancer treatment was not approved.

Instead, the letter said, the plan would pay for comfort care, including "physician aid in dying," better known as assisted suicide.

"I told them, I said, 'Who do you guys think you are?' You know, to say that you'll pay for my dying, but you won't pay to help me possibly live longer?' " Wagner said.
Well we know pretty much who they are. A kinder gentler version of Doctor Mengle.

But our representatives in Congress know who the real National Socialists are.

President ∅ (as in your life is worth nothing to him) says all this type of misinformation must stop. And the implied or else? SEIU
PORTSMOUTH, N.H. – Hoping to blunt the momentum of critics, President Barack Obama went on the offensive in support of his health care plan Tuesday, urging the country not to listen to those who seek to "scare and mislead the American people."

"For all the scare tactics out there, what is truly scary is if we do nothing," Obama told a friendly town hall audience.
Well in Oregon they are definitely in favor of doing nothing to lower health care costs. I don't see why Obama says doing nothing is not an option. It is part of his plan.

And don't forget to report this post to in order to keep our Dear Leader ∅ informed.

Don't Tread On Me

H/T Oregon Guy in the comments at Classical Values. Oregon Guy has a real nice blog OregonGuy. He is hitting the health care issues hard. Give him a visit and have a look around.

Cross Posted at Classical Values

Friday, July 31, 2009

There Seems To Be A Slight Disagreement

The Democrats are having a health care problem. Some factions of the party are sick of each other.

Liberals, Hispanics and African-American members — Pelosi’s most loyal base of support — are feeling betrayed after House Energy and Commerce Committee
Chairman Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) reached an agreement with four of seven Blue Dogs
on his committee who had been bottling up the bill over concerns about cost.

The compromise, which still must be reconciled with competing House and Senate versions, would significantly weaken the public option favored by liberals by delinking reimbursement rates to Medicare.

“Waxman made a deal that is unacceptable,” said Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), one of about 10 progressives who met repeatedly with Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) on Wednesday.

“We signed a pledge to reject any plan that doesn’t include a robust public option, and this plan doesn’t have a robust public option,” he added.
I think "robust" is Democrat speak for "big taxpayer rip off".

I blame it all on Howard Dean's strategy to get Democrats elected in the South. He got the politicians changed all right. What he forgot to do was to change the people. A common failing of both parties. In this round it is hurting the Democrats. Eventually the worm will turn. Then the Republicans can learn (or not most likely) to deal with Party members not fully committed to the Party agenda.

I LOVE gridlock. The less the government does the better. Especially on the Federal level.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Democrats Can't Deliver

President ∅'s minions say the Democrats can't deliver on their health care bill without the help of Republicans. And the Republicans are not helping.

President Barack Obama's push to overhaul health care needs Republican votes, lawmakers from both parties say.

Democratic and GOP officials acknowledged Sunday that Obama's ambitious plan would not pass without the aid of a doubtful GOP, whose members are almost united against the White House effort.

"Look, there are not the votes for Democrats to do this just on our side of the aisle," said Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., the chairman of the budget committee.

Rep. Jim Cooper, a Tennessee Democrat and a member of the fiscally conservative "Blue Dogs," said he doubts the Democratic-controlled House could pass a proposal as it's drafted now.

"We have a long way to go," Cooper said.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, however, insisted she has the votes to move forward with the plan despite concerns among fiscally conservative fellow Democrats.

"When I take this bill to the floor, it will win. We will move forward, it will happen," said Pelosi, D-Calif.
There are 257 Democrats in the House and 218 are needed to pass a Bill. That means that if the Republicans hold firm the Democrats are a minimum of 40 votes short. That is a defection rate of a little more than 15%.

I think Pelosi needs to be floored before the American people get kicked to the floor. There is only one way to make sure this turkey gets the ax. Keep the pressure on. So keep those e-mails, faxes, and phone calls coming.

House of Representatives
The Senate

Cross Posted at Classical Values

Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Book Review For Pelosi

Doug Giles reviews a book Speaker Pelosi should read. Giles explains why Pelosi needs it.

That’s why parents and grandparents who loathe what the media and various institutions are trying to do to our boys need Miniter’s new book more than Pelosi needs Jesus and a straight jacket.
Read the whole review. It has a few more amusing quips like the one quoted.

And the book? The Ultimate Man’s Survival Guide: Recovering the Lost Art of Manhood.

Cross Posted at Classical Values

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

An Idle Moment

Reid, Obama, Pelosi, Evil. Let me spell it out for you:


Get some. You will know what to do with it.