Scrappin' Friends

Showing posts with label spinner card. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spinner card. Show all posts

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Interactive Card Blog Hop - Day 2 - **COMMENTS CLOSED**

Happy Sunday and welcome to Day 2 of the Interactive Card Blog Hop.  Thank you to Monica for organizing this hop.  If you just happened upon my blog, please be sure to start at the beginning by clicking here.  If you are coming from Monica's blog, then you are in the right place. Be sure to hop all the way through days 1 and 2.  There are some interesting projects along the way.

My featured card today is the SPINNER card.  It's really easy to create.

You will need the following items: card stock, 3D adhesive dots (round), word window punch OR a sharp Exacto type knife and ruler, pennies or chips, embellishments, and your imagination.

First, you will create your card and go ahead and decorate the inside.  Once the inside is complete, you are ready to create the spinner portion for the outside.  I tried to create a tutorial but it wasn't really working out for me SOOOOO, I have several links to tutorials that will help you create the card.  Here is the card I created for this hop as well as another card I create quite awhile ago.  Spinner cards are super simple and I'd love to see you examples. Feel free to try and then post a link in the comments so that I can see what you did.

I cut my window using my blade. I placed the penny behind the window and adhered the layer down.

Now to add the penny on top using another pop dot.  So, I used two total. I had to go back and hot glue the penny to the pop dot because the adhesive is not very strong.

Now to hot glue the butterfly to the penny. and you're done. 

 I have prepared a video and will continue to work on transferring to this post.  Right now, YouTube and Blogger are not cooperating with me.
Click HERE to link to the video.

Tutorial Links

BLOG CANDY ALERT: Now what would a hop be without candy.  For sticking with me all the way to the end, I'm going to have a small surprise pack for one person.  All I need you to do is leave a comment.  In your comment let me know if you've tried some of the cards that were included in the hop.  If so, what things were tricky and if not, WHY the heck not?  You don't have to be a follower/friend but I do like making new friends.  I have some exciting things coming up real soon.  Be sure to leave a way to get in touch with you in a cyber friendly way. Entries will close at midnight tonight.

Now, hop on over and see the totally cool napkin fold card Angie is sharing with us.  Happy scrappin'! I love you and there ain't nothing you can do about it.

Graphics by The Shabby Vanity