Scrappin' Friends

Showing posts with label Organizational Boot Camp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Organizational Boot Camp. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Organizational Boot Camp - Week 4

Ok.  This week we are tackling embellishment storage.  Here are the pictures of my current options.

I like that last week I got bins to store my items in so that they are mostly hidden away. Now opening them is a different story.  LOL!!!  I'm not sure what to do about that.  Everything is in separate bags but it's just there.  Oh well,  that's why I'm going through this process. 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Organizational Boot Camp - Week #3 After Pics

Ok...So as I said, I am trying to get it together.  After I posted the before pictures, I went and tackled my ink storage.  For now, the baby wipes container that houses my pens and distress inks is working for me.  I don't particularly care for the packaging but it serves its purpose.  My Bic Mark-It markers are in a wonderful container that sits on my desk along with my chalks.  So, no real changes here.

I did, as you'll see in the pictures, make a few changes with the ink pad storage area.  My biggest and most helpful change came when I labeled the bottom of my ink pads.  I store them upside down to help them last longer.  So, I took one of my punches and punched a shape.  Then I inked it in the matching color and adhered it to the bottom side so I don't have to turn all the pads over looking for a particular color.  I also rearranged where things were so that my paints, inks, and stamps are in close proximity to my scrap table.  Please share any suggestions.  I'd appreciate the help.

Organizational Boot Camp - Season Basket

Melanie at Scrappily Ever After gave us the idea to put together a seasonal basket that would house the items necessary to complete projects for different holidays.  This would be changed out for each holiday.  I think it's a great idea.  I know it caused me to look at my items closely.  I realized that I don't have many Valentine's Day items at all.  It's quite pitiful.  But somehow, I manage to create with what I do have and for that I am thankful.  Here is my basket.  I have paper, mini-albums, a completed digi, ribbon, and an Inkadinkado stamp set.  Well, it's a starting point.

Organizational Boot Camp Week 3 - Before Pics

Today is actually the end of week three and I haven't had much time to post my before pictures or complete the assignments.  That's at the top of my to do list today.  We're tackling ink!  In order words, how our stamps, pens, powders, etc. are stored is priority for this week.  So without further delay, here are my pics.  I feel that it's mainly under control.  I just don't like my storage options.  Oh well. 


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Takin' One for the Team

I'm going to take one for the team and bite the bullet.  I'm going to show you what my scraproom looks like.  I keep saying I want to organize it.  Every time I clean it up, I blink and it is dirty again.  I don't know what I'm doing wrong.  It's actually quite frustrating.  Do you see the tears in my eyes?

Well...over at Scrappily Ever After, she has posted an Organizational Boot Camp Challenge.  I'm going to enlist.  Yes...I'm a cadet.  I want to get it done this year everyone.  I know there is a great future ahead and I need to be prepared for my future.

Our first assignment was to post pictures of our scrap space without cleaning it up.  So without further ado, here are the pictures.  No judging please.  I don't know how much more I can take.  LOL!!!

Our next assignment was to think about what works for me and what doesn't work so well. Consider my problem areas and take time to note things that I love. Next, read back over that list and come up with a short list, maybe 3-5 objectives I have for my craft area.

What works:
1. My table that houses my Cricut.  It's very organized and keeps it out of the way.
2. I love the long folding table.  It was free and works as a great work surface when it's clean.
3. The size of my space is great too.  I have the formal dining room so it's quite open.

What doesn't work:
1. I have very few containers for hiding my supplies.  Everything is just out in the open.
2. The dining room is one of the first rooms you see when you enter the house.
3. The layout of the room doesn't make it easy to get to things so they wind up piled on the desk until I can put them up.

1. I want everything put up and labeled.
2. I want a clean and ready to work surface. I hate having to clean just to get in the scraproom.
3. I want a cohesive look to my room.  I don't like hodge podge.

Graphics by The Shabby Vanity