Scrappin' Friends

Showing posts with label Blog Hop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog Hop. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Happy Tuesday!!!  I have a few announcements that I'd like to share.  I'm excited and can't wait to share more in the upcoming days!!!

I made the Getting Cricky DT!  I'm super excited.  I love Kristal's stamps and now I get to play with them more often.

I have a few blog hop coming up and I'd love to see you.  

Anything But a Card Blogaversary Blog Hop - November 12

Guest Designer - November 16

Thankful Hearts Blog Hop - November 19

25 Days of Christmas Crafting beginning December 1

I love you and there ain't NOTHING you can do about it!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Twin's Birthday Blog Hop

Happy Saturday everyone.  I'm here today with the Twin's Birthday Blog Hop celebrating Giselle and Linette's birthdays.  Happy birthday ladies! I hope this day is filled with many blessings. Now, if you came from Jani's blog then you are on the right track but if NOT, please click HERE to start at the beginning which is Giselle's blog.  The hop is short and there are some great projects and prizes along the way.

Now, for my project, I created a birthday badge to be worn by the birthday girl.  In fact, I did a tutorial on how I made the rosette which will be posted later this week.  Video uploading has been giving me MAJOR issues lately.

Here is the badge.  I hope you like it.  I wanted to do it a little different than most badges.  My recipe is listed below the pictures.

Blog Candy ALERT:
I will be putting together a SURPRISE blog candy bag for one wonderful commenter.  The only requirements are to leave a comment telling me what you want for your next birthday and an email address.  Please use the internet safety format for your email addy.  The last requirement is to have an U.S. shipping address unless you're willing to pay shipping elsewhere.  That's it.  I don't require you to be a friend-follower although, I love friend-followers.  I've built some great relationships because of it. So, follow if you'd like.

Now hop on over to Melin's blog to see her wonderful project. 

Here's the line-up in case you get  lost.




Friday, May 6, 2011

Winners and the Goodwill Blog Hop

Happy Friday!  Here are the winners from the Bridal Tea Blog Hop and the Fruits of the Spirit Blog Hop.  I had a wonderful time creating both projects.

Bridal Tea Blog Hop ~
I would like to share my special memory though there are so many from my wedding that made that day extra special.  We didn't have a lot in the way of finances as we were young, my husband was still in college, and we were parents.  But God blessed our special day in so many ways.  I was the director of a choir at the time and the choir came and sang for the wedding with me.  My brother-in-law sang a song he wrote for the first time at the wedding.  Some of the students from the choir wrote and sang a special song in honor of my dad who had died while some special friends lite a memorial candle in his honor.  My father-in-law officiated the wedding.  He had been a minister for many years but had never been licensed to do weddings and he did so just so he could marry us.  These are just SOME of the blessings that we enjoyed.  God blowed our minds that day.  I'll never forget it!

Drumroll please....

The winner is

18 Manhattan Mandie said...

Your project is so cute! Ok, I'm gonna share something very personal now... I got married in the parking lot of an ice cream parlor in the back of a minivan. Yep... had a gorgeous ceremony but got the license in the WRONG county (ugh) so my dad drove us over the border (like 5 minutes away) to legalize our vows, LOL!

And for the Fruit of the Spirit Blog Hop...

I must share that the Lord's blessings are new every morning.  He is continually showering me with wonderful people who keep me going on a daily basis.  I've been struggling lately and have been overwhelmed with the cares of this life BUT GOD!!!!  He continually loves on me and keeps me from all harm and danger.  I can't help but think of His goodness and then immediately go into a praise because I'm just so thankful.  He truly does love me.  And just as He loves me, He loves you.  You must look around and see all that He does to show you how much He loves you.  Stop and count your blessings today!

Drumroll please....

The winner is ~

1 Celeste said...

Love your post and your project.... I am soooo blessed to have you as a wonderful friend... Huggggs


Ladies, please contact me at askscrappinsista (at) hotmail (dot) com to claim your prize.  If I don't hear from you by next Friday, May 13, I will have to pick another winner. 

Be sure to stop by tomorrow for the Goodwill Blog Hop.  I'm really excited about supporting this cause and will have a special project and prize for your enjoyment. 

Thanks for stopping by and remember I love you and there's nothing you can do about it.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Post-it Blog Hop

Join me and Crazy About Cricut's Thankful Thursday Design Team for a Post-it Blog Hop on this coming Thursday.

Here's the official annoucement~

Do you love paper that's SUPER easy to work with and cuts like butter?? Then join Jenny's amazing design team in the Post-It Blog Hop!! Each blog has created a project centered around this awsome paper. Be sure to visit each blog for inspiration and of course there will be BLOG CANDY!! Here is the lineup:

Jenny =
Cheryl =
Christel =
Erika =
Kassidy =
Sharon =

Want an extra chance to win some Post-It product? Grab the blog hop button (just save it as a picture), and put it on your blog. Leave a comment on the post HERE letting Jenny know, and she'll add an extra entry for you during the blog hop!! Please put your blog address in your comment.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Abby's 1st Blogoversary Blog Hop

Happy Saturday!  I pray that today is a wonderful day for you.  I am honored to be in Abby's 1st Blogoversary Blog Hop.  She's celebrating her first year Blogoversary.  Congrats Abby.  Love your work.
If you are coming from AMANDA, you're in the right place.  If not, please start back with ABBY which is the first stop and the last stop.  You need to make sure you end there and leave a second comment stating that you completed the hop.

For this hop, she has asked us to create a project using something from her favorite things.  Here's the list of her favorite things. 

*Basic Grey
*Peachy Keen
*My Creative Time
*Market Street
*Tim Holtz Distressing Ink
*Sakura Gelly Roll pen
*Make the Cut
* Treasure Box Designs

For my first project, I created a card.  It's based on the Peachy Keen Sketch for this week's challenge.  I used Sweet Treats to cut the cupcake and Mini-Monograms for the scalloped circle. Oh...I have an Action Wobble wobbling away on this card.  The heart was covered with Glossy Accents.  I just didn't have a chance to let it completely dry so it's cloudy right now.

Now the second project, was inspired by Brenda of Qbees Quest.  She has some great projects and one is this explosion purse.  Here is my take on her purse.  I will not tell you what I used as this is part of how you will be eligible to win my blog candy.  A little more on that later.  Here's the purse.  I couldn't add too many details because this is for someone who is probably looking at this right now saying, "Who me?"  I will add pictures and a few other things that she loves before giving it to her.

Now, since you have stayed with me this long, how about a little blog candy.  In order to win my candy, you need to try to tell me all the things from Abby's List of Favorite Things that I used in my two projects.  Just write it in your comment.  I won't post comments with the answers until after Monday when I will announce the winners of the two recent hops.  For your entry to count for today's hop, you must at least try to guess what I used.  The prize is a surprise goodie pack. 

Next you're headed to visit with JESSICA for awhile.  I'm sure you'll love her work.  Happy scrappin' and don't be a stranger!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lucky Leprechaun St. Patrick's Day Blog Hop

Top of de mornin' to ya! Welcome to the ninth stop on the hop hosted by the wonderful Nicholette of Beyond Scrapin!  This post is doing double duty because today is my design day at Crazy About Cricut and Creative Cutter Room.  For this hop, it is my pleasure to join such talented ladies for this hop.  Thank you dear! If you came from Cricut Confessions, you are in the right place.  If not, click HERE to start at the beginning and get in on all the action.  I've posted the entire hop line-up at the very bottom of this post in case you get lost.

For today's projects, yes two, I created a card and a treat box.  Now, I will not bore you with details so, if you'd like to know more about the projects, just email me at askscrappinsista (at) hotmail (dot) com and I'll respond.

CANDY: Everyone loves candy!  For today's giveaway, the winner will be able to chose any 3 single digi or cut files from Papercrafting World.  Melin is so sweet.  I love her work and she is so generous.  I also have a small SURPRISE goodie prize that I may give away to a second winner.  We'll see how it goes. Be sure to leave a comment below including a name and email addy in case you win.  Please be safe and post your email using (at) and (dot) or something similar to cut down on hacking.

Well, that's all for now.  Slide on down the rainbow and over to Martha's place.  I'm sure she'll knock your socks off!

DON'T FORGET!!!!   Click HERE to enter my follower giveaway that ends at the end of this month.  Happy Scrappin'!


Supply List:
Life's a Party cartridge
Plantin Schoolbook cartridge
white gel pen


Supply List:
Plantin Schoolbook cartridge
cardstock by Recollections
Corner Chomper
white gel pen

3.Jennifer Anderson-
6. Karel-
8. Janice
9.Scrappin Sista ***YOU ARE HERE.***
11. Tiara-
12. Laura-
13. Ann-
14. Erin-
15. Jennifer-
16. Creations with Kathryn
18. Michelle-
19. Sigrid-
20. Krista-
21. Liz Cline
22.Jessica Baker

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

We have a winner folks...and a giveaway update.

I want to thank all those who stopped by to visit me on this hop.  I am very grateful for each of you.  Your comments mean a lot to me.  I am still collecting cards for Jane if anyone would like to contribute.  Please email me at askscrappinsista (at) hotmail (dot) com for details. 

And so...the winner is...from all the way across the big ol' blue...Scrap y algo mas who said....

Please contact me at askscrappinsista (at) hotmail (dot) come to claim your prize. 

Also, as promised a while back, I will have a follower giveaway.  It will start this Friday so you don't want to miss it. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"I Have a Dream" Blog Hop WINNER

Happy Wednesday!  I have a winner from this weekend's blog hop.  First though, I'd like to thank Karel for hosting this blog hop.  When I started out, I wasn't sure what to create but I am glad I participated and I believe that I have created items that my children can cherish for the rest of their lives.  Many blessing to all the wonderful bloggers who participated and those who hopped along.  I read each and every one of the comments and appreciate them all.  I don't always have time to respond to the comments but please know that I have read them.  On that note, if ever you have a specific question about one of my creations, please, please, please send me an email to askscrappinsista(at)hotmail(dot)com and I will surely respond. 

To keep it easy on me, I just compiled all the comments.  Even if you posted on each of the posts. 

So...drum roll please.............The winner is #75 Yolunda.  She said, "This is a wonderful gift. I wish him the best... TFS." 

Thanks for you comment Yolunda.  You now have until Friday to contact me so I can arrange for you to receive your prize.  Please email me at askscrappinsista(at)hotmail(dot)com.  I will try to find you but you didn' leave a way for me to contact you. :-( 

Well lovely scrappers, have a wonderfully blessed day!


Monday, January 17, 2011

I Have a Dream Blog Hop - 3 of 3

It's late. I know.  Please forgive me.  I've been ill all weekend and this is the first time that I had to catch up and finish my last project.'s actually not finished BUT you can see where I'm going with it.

I created a recipe book for my oldest who wants to be a chef.  He has vacillated between a Robotics Engineer and chef for the longest.  He finally decided while choosing courses for high school that his plan A is the NFL, plan B Chef, and plan C is a Robotics Engineer.  That's such a wide spectrum.  So, I focused on the one thing that he's had a passion for the longest and that's cooking.

I used a tutorial by Drew Andrews, which I can't find, to create this album.  It's made of cereal box and color paper from Nana's Kitchen Collection that I won as a prize.  On the cover, I placed images that were cut using the Cricut.  I didn't want it to be too feminine because he is real big on things being just so.  I hope you enjoy the album.  He loves it and we already know some recipes that he will collect.

Thanks for stopping by.  Happy scrappin'!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I Have a Dream Blog Hop - Post 2 of 3

Happy Sunday!  Welcome to my second day of projects all centered around having dreams.  So, as I stated yesterday, my projects are focused on helping my children obtain their career dreams.  Today, I'm featuring projects that I completed for my two youngest children.  Caleb is my "Dino Expert" and Danita is my artist. 
Caleb had started creating this book and asked me to bind the pages into his "Dino Expert" field guide.  So...I don't have a Cinch or a Bind It All so I used my big Momma of a binding machine to bind his book.  I used the Birthday Cake cartridge that I got at Michael's for $9.99 to make the dinosaurs and the tracks that are on the book.  His name and the titles were cut from the Life's a Beach cartridge.  He drew the pictures and wrote the names while we were at my Mom's for Christmas.

Now Danita's project is an altered sketch book. Danita battles autism and the one thing she likes to do a lot of is draw.  She's actually a great artist and I can't wait to see where she goes with her ability.  I took a sketch book that I had and covered it with a piece of paper from the Untamed Safari collection in her favorite color.  I then simply adhered ribbon to the top and top a bow.  Then, using the Birthday Cake cartridge, I cut out a princess.  She loves princesses.  I embossed the dress using the divine swirls Cuttlebug folder and added silver Stickles.  I cut out her name using the same cartridge and added Stickles to embellish her name.  While looking for something else, I found a princess Cuttlebug die cut that I hadn't used.  It was perfect for this project so I cut and emboss a princess and added her to the cover.  I know Danita is going to love this when I give it to her.

Well, that's all.  Happy scrappin'!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I Have a Dream Blog Hop

Hey they scrappy friends!  Welcome to the "I Have Dream Blog Hop".  In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King's Birthday, we have created items that express our dreams.  The hop will be live from January 15th - 17th.  I'm honored to be among some great crafters so please be sure to hop all the way through to the end.  If you've come from Nicholette's blog then you are in the right place.  If not, please start at the beginning at Karelj's blog so that you can enjoy all the wonderful projects that have been created.

The Grand Prize Blog Candy is the Dreams Come True Cartridge, donated by an anonymous donor!! In order to be eligible to win, you need to leave a comment on each and every stop on the hop, along with a way to contact you. Karelj will choose a winner by on the 18th and announce it on her blog, as well as contacting the winner personally.

My contribution for the hop focuses on my children.  I wanted to create something that would encourage them to reach for their dreams.  My oldest son (13) wants to be a chef, my oldest daughter (9) wants to be a Dance Historian, and youngest daughter (7) is autistic and loves to draw, and my youngest son (5) wants to be a  paleontologist or as he says, A Dino Expert. 

Today, I am featuring the mini-album that I created for my Dance Historian.  I simply used a $.50 star shaped chipboard album that I purchased from Michael's for the album. Each page features a spot for pictures and or journeling.  The pages are covered with coordinating cardstock that was first glued with Elmer's Glue and then 3M Quick Dry around the edges.  I then used an Exacto knife to trim the paper.  Then using a nail file, I sanded the edges to get a smooth edge on all sides.  This really works well and I'm pleased with the results. 

For my prize, I'm offering one person who comments on this post by the 17th the chance to win their choice of either five single cut or image files from You don't have to be a fan friend BUT if you like what you see, please join me. If you want any other details on how I created this album, you can email me at askscrappinsista(at)hotmail(dot)com.

Please check back tomorrow as I am going to try to create and post my other projects if I feel better. 

So, now head on over to my bud Celeste's page.  I know she has something creative up her sleeves.  Thanks for hopping along with us this weekend.  If you get lost, I have posted the entire blog hop list at the very bottom of this post.  I hope that we have sparked your dreams and encouraged you to pursue them.


Pages 1 & 2~

~Pages 3 & 4~

~Pages 5 & 6~

~Pages 7 & 8~

~Last Page~

Karelj at One By One The Flamingos Are Stealing My Sanity
Nicolette at Beyond Scrapping
Christel at Scrappin' Sista **You are here.**
Celeste at Touched By a Butterfly
Rachel Henahan at Suburban Crafter
Stephanie at SS Crafter
Col at Col's Creative Corner
Jessica at Overjoyed Scrapper
Krista and Kori at 2 Crafty Chicks
Gina at Gina Thornton Stamping
Monique at Unique Monique

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Calendar Blog Hop WINNER

Happy Saturday!  Thanks for stopping by my blog for the blog hop.  I read all of the comments and I thank you for coming back to see my calendar.  Our hostess, Karel is so nice and she's allowed me to participate in several of her blogs.  In fact, I'm in her blog hop next month.  It will be in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  I'm so excited and can't wait to come up with something exceptional.  I hope you'll be back to see what the wonderful bloggers have in store for you.

So, my winner, selected by, is #18 Jo Ann V who said, "so excited to see what your going to share with us.  love your ideas.  thanks for sharing."  Please contact me at christel (at) majesticdesigns (dot) net by January 8.  I will let you know what your prize choice is.  Yep...I'm giving you a choice.

Well...that's all folks.  Thanks for stopping by.

Happy scrappin'!


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

**UPDATE** Calendar Blog Hop PICTURES

YEA!!! I'm finally home and settled.  Here are the pictures as promised.  We had a good trip back and when I got here, I looked at my project and found things I wanted to fix or change.  So, here is the final project in all its glory.  I did add a picture of an African-American woman that I received as a stamped image in a swap a couple of months ago.  She was colored with a combination of colored pencils and Bic Mark-it markers.  Next time, I will NOT cut all the numbers out.  It's stickers, hand written numbers, or NOTHING at all.  That was a beast.  The month-long holidays that are included on my LO on the little note behind the grapefruit (I know it doesn't really look like one.  Use your imagination PEOPLE. LOL!) are as follows: American Heart Month, American History Month, Black History Month, Children's Dental Health Month, National Cherry Month, National Grapefruit Month, and Responsible Pet-Owners' Month.

I do like how my LO turned out though.  DH said, "It's different but nice."  That's GOOD.  So, I'm happy. I hope I lived up to your expectations.  Your comments have been so sweet but I hope I didn't let you down. Enjoy!!!  I look forward to reading all your comments so keep them coming.  Happy Scrappin'!

P.S. Oh...I found out that Elmo's birthday is on the 3rd.  We love Elmo so I had to include him!


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Calendar Blog Hop COMING

Join me and many other wonderful crafters on Dec. 28, 2010 for the Calender Blog Hop....Great Blog candy and wonderful calender creations....What a great way to end the year!!!

The Grand Prize Blog Candy is a brand-new Designer’s Calendar Cartridge, donated by Karelj at One By One The Flamingos Are Stealing My Sanity. In order to be eligible to win, you need to leave a comment on each and every stop on the hop, along with a way for her to contact you. She will choose a winner by on the 31st and announce it on her blog, as well as contacting the winner personally.”

Don't forget to stop by!!!!
I have the month of February! I will have a nice 2 page layout for your enjoyment and inspiration.  I hope I will see you.  Happy Scrappin'!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I know I'm late. My apologies. WINNERS!!!

Happy Wednesday everyone!  I have been swamped and a bit overwhelmed lately.  We have a bug that seems to be going around in circles in our house. 

So...that means that I am late picking winners (that's right - winners) and I apologize.  So, instead on only one winner, I used to give me two winners.

They are #2 Carol of Carol's Place and Terrie B. of Craftee Cards.  Ladies please email me with your snail mail addy at christel (at) majesticdesigns (dot) net so that I can get your tags to you.  It will be next week before they go postal.  I have custom orders for a wedding, birthday party, thank you's, as well as a craft show to prepare for which is this weekend.  See, I'm quite busy.  It may just be the holidays but I am not usually this swamped.

I am overjoyed that you all stopped by for the hop.  I completely enjoyed reading all your comments.  I made some new friends and I hope that we can inspire each OTHER along this journey. If you ever need anything, want to ask questions, or just chit chat hit me up at christel(at)majesticdesigns(dot)net. Please come back frequently.   

Also, if all is well, starting in January, I will begin hosting swamps on my blog.  These swaps will be a little different from the swaps that you are used to in that there will be a mix of items that are being swapped. So, please be sure to follow me if you are interested as this is how I will get the word out.

Thanks for stopping by.

Happy Scrappin'!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree Blog Hop

Welcome to Christel and the Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree Blog Hop! If you've come from visiting Marianne at Paper of Fabric, you're in the right place!

If you've just happened across my blog and would like to play along with our fun hop, you can go to Totally-Stamps and start at the beginning. 

The theme of this blog hop is ROCKIN' AROUND THE CHRISTMAS TREE. Each blog has created a project. Be sure to visit each blog for inspiration and fun BOG CANDY.  If you here get lost, here are links to all the blogs to help you get back on track.

SOUP MIX - For your viewing pleasure, I have created two different projects.  The first is a gift that I will be giving to the guys on my husband's crew.  Most of them are single and I know if Mom is not around they'd at least like something homemade.  I have all the ingredients together in this handy jar for them to prepare a great pot of soup for the cold winter ahead.  I've included several pictures of each step.

Step 1 - Cut the vinyl shapes that you would like to adhere to the glass jar.

Step 2 - I choose cut that wouldn't require me to use transfer tape.  I don't have any.  I applied the vinyl to the jar in the places that I wanted an etched image. Make sure EVERY single edge on the outside AND inside are smoothed down so no cream gets under the pieces.

Step 3 - Shake your cream.  I don't know if this actually helps but I know my cream is runny when I do. Apply Etching Cream and allow to remain on jar for approximately 30 minutes.  It can stay on longer if you would like a deeper impression.  I allow my cream to stay on quite awhile; one hour if possible.

Step 4 - Wash off the cream completely and remove vinyl.  You should have only the image of what was not covered with vinyl.  It's easier to see in person.

Here's a close-up of the snowman.
Step 5 - Add ingredients to jar as directed and decorate jar top.  Be sure to attach directions for the soup written on a card to the jar.

TAGS - The next project are tags that I created.  I wanted to create a tag that was a different shape that the usual that most people receive.  I used the Forever Young cartridge and cut a base of one of the emblems at 3" out of cardstock.  Next I cut a piece of patterned DCWV paper the same size to adhere to the top of the base.  Then using another piece of different patterned paper, I cut the same base shape at 2 1/2".  I then cut a circle for the sentiment in the middle.  This was cut from the Mini-Monogram cartridge at 2 3/4" (Real Dial Size function ON).

BLOG CANDY ALERT:  I know you want to know what I'm giving away.  Well...I am giving a set of tags away.  They may be just like these or a little different. Be sure to leave a comment and have a U.S. address.   Sorry.  I am unable to ship internationally at this time.  You do not have to be a follower friend to win.  If you like what you see, please though, follow. I will select and post a winner by Monday.  It may be earlier. 

I'm planning on starting to host swaps starting in the new year.  Please be sure to be a follower to get the latest information.  Click HERE for your next stop.

Happy Scrappin'!
Graphics by The Shabby Vanity