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Retired, housewife, mother of three. Picking up the pieces after God decided the 145 year old farmhouse was no longer the house for us. Praise God for His mercy and love!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

So last Friday

So last Friday we decided to take a trip. We decided to go to Texas. They have what they call First Monday Trade Days in Canton, Texas. Hubby has been wanting to go since we first heard of the place. This weekend happened to be the time. We got there about 3PM Friday afternoon and the place is open until 6PM so we decided to go ahead and head on in.
Let me tell you, the place is huge! Their website doesn't do it justice. You will learn a little more on their faceless book page.
I don't know which gate we entered. They have several main entrances. Each of them has a cart rental for people with disabilities. Depending on which gate you enter, you should get there early or reserve one. When we ended up renting one, the place we rented ours had plenty. Someone said it's a hundred acres, or some such.

I did remember to take a couple pictures. Mostly I didn't because there were so many people.

These first two are just of buildings. We parked down the parking lot, you can tell by where I am standing when I took the pictures. I did that so if we got turned around, we could remember where we had parked! If you click them, I think they get bigger so you can see them better.

Inside the buildings are a lot of vendors. Tupperware, and Avon in addition to all sorts of home cottage industries (I think is what they are called now?) Towels, tables, food, toys, and I just can't remember all of it.
Hubby doesn't like those sorts of flea markets. I like to look at all of them. After about an hour of walking we found a cart rental. We found the outside vendor area and looked around there. There were people selling old tin from roofs, and several people who were sell actual rough cut lumber. How lumber used to be. The cypress and cedar smelled wonderful.

One vendor I asked if I could take pictures of his work, and he said please do. He also gave me one of his business cards. Pruitt Iron Works. According to his business card, he makes BBQs and Smokers. His website adds Misc.

I was quite impressed, I will tell you that.

R2D2 and the Death Star, from Star Wars (the original!), for those who may not be aware of the movie.

The one round piece below R2D2, behind the business card, I'm not sure what it was. The trees and landscape are pretty though. Especially when you remember this is all just bits of.. metal!

We stopped off at Greenwood Flea Market on the way back, on Saturday, which I of course forgot to take pictures of. It is pretty much always the same vendors, but we go anyway. Lots of antiques and collectibles, but everyday type stuff, too. No website. Just their faceless book page. Not going to link. It's easy enough to find on a google search.

And we brought rain back with us. Light rain Saturday and Sunday. Rain yesterday and today, haha. Wednesday is supposed to be our only dry day. Chance of rain the rest of the week. With any luck, we go to V. Watts. this weekend. They are an antique shop that is open every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. But the second weekend of the month, they host V.Watts Trade Day. That is when their parking lot and the lot between their antique store and their furniture store, turn into a flea market. Will try to get pictures, but there are always a lot of people, so we'll see.

Thunder getting nearer, so I will close before the rain knocks out the internet.

I hope you all have a blessed week!

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