The end of last month, I went to visit my Mom in Michigan. She turned 85 last month and I hadn't seen her in a couple years, so I was overdue for a visit.
Most of the trip was a blur of drive, sleep, drive some more; but there were a few highlights -- of which seeing my Mom was the best!
We brought about 15 pounds of frozen smelt back with us. :) No we didn't catch it. I am not one for getting up at 2 in the morning any more, and they only run once a year in Michigan that I am aware of. I would have to be in Northern Michigan in the spring to dip them out of whatever stream they were running in. Did dip netting in Alaska when we were stationed there, that was enough for me.
Now what is so great about smelt? My dad used to fish for them. They are a little fish, averaging about 3 - 4 inches, I think, though there are bigger ones also. They look like this:
Picture from Wikipedia.
They are hard to clean, being so small. (The ones we bought in the store were already cleaned!) But when you are done you use a light breading and deep fry them and eat them bones and all! Yes. Good stuff. My dad used to fish all the time and I do like to eat fish. :)
I thought I took a lot of pictures, but the camera photos tell me that I did not.
Something that struck me as unusual was this:
I can honestly say I never saw anything like it growing up.
We also went to Shipshewana, Indiana. It is an Amish community that one of my brothers always shops at. They do have a lot of nice furniture there, but we weren't looking to buy that. We went for the flea market!
It is a really big flea market (roughly 40 acres). Unlike most flea markets that are open on the weekend, this one is open on Tuesday and Wednesday May through September 26th. They also have an indoor market from October through mid December on Fridays and Saturdays. You can find out all about it on their
I walked about two-thirds of it. Hubby had a cart and went through all of it. It has something for everyone. And we found one vendor outside one gate that was more like what we like to see in a flea market. :) (I think if you click on the pictures, they get bigger.) We got there just before opening hours at 8 AM, is why so many of the vendors weren't open yet.
And when I say something for everyone?
Yes. A Trump flag.
And we have one in our living room now. ;-)
We saw a lot of these on the road.
But there were a lot of bicycles, too.
We had dinner at The Blue Gate Restaurant and Bakery. (And yes, I forgot to take pictures.) It was a two level building with restrooms on the second floor. A lot of Amish were eating there and one older gentleman got on the elevator with my husband; but didn't know how to make the elevator work.
Another highlight besides the flea market was Yoder's Meat and Cheese. They put out plenty of test cups to try the different cheeses. We ended up buying a couple types of Swiss, Butter cheese and Colby cheese. I also grabbed a package of Bacon Cheddar Brats. I should have known with that name that they would be really good; but I didn't and only bought one package. They are
really good. None of that burning or reflux associated with so many commercial brats. I wish I had bought more. They also have grass fed and grain fed meats. Definitely worth a stop if you are ever in the area. Check out their
website to learn more.
There is more to tell about our trip -- well, a little, anyway; but I think I have shared enough for now.
You all be safe and God bless.