About Me

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Retired, housewife, mother of three. Picking up the pieces after God decided the 145 year old farmhouse was no longer the house for us. Praise God for His mercy and love!
Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Just a note to let you know we're still here.

Literally and figuratively.
We're doing okay. Trying to stay cool while trying to pack and not seeming to make any headway.

Hubby got sick right before bed, then felt better. With the heat, his lunch sat in his stomach for EIGHT HOURS. He told me "You'd think with everything I drank to stay hydrated, it would have flushed it out."
But at least he felt better when we went to bed.

We'll be on the road sometime tomorrow. And probably have to come back one last time to get the last of it. Seems like with all that we've already moved, packed, given away or tossed, we've barely made a dent.
How do you collect so much stuff?

We're getting a hotel room tonight so we can pack our bed.

38 years on Friday.

60 for me today.

He jokingly told me I was officially over the hill.

I told him I was not.

But this heat and humidity certainly lets me know I am not in my 20s any more.

If you celebrate the 4th, have a safe one! (And thank you for celebrating my birthday, Haha!)

If you don't, have a safe day anyway!

I may be out of touch for as much as a week or two, if we do have to make a second trip back to get the rest of our stuff, we're going to drop this load, get a night's sleep and come back.

Just know that I think about you all and hope you all stay safe and well.

God bless us, everyone. ♥