About Me

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Retired, housewife, mother of three. Picking up the pieces after God decided the 145 year old farmhouse was no longer the house for us. Praise God for His mercy and love!
Showing posts with label God is great. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God is great. Show all posts

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Belated Happy New Year!

 If you are anywhere in the cold stormy weather, I pray you are safe and warm.

If you live in California, I pray you are safe from the fires.

For some reason, "Do You Hear What I Hear" has been on my mind a lot lately. While scanning you tube, I came across this unusual version. I hope you enjoy it.

You all be safe and God bless.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Hard to believe

 it's been a year.

Miss you, Hun. 

Thank you, Lord for taking him home to you and making him whole again.

You all be safe and God bless.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas!


You all be safe and God bless.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

For Odie

 August 2013. Wally Gator came to visit. I was mowing. He was not impressed with the tractor.

When pressed, he went around the oak tree.

Hubby decided to lasso him.

And we took him back across the street to his bayou home.

He was not thankful.. ;-)

We're glad he didn't show up for the reunion. No telling what the little kids would have thought. 

There you have it, Odie :)  Wally Gators have round noses. Crocs have pointed noses. :-D 

You all be safe and God bless.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Around the house

 The mowing "Supervisors" checking to see where all the bugs and frogs are. :)

Magnolias are blooming.

As is the Catalpa tree.

Too bad we are in the middle of farm land. We never see catalpa worms. ..

You all be safe and God bless.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

I can only Imagine

 This photo is from what I have come to call "The Before Time". Before God let the tornado take our farmhouse; but protected us.

One of my five brothers took this picture two years before hubby retired from Civil Service. We drove back and forth from NC for four years, if you will recall; before he actually decided to retire. On one trip my brother thought they could make it, too. He and his wife had come down from Michigan. It rained most of the time they were here.

But on the nice days, he and my hubby built these steps. Brother is a carpenter (well, he runs a construction company) and these steps will last long after nature takes back the house.

I still think about trying to move these steps, but too much stuff in the way now. 

You all be safe and God bless.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

48 years, 8 months, 3 weeks and 6 days

 That is what the anniversary banner at the bottom of my blog reads today.

I Praise God for every day I had with him.

No more pain now.

You all be safe and God bless.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Interesting Devotional

 From the 700 Club today.

You all be safe and God bless.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Very thankful to God, as always.


Yesterday we went in town to do a couple things and get a few groceries. I was getting Hubby’s wheelchair out of the back of the truck and it was stuck.

While I was yanking on it I lost my balance and almost fell. But God caught me! It would have been a bad fall, but instead I am very grateful for His reminder that He is always in my life.

You all be safe and God bless. :)

Monday, July 4, 2022

Where has the time gone?

 It really is hard to believe I am 70 today. I can feel it in my aches, but not in my mind. ;-)

And in two days, we celebrate our 48th Anniversary. It doesn't seem that long, until I think about how old our boys are and all that has happened over the years. Praise the Lord!

Not sure what else to say except you all be safe today and God bless.

Friday, May 13, 2022

My Mom went to Heaven today.

 No more pain. Now she is with my Dad.

You all be safe and God bless.

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Already May?

 Wow. Hard to believe.

Made some minor changes to the blog after reading another blogger's post to see if it helps with comment problems.

Of course I don't know that I'm having any and I don't know if it will help me when I am, haha. By the way, clicking on a link will open (or should open) a new window.

But Leigh, over at 5 Acres And a Dream, commented on seeing this problem before and the problem was created by imbedded comments. 

So no more comment threads to see if there is a problem that gets fixed. :)

Went to the flea market today. They were having a 50's theme. I can tell I'm getting older because it wasn't as fun as it should have been. Too many people and the "music", such as it was, was much too loud for my liking.

I even passed up having crawfish, because there was a place that was serving and selling; but the music that was already too loud was asked to be turned up louder by some of the diners. So I just made my way back to the truck. Hubby decided to call it early, too, and made it back to the truck right behind me. :)

Here is the only picture I took.

One of the covered eating areas at the Lafayette Jockey Lot Flea Market.

It was a nice day though, so there was that. :)

If I had any more to say, I have forgotten what it was so I will just say be safe and God bless you all. 

Monday, February 14, 2022

Went to the flea market last Saturday

 God gave us a gorgeous day.  We got to visit with friends and came home with three dozen farm eggs.

There was something going on at the Acadiana Speedway in Breaux Bridge when we passed in the morning;  but we were on our way to Hammond, so we didn't stop. 

Coming back home, it was obvious there was some sort of race Saturday as the place was packed!

Going by a restaurant we had thought about having lunch at, their parking lot was pretty full, too. We don't do waiting so well any more, so we didn't stop exactly, and we didn't get out; but I did take a few pictures.

You all be safe and God bless.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Still kicking

 I've been quiet, I know. Sorry. Too much stuff going on. I read a lot, but have nothing much to add.

Went to get new tires for our truck today, they almost wouldn't let us drive the truck home. Come to find out the two front rims were cracked and broke? They said something hard had been hit. How we have been driving all this time, I don't know. But they took the spare off the truck and mounted one of our new tires on that. Two more new tires on the good rims, and the best of the bad rims back on with another new tire. Two new tires came home in the back of the truck, one of the bad rims on the back seat because we needed room for hubby's wheelchair in back also.

Hubby has already ordered two more rims which should be here by the first of February.

All I can say is praise God for watching over us, as always.

Anyway, for this first post of the year, I bring you Seafood Gumbo and....

You all be safe and God bless you all.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

 I hope you all have a wonderful, blessed day. ♥

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Old and New

Said Good-bye to the "Old Buddy" this week, as middle son named it. He went to Baton Rouge with hubby to get the wheelchair lift out of our old truck. Annoying because the insurance company towed it from the impound lot here before the install company could get it out of our truck for us. Also got the XM radio out. The company here in town had a drive limit of Lafayette, unfortunately.

The insurance wanted to charge us to take it out for us and bring it to us. And their lot would not help, of course, though they did tow it out to where hubby and son could work on it.

Anyway, good-bye, "Old Buddy". You were a great truck.

So in all the searching we have done since soon after that day in September, we found a truck in Opelousas. Went to look at it a couple days ago.

It's not diesel, so it doesn't have the power Old Buddy had, but it's nine years newer and a few less miles on it.

Hubby liked it and God blessed us with it.

This will hopefully become "New Buddy." A Silverado 2500 HD. 

Only one picture because I was too lazy to put my shoes on. 
Apparently the previous owner was a doctor in Opelousas. It has a locked pin tow ball hitch that the doctor said quit working, so no key. We will have to figure out how to get that off. 

It's a long bed, so we will need to get a new cap. The front bumper is one of those winch bumpers. Hubby would prefer the original bumper, but will have to order or find one. In the meantime, we will hopefully not be able to get stuck anywhere. :)

$150 or so for a second remote for it. It doesn't have the retractable steps the old truck had; but I think once we get it lowered a bit, the steps it has will be sufficient.
The seat warmers work. Great for back pain.
It has 5 USB ports. plus the two... round things that look like cigarette lighters but aren't.
And it has a 110 plug on the console. Nice, but a strange place for it.

There was a part or two that didn't come with the lift from Baton Rouge. Hopefully the installation company can order them.
Once the VA makes up the new work order.
Our primary care doctor at the VA moved on to somewhere else, but we are hopeful it won't take long.

The tool box is slightly dented, but works. Just needs a little cleaning, like most tool boxes.

We praise God. It really is about as close as we could have gotten. What hubby really wanted, every used car lot told him would probably be impossible to find. 
And we know why. 
The diesel trucks are great trucks.

But thank you, Lord. This is a blessing.

You all be safe and God bless. :)

Monday, September 27, 2021

Friday, September 24, 2021

2006 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 HD Duramax Diesel


Front end. Head on collision. God kept him safe. PRAISE THE LORD!

And this survived, too.

You all be safe. God bless.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

A short post. With small update.

 Hubby had an accident today. I praise God that he will be okay. He was not injured critically though he did say his leg was messed up. No bones broken.

Our truck was/will be a loss. Not sure where it or his wheelchair are.

He is currently at a local emergency room to be treated. Number two son is there. After all that's happened, we don't have a vehicle that seats more than 2 people.

Except the truck.

God's will. And I praise him for watching over my hubby and keeping him safe.

You all be safe and God bless. 


31 staples. Praise God. He walked into our home using his walker.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Been a while

Not a lot to say. Getting used to the new home. Needless to say it is a bit noisier than the old, double-walled, wooden farm house.
Went to the flea market this weekend. The heat and humidity was not good, haha.
The only thing worth sharing was an impromptu "petting zoo", so to speak, at the flea market.

A piglet.

And a calf and goat.

The goat seemed to like chewing on a ribbon that was tied to the pen.

And the funny thing about the calf was whenever it wanted to be where the goat was, it would stick its nose on the goat's butt. The goat would jump and move, and the calf would move where the goat was.

The goat obviously didn't like it; but it never butted the calf back.

We came home after the flea market. Usually we go into Lafayette for shopping; but with the heat and humidity we just didn't feel like dealing with the Saturday traffic there.

I hope you are all doing well. Praying for God's mercy on the Western states, especially where the fires are. 
Praying for rain for you who need it.
Our rain has stopped for the most part, so now we have the summer heat and humidity.
You all be safe and God bless!