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Retired, housewife, mother of three. Picking up the pieces after God decided the 145 year old farmhouse was no longer the house for us. Praise God for His mercy and love!
Showing posts with label A. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Let's see if blogger will be nice

And I'll try for my first post of the new year.

I am one of those people trying to grow celery from the heel. In my red neck planter, as you may remember.
Here are some updated photos of the celery.

It hasn't grown much more than others I've seen. After I rooted it in water, I transplanted it to the 'planter'.
Since it's an experiment, I'm not too worried if it doesn't grow - but I know it needs a long growing season.

And a shot of some of the 'store' garlic bulbs.

We have been getting a lot of rain. It just starts drying, and then we get more. It's mostly rained since Christmas, if I remember right. We've had a few nice days, but the ground hasn't really dried out, so I haven't been able to get many more pecans.

We do have... daffodils? Narcissus? Paper whites? Blooming. Growing wild, like the spider lilies.

And these little purple trumpet-shaped flowers.
Oops, sorry. Let me get this finished.
The purple flowers.

And these little yellow flowers haven't been bothered by the rain and cold either.

Hubby is feeling a little better, so hopefully some things in the house will go quicker. The kitchen is a mess, so you only get a couple of pictures...

My sink.

We decided on a single bowl so we could get the deepest possible sink - and I'll probably still end up using the utility sink we're going to put in the laundry room, for the big gumbo pots and fryers.

And a close-up of the patter on our counter top. That was a disaster for another post, if I didn't tell you already.

Anyway, I think that really is it for this post. Not thinking too clearly tonight, I guess, or I wouldn't have published this prematurely.
Those of you down South here, stay dry! Those of you needing rain in some form, hope you get it!
And those of you who have seen too much rain, I hope you dry out soon!
Have a wonderful Wednesday! ♥