So. I was going to do a post and tell you what a beautiful day we had today. I was going to show you the nice mess of crappie, 1 blue gill, and one bass out of a dozen we caught; that we kept.
But instead, I will tell you about the neighbor across the street. She came over this evening and talked to hubby while I was in the pasture collecting a few pecans. I don't know if they are last year's or this year's pecans, but I was collecting them.
Anyway, came to find out that when we were robbed, they were robbed too. Someone broke into their house and their tool shed.
Looking back over my posts, it was Friday the 13th that we got here and found things had been stolen.
Anyway, turns out it was the neighbors just up the road from us that had broken in. The house on the other side of the empty field.
Apparently there were about 20 cop cars out there yesterday and the couple was arrested.
For cooking Meth in their house.
And maybe for the thefts, too.
Apparently the wife had just gotten out of prison for drug related stuff...
We were in Shreveport having a great day off, haha!
But the ignorant people label?
Someone poisoned the neighbor's golden lab. We just saw the dog yesterday morning so it happened sometime in the last 24 hours.
She doesn't think her dog will live. :o(
It may not help, but please pray for her dog.
All this got me to thinking of something that happened a little earlier when I went out to check the laundry.
A smaller blue pickup truck slowed down by the driveway. I thought it might be one of the two people I've been waiting to call or come by for various reasons.
But they didn't pull in. Just sort of off the shoulder, in the driveway. Then they drove to the empty field and pulled into that driveway and just sat there for a bit while I was taking my laundry down.
(I have my clothesline strung on my porch until we can sink posts for clotheslines.)
Not sure why this person stopped there, since the neighbor up the road has equipment there right now. They were out harvesting the corn in the back field.
After 4 or 5 minutes, the person drove off.
After what the lady across the street told my husband, it definitely left me feeling unsettled.
We have actually locked the house doors, even though we are here.
And tonight, Mr. Kimber will be sleeping with us, too, I think. Not sure about 5/7, but you never know.
I don't like people who are mean to animals. I hope God has a special place for them.
God bless you all. Have a wonderful Tuesday. ♥