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Retired, housewife, mother of three. Picking up the pieces after God decided the 145 year old farmhouse was no longer the house for us. Praise God for His mercy and love!
Showing posts with label eating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eating. Show all posts

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I was going to do dinner on the grill tonight.

And you know what that means...


We're having a thunderstorm.

Hopefully it will stop before too long. I know rain is good and I'm happy to have it. But maybe it can stop for a few hours so I can get dinner done without getting too wet. ;)

It's almost the weekend. :-)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

So what is the secret to peeling eggs?

Hard boiled eggs, I mean. If they are a pain in the behind does that mean I didn't boil them long enough? Did I let them cool too long? Should I have put vinegar in the water or something?

I swear, I am hopeless, haha.

Ugh. It's a good thing I was planning on trying my hand at making egg salad, because I certainly would have failed at anything else today.
And the egg salad is still in question, too. ;)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Beautiful weekend!

The weather has been really nice this weekend. A cool front came through. The nights have been in the 40s. We took the granddaughter fishing yesterday. For such nice weather, the fishing was not too good. But we did catch a couple.
A bass, which we let go, as we don't like bass.

And a couple bluegill/pumpkinseed - one of which we let go because it was a female getting ready to lay eggs.

We also went to Harris Teeter last night. They often have really nice naval oranges. And they did. So we got 8 nice, almost softball size oranges. And much to my surprise, they had smelt!  I fried some up with the bluegill that we kept. Yummy!

And here's a picture of just the smelt. :)

Really brought back memories of when my dad and older brother would get up really early to go up to Northern Michigan for the smelt run. I loved eating them growing up and I still love them when I can find them. I was just thinking of them last week, too! :)

Hope you've all had a really nice weekend, too.