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Retired, housewife, mother of three. Picking up the pieces after God decided the 145 year old farmhouse was no longer the house for us. Praise God for His mercy and love!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A little about last Saturday.

We went to a car show. Well, I wanted to go. Hubby didn't want to stay long. Boo. But it was for a good cause. The CENLA Food Bank. I have supported the Food Bank ever since the younger boys made heavy use of the one that opened in Havelock, NC, after we moved. When we retired, they stayed. Anyway. That is a long story that I don't remember going into and won't; other than we were proud of them and I am thankful to God for answering my prayers.

While hubby was surprisingly not into waiting for all the cars to arrive (we left barely 15 minutes or so after it started), I did get a few pictures.

I should practice taking pictures. Anyway. Ratrod, as they are called, I believe.

Some corvettes.

The red corvette in the middle had a Former POW license plate. I wasn't able to meet him and thank him for his service.

This is a weird little car called a Silvia. I know, I forgot to take a picture of the car; but trust me, the engine was the best looking thing about it!



Chevelle SS.

I didn't get a good picture of this truck, but I didn't try. It had one of those real loud engines. With what I think used to be called a Fart Pipe? It didn't run worth a plugged nickel. Well, I should correct that. The engine ran. Sort of. It would kind of go forward. It didn't back up worth a plugged nickel and kept dying. It was brought in on a trailer. 'nough said. ;-)

A member or former member of the Fire Department had a mini-Munster type car.

Now my favorite of all the cars there, was this gorgeous Chevy.

And my second favorite was that black corvette at the bottom of that first set of 5. If I hadn't gotten out of the way of that dumb truck, I would never have seen this.

I don't know who the young man was, but I thank him for his service and I hope the Good Lord comforts all who knew him.

I managed to get a quick shot of one of the El Caminos that came in as we were getting ready to leave. Hubby was already in our van with the engine running so I didn't have time for another try.

That was pretty much the highlight of our weekend. Hubby has been feeling better, so he has been doing more yard work and such. For which I am very grateful.
Oh, our tax person called also. We got a refund this year. In part because we took a loss on the sale of our house, and because the government took such a big chunk of hubby's savings plan when he cashed it out. Another time to be thankful. I was afraid we'd be paying a big chunk this year, but we were blessed.

Take care and God bless. ♥


  1. Nice cars. My eye was drawn to the first, the Rat Rod.

    When I first saw it, I thought that you'd purchased the Rat Rod and I was going to press you to allow me a ride if I was ever in town.

    I love cars like those in the show. I just do.

  2. Many years ago on my 40th birthday I bought a 1966 Ford Mustang but by time I restored it the love was gone and shortly after so was the car.

    1. Doc, we can say the same. Our love was Corvairs. In Nebraska, at the height of our love affair we had 2 with consecutive VIN numbers and a van.
      By the time I had retired and we were in NC, our last convertible (which had been left with the BIL while we were in Okinawa) had been damaged in the front end. BIL had moved from California to NC. Was towing the car and did not fasten the tow chains. It somehow came loose and went cross-country (BILs words) until the tow bar dug into the ground, pushing in the front end and stopping the car. BIL did not tell us or our insurance would have fixed it. By the time we were back in the states and he told us, the insurance would not cover it.
      Longer story shorter, we do not have it any more.
      Thanks for reading.

  3. I hadn't seen your blog before, but I'll be lurking hereabouts, from now on. :) Nice cars, too.

  4. What, no Batmobiles? What kind of self respecting car show has no Batmobile? Adam West is rolling over in his grave....what's that? Adam West isn't dead yet? Well, he WOULD be rolling over, if he were...

    1. HAHAHA! I can honestly say I have only ever seen one in a museum. :)


Thanks for stopping by. God bless. ♥