That little quote has been on my blog for a really long time.
It has served me well.
Oh, this is hard.
And it's not a decision I am making lightly.
And perhaps it won't be as permanent as it feels like it is right now.
And so maybe I'm making a bigger deal of it than it needs to be.
And maybe, even if it is permanent, it's still not that big of a deal.
But, it feels like a big me.
When I started this blog (November 2007), I was a 35 year old single girl desperately wanting to figure out her place in this world and finally ready to face some of the demons in my little head. I had just a few readers (family and super close friends) and I got used to pouring out my soul (my therapist had recently quit practicing...true story... and...well...blogging was cheaper and easier than finding a new therapist) and sharing little inspirational thoughts that would come into my mind or gospel learnings in my study or ah-ha moments in my relationships or breakthroughs when it came to my body issues (or speeding tickets and expired registrations...there have been a lot of those...but I digress).
It was a mix of everything and I loved the comfort of knowing I had a place to share my heart. My little spirit had a sense that I had corners in my life...corners I needed to run towards and not away from, corners I needed to turn, corners I needed to want again, corners I needed to trust.
Looking back at the last 5+ years, I'm amazed at, and oh so grateful for, the journey.
I was weepy the last few weeks prior to the wedding.
I had people tell me I was mourning the end of a chapter of my life coming to a close.
But, I wasn't.
I wasn't sad.
Rather, my tears came from a very tender sacred place as I reflected on a very tender and sacred part of my life.
I look back on my life, especially the last three years, and I am blown away at all that has occurred.
It truly feels sacred and holy to me in so many ways.
this little blog has basically captured all of it.
The girl who started "Just Around This Corner" feels different than the girl I am today.
I'm in a different place now.
And I'm not sure this place...this little corner of the worldwideweb... quite fits me anymore.
So, I'm going to take a little break from blogging while I soak in my new life...with him. and my new space...with him. and learn to be a mrs....with him. and totally enjoy what it means to be completely connected to another soul and start a new chapter...with him.
A really amazing and exciting new chapter.
With a really amazing him.
I love it.
I really truly love it.
This life with him.
It's better and harder and more meaningful and sweeter.
It's all I hoped it would be and some of what I couldn't have imagined.
It's a new life.
It's our life.
Perhaps I'll come back here.
Or perhaps I'll start writing somewhere else.
Or perhaps this is just the end of the blogging era.
Either way...
THANK YOU, dear friends (some whom I know well, some whom I've never met), for being a part of this journey.
There have been moments when I've felt completely alone and this little space saved me.
There have been times when I've been completely uninspired and this little blog helped me feel like I mattered.
It might sound silly to some.
But, it's true. And I'm so deeply grateful.
Grateful for this...
...for you...
...for my Mr....
...for my Father in Heaven...
And I'm grateful for me.
Or rather, the courage God helped me find to go around corners.
Especially the courage to go around this one.
God is good.
Life is good.
And there's much more good ahead.
For all of us.
If we're not connected on facebook, come find me there (and if we don't know each other, let me know you're from the blog). If you want to stay in touch generally, that's a good place.
And if you're ever at TOFW, come see me there. And I'll be blogging at from time to time too.