datestampMonday, January 17, 2011

Mile 1

(the following conversation took place this very morning. please refrain from judging the fact that it looks like I talk to myself. because, the truth is, I do.)

ME: We've got two minutes left of our warm-up. What are we going to do this morning?

Me: Well, I'm scheduled to do my distance intervals. I need to keep increasing how long I can run.

ME: Perfect. You know what we should do? We should run a mile.

Me: Um, I've never run a mile. It's my dirty little "running" secret. I'm probaby the only girl on the planet who calls herself a runner without having ever run a mile.

ME: Well, if we are running a half-marathon in June, we *probably* need to be able to run a mile.

Me: I know. I know. I just don't think I'm there yet.

ME: Warm-up is over. Start running. Treading speed.


ME: You know, we ran for 7 minutes last week so we have to at least do that.

Me: I actually totally feel like I can.

ME: Um, we just hit 10 minutes.

Me: Holy cow. I know.

ME: Um, we just hit a mile. YOU JUST RAN A MILE. Recover.

Me: [silence]

ME: What are we thinking?

Me: I want this. I'm doing this.

ME: You want to do it again?

Me: Another mile? I'm not so sure I can.

ME: No one will know but us if we can't. Might as well give it a go. Treading speed again. Go.

Me: [smiling]

ME: We're at the 1/2 mile mark. Should we finish?

Me: [smiling but silent.]

ME: HOLY MACKANOLY. We're doing this, aren't we? We're running at like regular peoples speeds. Not for just one mile but for another one mile. Only 1/4 mile left. We got this?

Me: I don't know. Maybe it's enough I just ran a mile today. That was pretty huge.

ME: No one will know if we stop except us. There's no one here to impress or cheer us on. No one will know if you maxed out before you finished. But, we'll know if you finish before you max out.


ME: Um, we just did a second mile. And there's no one even here but us to say "HOLY COW! That was amazing. You looked like a runner. You ran like a runner. WE are a runner."

Me: Amazing.

ME: Amazing.

Me: I might need to blog about it. Because it might be kind of nice if someone knew. I could use a "you are a runner" right about now. I know...I know...someday I'll be more mature. But, seriously. This was huge.


I ran two miles today, people. TWO MILES.
And I never would have known I could run two if I hadn't tried Mile 1.
I think I love Mile 1.

Sometimes what we thought was going to be the hard thing,
isn't as hard as we thought.

I guess it comes down to, at least in part, how much we want it.
And I guess I know how much I do.


Jill said...

I loved this. There is no rush like doing something that seemed so impossible. Congrats on conquering so much more than two miles! You are amazing!

Elaine said...

Wow! How great! You continue to amaze me. Sounds like you're even amazing yourself:-)

Casey Gentle said...

Laurel, YOU ARE A RUNNER!! And you're doing it for me and every other girl who has never run a mile, much less two miles. Thank you! After baby #2 comes out, I want to be like you...a runner!! I'm SOOO proud of you. Florida is cheering for Laurel, the runner!!

Kathy said...

You ARE a RUNNER!!! Way to go girl. I love that you did it and I love even more that you talked to yourself....I totally talk to myself when I run. At the end of my marathon I was talking to myself out loud...I didn't realize it until someone asked me what I said :)

Teresa said...

You are amazing. I am so proud of you. Keep up the running you CAN do it!

Isaac J said...

its good to know that i am not the only one in the fam to talk to him (or her)self =D good for you!

Laurel said...

Been away for a while with my mom visiting, but I just had to say, "Bravo, you runner!" And about that girl, not weird at all that you love her so. In fact when we were adopting, the social worker asked if I thought I could love a child that was not biologically mine and the answer was so easy. I said, "I already do." So many of my students I felt deep and sincere love for. Just like you described. So no. Not weird at all. But a huge blessing.

Anonymous said...

I've been gone doing good things, but now getting caught up on the "new you" - your new runner's life. Way to go niece!!! And the compassion you exude for all of God's children puts me to shame. You bless us all by what you do, what you say and what you write. Thank you Laurel.

Aunt Linda

Unknown said...

Run Laurel! RUN!

Anonymous said...

Way to Go, Laurel! You.Did.2! Not only are you a runner but a marathoner in training. I AM INSPIRED!

Amander said...

I love you, Laurel! You are an inspiration!

And also, I talk to myself, too :).

shari berry bo-berry said...

Laurel...just so you know, I give myself pep-talks and cheer myself on when I'm running too! It's amazing how much it really is MIND over BODY! You should be so proud of yourself and keep up the hard work! You are awesome!

Angie G said...

Hey. Way to go the "extra mile." Get it...
(Funny, eh?)

Rachelle said...

hi friend. you have inspired me. every word. every struggle. every brave step you have taken. thanks. i really needed it. i really needed YOU! you are the bestestestest ever. ever. love u!