datestampSaturday, August 21, 2010

Spread the word?

Remember this post? Well, that post is part of the "introduction" of a real live book: He Loves Us and We Love Him: You've Memorized It, Now Live It.

It's a new take on the YW Theme.
And it went to press yesterday.

I had the privilege of spending time with Sister Ardeth Kapp on this project (she even wrote the "Afterword" for the book.). On several Sunday afternoons last Spring, you could have found me in her home reading her journals from 1984-1986. It gave me a sense of all that was transpiring in the creation and "launch" of the YW theme.

That experience, along with a lifetime of experiences, pushed me to finish this project that I suppose you could say has been in the works for 25 years (this November is the 25th Anniversary of the YW Theme...did you know that?)

We priced it low so it could get into the hands of as many girls as possible.
I feel pretty passionately about the message.
I want to share it with them.
In print and in person.

And I'd love your help.

If you have a blog and would like to help this little effort, I'd love to send you a free copy of the book as soon as it comes out.

Here are the details:

1.) Do a little "shout out" for the book on your blog with a link to the "pre-order" page at by August 27th.

2.) Leave a comment here on my blog (by August 27th) telling me to go check out your blog to see your "shout out"(leave your blog address if your profile doesn't link to it).

3.) Email me at laurelDOTchristensenATgmailDOTcom with your mailing address.

4.) As soon as the books come in, I'll mail you your copy.

5.) When you receive it, read it and post a review of the book at and then recommend it if you feel like it's worth recommending.

I already have some requests to speak in places next year that would require farther travel and well...this is one way to make that possible. I'm not comfortable having anyone pay for my travel expenses to come (and besides, who needs the pressure? If I don't let them cover the costs, if it doesn't go well, I can say "ah well, you got what you paid for"...grin).

So, I'm just swallowing my insecurities and asking for your help...
to spread the word about the book.



(some quotes from the book)

"The reality is that faith isn’t about me. It’s about Him. And the Lord Jesus Christ has a pretty impeccable past record…not just in my life but in the countless lives and experiences of God’s children. That is why if my faith is really centered in HIM, then I’m always okay. Always."

"Regardless of who your parents are or how they have chosen to raise you, you have inherited qualities from your Heavenly Parents that are 'in your blood.' It's just who you are."

"Trust that God has a divine mission waiting for you and JUST for you. Trust that He, even now, is orchestrating details of your life to help you fulfill what you were sent to this earth to perform."

"The most important knowledge you will gain in this life will be the knowledge that is put into your heart and your mind through life's experience by the power of the Holy Ghost."

"Every choice has a consequence. But, the Lord loves you enough and trusts you enough to let YOU choose throughout your life. And a daughter of God who understands who she is has the power within her to make good choices and then gets to enjoy the consequences of those choices."

"One of the characteristics of God's daughters is that we have a natural inclination to nurture other people. We want to love them and serve them and help them. It's one of my favorite things about being a girl. And it's one of the things that makes a girl beautiful."

"That is the epitome of integrity--not simply acting right when you have the chance to act wrong, but acting right when you have the chance to act...right."

"The culminating experience for a daughter of God who lives the values is being as close as possible to her Father in Heaven and to her Savior as she enters the doors of God's Holy House--the temple."


Unknown said...

how cool to spend that time with Sister Kapp. I think we all felt like we were her girls, you know? She did something so amazing as our YW president, didn't she?

Glad to shout out LOUD for you, my friend! xoxo

shari berry bo-berry said...

Hey Laurel!!!! What a cool experience to work with Sister Kapp! I can't wait to read this book. As a mother of all boys I crave these kinds of girl things...and with many of my close friends serving in YW, I can't wait to pass the word along to them!

I just posted a shout-out on my blog:

:) You rock sister! And I hope my stake can get you down here to speak!!!!!!!!!!

Gwen said...

Shout out - check it out here

Love ya !

Unknown said...

Shout Out complete and done! Please see that I also linked this to my facebook where I have 1800 friends...might be a better!

How exciting!

Teresa said...

I have done my shout out and you know where to find me. Thanks! Love ya

Shauna said...

I remember exactly where I was when I heard Sister Kapp introduce the YW Theme and Values.
Her insight and direction changed to world...literally.
This project is perfect. I cant wait to have my own copy and for every YW I know to have a copy!
Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!!!

Adam and Bri said...

done and done!

love you, laurel.

Erica said...

oh you KNOW i will plugging this like a mad women! so proud of you and all your hard work!

Cheryl said...

Done. It's on my snarky mom blog.

DeAnn said...

I totally did a shout out -- to you AND Donny Osmond.

Sarah said...

I found my way here through Cheryl's snarky mom blog, which I love. I shouted-out on my blog:

And yes, I am pretty sure Eliza could be yours. I love those little Christensen kids! My two-year-old sometimes gives me a look I have seen on James's face. Love. It.

I am going to pass on a link to your post to my mother-in-law who is a YW president in her ward here in Cache Valley. I know she has some girls who would totally benefit from reading your book!

Melissa said...

I don't have a blog so I can't spread the word that way, but I will read your book and of course recommend to everyone I know. Now that I am YW president I can't get enough of the stuff available for my YW.

You're the BEST!

Julie Barfuss said...

Done! I'm excited to see the final product!! :)

Arlene said...

Shout out given...will post in the morning.
I can't really do YOU justice so sent them to your blog.
Hugs..yet again.

Anonymous said...

Laurel...this post makes me want to create a blog just to help you spread the word!!!! I don't have one though, so I'll tell my girls who do have one to blog about you and the book! Is that ok? They don't have your blog address, and I haven't felt it was my place to share it. And, I'm selfish, I like reading your blog and keeping the things you share in my heart for a while. :) sorry...I should share. I can't wait to read the book!

you are awesome. when can I buy this?
debbie macdonnell

Anonymous said...

I just left you a shout out. I can't wait to read this!

"My" young women still talk about your talk at our girls camp. Thanks for doing the challenge for them to find out for themselves that God knows them. You can see a new glow about them as they have realized that God knows them and and is aware of them.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog (I'm from the older generation), but our children do. So, I'll spread the word to them and they will do the job for you. You are unbelievably terrific!!!!!!!

Aunt Linda

Angela said...

I did it Laurel and I was so happy to! here is the link

and I am going to give the book away as a giveaway on my blog when I am done reading it! love the idea, thanks for doing this!

Julie Carol Stewart said...

"Shout out" done. Hello, I'm Bri's sis in-law. I'm excited to read your book. Congrats.

Chelsea said...

Good luck! im really excited to get and read this book!! I posted about it on my blog,!!

Britt said...

Saw this on my sister in laws blog and I think it is FABULOUS!! Here's my blog address just in case it doesn't attach:

Amander said...

I want you to know I am going to do this (cause I think you are so cool), and I will NOT let my procrastination get the best of me.

Although I'll mostly just be telling people to go read Bri's post about you, because that girl can WRITE. (And everything she said about you is so, so true.)

Turley Family said...

I shouted-out on my blog:

I can not wait to read this book! i am so excited to share it with my yw in my ward. i am the 2nd counselor in the yw in my ward. after reading your post i went back to the leaders in my yw and told them they had to check this book out and i think we should have an activity celebrating the anniversary of the yw theme and introduce this book.

you mentioned you had some requests to speak in different places, well i would like to officially invite you to come speak to our girls in the desert ridge east valley stake in mesa az. so if you ever travel out this way and could make time, we would LOVE to have you!

Doty Family said...

Oh my goodenss!! I'm super excited. I can't wait to read it. I've been in YW for the past3-years and every little bit of encouragement helps!

I've listened to you at TOFW, and your hillarious! I can't even imagine getting to see you at Girls Camp or Youth Conference. How fun would that be? Here is the link.

Steph said...

I put you on my blog! But don't send me a book, I would love to buy one. :) Love you!

Meredith said...

I hope it isn't too late. I am pumped to read the book.

my blog is

Amander said...

Okay, I did it!

Marthea said...

Laurel, You know I would totally pay a huge price for one of your books but if I could get one for free I am all for that. Actually I would love it if you would send my free copy to my 16 year old niece in Indiana. She is such a sweet girl and I know she would love it. I am so excited to buy one for myself. Love you. Marthea
her address is Katelynn Tlustek
369 Boyd Lane
Bedford, Indiana 47421

Jenn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenn said...

I am proud to share the info on your book on my blog. I loved the time I spent working with you on Time Out in Phx. Hope everything is great for you!

Mrs. Fisher said...

Laurel! I have been trying for the last 3 days to post something on my blog about your book. I am having technical difficulties (with my camera). . . Please be patient (and extend the deadline?). It will be worth it! (And hopefully generate a lot of sales!)

Laura Fisher

rachel said...

NOOO!! I missed it. Darn it all. I'll still do the shout out for ya, though... HUGS!!

Wendyburd1 said...

Good for you! Amanda seems to love it and as she adores hair free animals in clothes that means you had to write one amazing book, so yay! LOL!
I too LOVE Michael Buble, right now, Just Haven't Met You Yet is SO stuck in my head, LOVE IT!:)

Becky Rose said...

crap- it's past the 27th! I didn't read it till the 29th. But I'm doing it anyway!

Becky Rose said...

Here's my blog address:

travelady said...

I am late today is the 31st...but I will be buying this book and telling my friends about it! Hope you don't mind a stranger reading your blog from now on, it is awesome!!!